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So I'm guessing if I put it on the box, even if it is laying horizontally instead of vertically it will be fine??
I disagree because the yellow light does not indicate that there is a thermal problem with the Cell, it could be anything from a BD drive fault to a power supply fault to RSX popping out of its solder. Who are these experts? Companies that will basically shaft you over to clean the inside of your console for you?
I left mine on running GT5 for two weeks in the middle of summer without the aircon on, and you can find the thread where I did that.
Yes. You shouldn't stand the slim up without a stand in any case. Don't worry about the cooling of the PS3, the fan in there is larger than your hand. Just keep it dust free, on a flat solid surface with plenty of room to breathe and it will be fine.
How come that company that was featured on Watchdog manages to fix over 90% by sticking them in a microwave for 20 mins?
What's wrong with it then? Power supply?
This is the problem, it could be anything. Cell or RSX could have fried internally, the power supply could be behaving erratically. One of my desktop computers kept resetting itself, and that was a dodgy power supply. Another one kept freezing for some strange reason, and stopped after I removed the battery from the motherboard. It would be nice I think that when Sony do fix these things, they would provide you a note with exactly what was wrong with it.