Television Prison Break Revival (don't open if you've not seen it before)

It was funny seeing Sucre welcomed back with a punch to the face :lol:

The biggest suspension of disbelief is Lincoln figuring things out. Such an oaf.
Loved the first 3 seasons, never finished the 4th, quite enjoyed the first episode back, looking forward to more.
Just caught episode 1 of the new series. Enjoyed it.

Hope it's a return to form. Binged all the prior series for the first time last year and enjoyed it even if it did get a bit too clever / stupid for its own good and tailed off a bit.
"I want to order a pizza." :lol:

Okayish episode but it doesn't feel too much like Prison Break to me for now.
1st episode was okay. Acting is a bit meh and cheesy but I'll keep on watching it.

That car crash scene where Linc flies through the windshield and ends up without a single scar. :lol:
Happy this is back. Im still trying to pretend s4 didnt happen (dont have to pretend s3 didnt happen cos it had no bearing on anything with any characters... at all)

I like the way its gone for the 2 episodes. Michael taking a beating to get some meds is very PB Scofield stuff. Enjoyed it.
Wtf did just happen at the end, I wasn't expecting that :wenger:

I suspected that Michael was in the prison to help escape someone but that really came as a surprise
He's 'officially dead'. He may not want to expose his true identity in front of anyone. He knows he'll be able to talk when his brother comes in to save him

At least that's what I thought anyways.

Anyways, it's terrible having to wait a week for new episodes when I watched the whole season 1-4 in two days
Yeah, I've only watched the first episode but

he clearly went to a whole lot of effort to get rid of all traces of Michael Scofield from the internet and everyday life. He isn't just going to give up his Kaniel Outis identity within a few minutes of seeing his brother.
Yeah, I've only watched the first episode but

he clearly went to a whole lot of effort to get rid of all traces of Michael Scofield from the internet and everyday life. He isn't just going to give up his Kaniel Outis identity within a few minutes of seeing his brother.
Thing i don't get about that twist at the end is ISIL are converging on the city so breaking him out seems pretty pointless, as it seems that's top of their agenda anyway. Going to hazard a guess that he might not actually be a prominent terrorist or they might be trying to kill him.(the terrorist guy i mean)
Been crap so far, chosing Yemen has been an idiotic idea, trying to simplify the conflict into "Government vs ISIL" is a poor attempt and not even accurate, when has ISIL ever lay siege to Sana'a?
Sara is already annoying the shit out of me and Lincoln hasn't improved either, needs more t-bag.
Are you saying I'm wrong or that accuracy shouldn't matter that much when it comes to cinema? I get that but its still cheap writing in my opinion.
I think that this show requires quite a large suspension of disbelief. The 'government vs ISIL' conflict is far from the least believable aspect of its run :lol: best to switch off from the bigger picture and just enjoy Michael constantly wearing his thinking face while stroking his chin.
Are you saying I'm wrong or that accuracy shouldn't matter that much when it comes to cinema? I get that but its still cheap writing in my opinion.

Its more the latter. But moreso that theres more outlandish stuff in shows like this or they have more a creative freedom to suit a story (if it was going for a documentary feel or based on true events feel, then yeah, id somewhat understand that criticism).
I think that this show requires quite a large suspension of disbelief. The 'government vs ISIL' conflict is far from the least believable aspect of its run :lol: best to switch off from the bigger picture and just enjoy Michael constantly wearing his thinking face while stroking his chin.
"Ordering a pizza" was delivered in brilliant style in episode 2.
What do we make of episode 2? Not really feeling it so far.
Watched eps 1 and 2 last night.

did sucre go for a coffee at the airport and miss the flight? I wasn't expecting much, i wasn't disappointed.
3 episodes in. Its been... decent.

Biggest issue is the subplot with Sara. Didnt quite get her motive behind luring the agents and then to wait so shes spotted so she could run from them.

The new characters havent really been fleshed out. At the end of this episode, I was like, who are all these people tring to escape with Michael? lol
So when Michael ordered a pizza with that rose in it for his lad, the handwriting was the same inside the rose, as the original letter to Lincoln with OGYGIA written in code...but he's been missing for about 5 years, so how did he write and fold the rose to give to his son?
So when Michael ordered a pizza with that rose in it for his lad, the handwriting was the same inside the rose, as the original letter to Lincoln with OGYGIA written in code...but he's been missing for about 5 years, so how did he write and fold the rose to give to his son?
I just presumed the pizza delivery guy/ girl did it all, but come to think of it that sounds farfetched that the delivery person would do origami for a delivery. And also the delivery person couldn't have sent the letter to Lincoln, guess they thought it would come across looking clever on Michaels behalf without thinking of the logistics of it all.
I just presumed the pizza delivery guy/ girl did it all, but come to think of it that sounds farfetched that the delivery person would do origami for a delivery. And also the delivery person couldn't have sent the letter to Lincoln, guess they thought it would come across looking clever on Michaels behalf without thinking of the logistics of it all.
Michael could have given the pizza person instructions on how to do origami along with extra money. However, the handwriting I cannot explain.
Sarah is still pissing me off. This actress plays the absolute garbage characters in everything :mad:

The show needs Mahone as it feels silly watching Linc figure things out :lol:
I'm about 20 mins into the first episode of the revival, curiosity got the better of me.

My god it's shit :lol:
T-Bag is the best. His little celebration after punching Kellerman cracked me up.
It's utterly ridiculous and unbelievable and silly but it's still fun to watch. Still probably got the nostalgia factor going for it probably.
Best episode of the new season so far imo.
It had everything that made old PB good, high intensity, high stakes, a twist or two, etc.

Also less Sarah probably helped. Kellerman and TBag face off was brilliant. As was Tbag calling 911 :lol:

Also got some nice character moments for Michaels new crew which was nice too.
It defo feels much better now as a season. Quite enjoying it.

The villains however feel to cartoony. That cyclops dude makes me laugh.
I agree! Last episode was also pretty good - too little T-Bag though.