Premier League Not So Festive Season

Maitland Niles has looked good going forward at times.
Criminal giving away a penalty right on half time.

Arsenal still have tiny chance of getting back in at 3-1, not now.
Salah is so good at that move where he gets in front of the opponent and just stops running. What's the defender supposed to do?
Them winning it this year, it's something I will never forgive Mourinho or the players for.

Hope the lads have choreographed a dance for Instagram when they win it :rolleyes:

They completely threw our season. We are not on Liverpool's level but it's disgraceful to have not even competed.

If they're going to win, at least we can laugh at Arsenal getting fecking battered.
Those who were saying Arsenal are tougher mentality wise this season. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

They're up for a humiliation.
2 matches, 2 dives. There was contact but the way he went down was horrible. Was a pen though.
Arsenal exploding in flight. They should come back with the will to kill for each ba and freak the Liverpool players for their life. And go get 4 goals.
Sokratis, Mustafi, Kolasinac, deary me. Make me yearn for Jones.
No chance.

I would have said the same about Liverpool in 2005. People also thought Newcastle had the lead in the bag when they had a similar lead at Christmas. Arsenal are injury hit and not all that to start with.
Remember when people thought Mourinho was doing a better job than Klopp?

Salah the diving cheat strikes again.
When will the refs wake up?
They let him off their last one!