The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Yes I am it was not as you put it a rushed decision unless you completely ignore the withdrawal of well over 100k troops that took place before your false date of when the withdrawal started. Your wrong that is all there is to it. The public opinion turning against the war was what led to the 2008 agreement which led to the draw down of combat troops it did not suddenly just start in Oct 2011 no matter how much you want to pretend it did. Obviously you just want to ignore the facts so feel free to continue in your ignorance.I'm not sure why we're still arguing about this but moving 40-43k troops anywhere on short notice - bearing in mind these are combat units with vehicles and equipment - in two months is a HELL of a lot of troops. It was a big deal when Op Atlantic Resolve organized the movement of 500 troops (Op Dragoon Ride) just a few months ago.
More than the numbers I just don't know where you're going with this. Are you seriously arguing that the word "rushed" does not reasonably apply to the American withdrawal from Iraq in response to American public opinion turning anti-war? Without said public opinion I doubt Obama would be in office right now!
Yes moving 40k troops is a big operation, never said it was not, the decision had been in place for some time and all that was done was to attempt to move the final deadline for the final withdrawal not to change the entire plan which was already 75% complete.
You want to pretend the last stages of the withdrawal were the entire with drawl when in reality it represents just the last 25%. So yeah we are done no point in discussing facts with someone who wants to pretend anything prior to Oct 2011 does not exist.
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