Seems to be the place to go for PS3 help at the cafe
So on Saturday my PS3 started playing up during FIFA10 with some funny looking blocky graphics appearing now and again! This started off slightly and got worse the more I played. I left the PS3 to cool, thinking it could be over heating with the added warmth we've had, come Sunday I booted it back up to give it another go, worked fine - until the second game in the problem started again, this time slightly worse! This reminded me of my first PS3 error a while back which resulted with me performing a complete system restore on it and losing all my saves. Worried, I got out of it straight away but managed to shut down the system in the process!
After preparing my backup device for the worst, I've booted up the PS3 to find it stalling once it reached the XMB screen, and with each other attempt it stalled quicker! The funny thing is the system seems to be running still as the audio can still be heard and when I move the controller the XMB noises are still being made, so it's a video fault.
I've tried the options 'Restore Default Settings', 'Restore File System' and 'System Update' on the "Safe Mode" PS3 section to no prevail. My last option was the 'Rebuild Database' but was worried about doing this in case of saved games being deleted, but after reading on the Sony site it seems they won't be so I may give that a whirl.
But all in all I don't want to perform a system restore and lose everything, so I've looked into getting it repaired, a company near mine will do it for £40 and can hopefully salvage my saves - but are there any other options I could try before I take it in to them??