I’ve just graduated in history but this is my teacher training year.Student loans should only be used for books and Xbox. What are you studying?
I’ve just graduated in history but this is my teacher training year.Student loans should only be used for books and Xbox. What are you studying?
Why are you so obsessed with "memes" or what people say? Are you honestly more interested in having native 4K as opposed to reconstructed 4K with a higher framerate/better visual besides pixel count?Funny enough, I have a 75 inch TV. So yeah.
I remember the memes in full flow last time. Now power doesn’t matter and blah blah.
Without saying anything about the memes or whatever discussions then (I was never even involved or interested in any of that talk), there is a significant difference between those situations. Sub-1080p resolution on large 1080p sets as was becoming the norm back then was less than desirable. On current sets, I'm not even sure how many people benefit from native 4K. You'd need to sit pretty close or have a 75" tv or something. I consider 1440p the sweet spot for PC gaming and that's while sitting pretty much with your face pressed close on a 27" monitor. Any higher is bonus and barely even worth it in my opinion. Anyway, like I said I suspect both to implement image reconstruction and be better for it. It allows devs to spend much more of the GPU budget in more important areas while keeping the framerate sufficiently high.
I’ve just graduated in history but this is my teacher training year.
Why are you so obsessed with "memes" or what people say? Are you honestly more interested in having native 4K as opposed to reconstructed 4K with a higher framerate/better visual besides pixel count?
Surprising. Thought you were one of those who would sign up for a piss easy degree just so you can get your hands on a loan.
My point is if the rumours were about Xbox then people would be laughing it up just like 900p gate.
Also your point is irrelevant considering the Xbox version of supposed multi format is native and PS5 version is using fake 4k. That’s the whole point of the rumour that the Xbox doesn’t have the same problem.
You seemed to miss this part of the rumour
I personally disagree and am more than happy with 1440p on both my pc monitor and my tv. From other threads I've already noticed you have a lower tolerance for that, which is fair enough, everyone has to decide for themselves.Most gamers sit fairly close to their TVs. I game at about a metre and a half from my 55 inch 4K tv. 1440p also looks like piss on 4K.
I personally disagree and am more than happy with 1440p on both my pc monitor and my tv. From other threads I've already noticed you have a lower tolerance for that, which is fair enough, everyone has to decide for themselves.
You didn't answer my question and you still seem to be more interested in "rumours" or what people might or might not say. Yeah I suspect there would be plenty of people talking shit if it was the other way around, but honestly who cares? People on the internet are shit. Anyway, a twitter account using terms like "fake 4K".
I personally disagree and am more than happy with 1440p on both my pc monitor and my tv. From other threads I've already noticed you have a lower tolerance for that, which is fair enough, everyone has to decide for themselves.
1080p 144+fps 24inch, the setup of gods or anyone that plays competitive shooters!
That's still four more games than the Xbox has IolXbox is more powerful though. Pretty much everyone knows that besides you.The question is how much more is it powerful.
It’s ok for you all the four games you play should run fine on any console.
To be fair, I do. I went out and bought an xbox x just to play CoD at higher resolution than 1440p. Also, left Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us 2 due to 1440p resolution. I’ve never actually played on a 1440p native monitor but to me, 1440p doesn’t upscale well to 4K. fecking 1st world problems eh? Remember marvelling at ps2 graphics like it was yesterday.
That's still four more games than the Xbox has Iol
And power? The only flop that matters will be the Series X sales figures
Why do they call it Xbox Series X? Because you turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away IoloIoloIol
You didn't answer my question and you still seem to be more interested in "rumours" or what people might or might not say. Yeah I suspect there would be plenty of people talking shit if it was the other way around, but honestly who cares? People on the internet are shit. Anyway, a twitter account using terms like "fake 4K".
I personally disagree and am more than happy with 1440p on both my pc monitor and my tv. From other threads I've already noticed you have a lower tolerance for that, which is fair enough, everyone has to decide for themselves.
That's still four more games than the Xbox has Iol
And power? The only flop that matters will be the Series X sales figures
Why do they call it Xbox Series X? Because you turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away IoloIoloIol
Yeah because you’re getting a decent ppi on 24 inch monitor that runs 144mhz and has some sort of antialiasing solution. Looks a hell of a lot worse when you’re playing 1080p @ 60fps on a 4K tv with all the jaggies.
Speaking of PS2, did you ever play TimeSplitters? Because if ever a game needed remaking it’s that.
I'd much prefer consoles got over the 30 fps crap then resolution its disgusting jumping from one game as high as 240 down to 30.
Speaking of PS2, did you ever play TimeSplitters? Because if ever a game needed remaking it’s that.
The bit in bold is a bit ironic, since it was you being dismissive about the idea that there might be others who genuinely don't care about native 4k and would only be saying it "because it's PS5". I'm not putting my own opinion above others, I was offering another point of view. You didn't ask for it but I offered it anyway, because we're on a forum and that's what it's for. But thanks for letting me know you didn't care for my opinion anyway.Well the rumours are what are we discussing. That’s how fake 4k was brought up. Xbox doesn’t have the same problems, PS5 does according to them. That’s the point of the discussion. Not you being dismissive about native 4k because I don’t really care for your opinion on that. If I wanted it, I would have asked.
Just because you are happy with being Mr 2160p doesn’t mean everyone else is. I play on a lower resolution on PC or consoles for multiplayer games on a 1080p monitor for better frame rate and low input lag. But for single player games, I want a 4K experience and I have the 75 inch TV which you said was required to get the most out of it.
Both, because it was possible to do so. Not sure what console I played The Last of Us, Uncharted, LBP, inFamous, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank and so forth on but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the one that had a 16% failure rate.What console did you play mass effect 1 and 2 on?
Both, because it was possible to do so. Not sure what console I played The Last of Us, Uncharted, LBP, inFamous, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank and so forth on but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the one that had a 16% failure rate.
Oh really? The new new one must be close to release now.Oh @VeevaVee i tried looking for an update on my Xbox it’s up to date and the UI still looks fecking gash.
At least Modern Warfare looks nice and crisp. Can’t say the same for PS4 pro mind.
Ah, sorry. I wasn't able to check the internet because my Xbox RROD'd.16% ? that’s being generous.
Im not sure what’s going on. I’ve got lots of little square tabs at the front. Certainly not like in that screenshot which looked a lot more palatable.Oh really? The new new one must be close to release now.
Both, because it was possible to do so. Not sure what console I played The Last of Us, Uncharted, LBP, inFamous, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank and so forth on but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the one that had a 16% failure rate.
The bit in bold is a bit ironic, since it was you being dismissive about the idea that there might be others who genuinely don't care about native 4k and would only be saying it "because it's PS5". I'm not putting my own opinion above others, I was offering another point of view. You didn't ask for it but I offered it anyway, because we're on a forum and that's what it's for. But thanks for letting me know you didn't care for my opinion anyway.
You seem to insist on calling it a problem, but I (and many others who have a much more qualified opinion than myself, such as Digital Foundry) can guarantee you that Series X will have this same "problem" on many, many titles. Image reconstruction is a feature, not a problem.
Edit: why are you calling me "Mr 2160p" by the way?
Some sort of reconstruction technique will be used for 4K @ 120hz for Halo. That’s a certainty. No way Xbox series X’s gpu (which will mostly likely be a card below Big Navi) will be able to handle 120hz at 4K resolution.
Really not fecked with all the console war, find it so surprising people are so bothered if others have like their console of choice or a different one.
I've been xbox since 360 but had the PS 1,2 & 3.
Been toying with switching back to PS this gen purely due to exclusives as I've missed out on quite a few of the best exclusives of this gen.
You played on the Xbox. Thank you pigeon for confirming. I knew there was some good in you.
We were discussing a rumour before you came in being dismissive of native 4k. Remember it’s a rumour, it might not even be true. But currently rumours are what this threads are based on considering there is nothing concrete out there on any of the consoles.
Series x might have this problem or not. But I’m discussing this rumour where it states that the PS5 has trouble with 4k where as the Xbox doesn’t. That’s the problem. Digital foundry wouldn’t comment on any of this until they get their hands on both consoles.
Halo single player is 4k 60fps. Multiplayer will be something like 1080p and 120fps. Definitely not 4k.
Really not fecked with all the console war, find it so surprising people are so bothered if others have like their console of choice or a different one.
I've been xbox since 360 but had the PS 1,2 & 3.
Been toying with switching back to PS this gen purely due to exclusives as I've missed out on quite a few of the best exclusives of this gen.
Yeah but you won’t have as much POWER
You played on the Xbox. Thank you pigeon for confirming. I knew there was some good in you.
There will be multiplatform titles where Series X will be able to hold a steady 60 fps at 4k and the PS5 won't, that's a given considering the power difference. But equally, there will be loads of titles where both will struggle to get 60fps at native 4k and once we get past the cross-gen period, I suspect it will be nearly all games, since even a 2080 Ti struggles with 4k60 on the higher settings in the best looking titles. That's not me being dismissive about native 4k, that's me being realistic about the situation and saying that going for a reconstructed 4k (which can be very impressive and virtually indistinguishable from native in some cases) is the best compromise. And you will still get the full benefit of seeing such games in action on your 75" 4k tv, even though it's not native.We were discussing a rumour before you came in being dismissive of native 4k. Remember it’s a rumour, it might not even be true. But currently rumours are what this threads are based on considering there is nothing concrete out there on any of the consoles.
Series x might have this problem or not. But I’m discussing this rumour where it states that the PS5 has trouble with 4k where as the Xbox doesn’t. That’s the problem. Digital foundry wouldn’t comment on any of this until they get their hands on both consoles.
how dare you assume there's any goodness in me whatsoever, mate.
Felt like 50/50 failure rate at the time. In fact out of 4 XB360s only one has survived... Feck knows where it is now though.pretty sure it wasn't the one that had a 16% failure rate.
There will be multiplatform titles where Series X will be able to hold a steady 60 fps at 4k and the PS5 won't, that's a given considering the power difference. But equally, there will be loads of titles where both will struggle to get 60fps at native 4k and once we get past the cross-gen period, I suspect it will be nearly all games, since even a 2080 Ti struggles with 4k60 on the higher settings in the best looking titles. That's not me being dismissive about native 4k, that's me being realistic about the situation and saying that going for a reconstructed 4k (which can be very impressive and virtually indistinguishable from native in some cases) is the best compromise. And you will still get the full benefit of seeing such games in action on your 75" 4k tv, even though it's not native.
Then go and stick your overpriced Elite controller where the sun doesn't shine xLet’s get one thing straight, we are not mates, mate.
I agree with you that once, we get past the cross gen games, we’d see more and more 4k 30fps. Even the cyberpunk next gen upgrade, I can see that being 30fps despite being a cross gen game. What are you buying that on @MaxiPaxi? You should play it on the original Xbox one or PS4 rather than the 3080. I said it the other day that 4k 60fps on both consoles will be tough especially if the games are true next gen games. I was just discussing why PS5 only has the problem and not Xbox.
We will probably get pro consoles mid gen again. Easy cash grab and I am thankful we got the pro or x as the normal consoles run like shit.
Also with how PS4 is selling and Sony having a state of play about it plus the cost of developing, potential high cost of both consoles, Covid and MS releasing some lower model, I suspect cross gen will be happening for a while considering if you go next gen only as a developer you are missing out on potentially 100m people. As I don’t see many people rushing out to upgrade like they did with the PS4.