Saturday Night Spies
Keep getting a different one now about Walmart gift cards. Is this a problem my end or on the caf?
Keep getting a different one now about Walmart gift cards. Is this a problem my end or on the caf?
It’s on this end. Got a screenshot and/or URL of where it sends you?
Was going to say keep getting the same thing, only seems to happen on the main first page where you pick where you want to go.
Had this once before on here a while ago.
Same for me.Same. “Congratulations” rubbish that then redirects you to a page that I can’t get back from without closing the browser. Only happens if I’m not logged in and attempt to access the forums
Link only appears on “reply”Same for me.
Link here will need removing.
Now has come when I’m logged in.Link only appears on “reply”
This has started happening to me last couple of days
Just had an ad trying to use my current location on iPhone. Never seen it before so assumed it was quite dodgy.
Something like ads.adaxim in the URL.
Get that every time I visit the site on iPhone XS using chrome browser. Fine with safari.
Since last few days, I am getting pop up ads on my mobile when I am on home page and try to scroll. I don't get it on any sub-forum link but only when on redcafe.net. Android phone, chrome browser.
Malicious add directing to https://samsung-super.com/lp?lpId=80&cid=008748c0-1372-43a2-9db8-b219a70ab301¶ms=W3sibGFuZGluZ1BhZ2VJZCI6NzcsIm9mZmVySWQiOjE4OCwid2VpZ2h0IjozfSx7ImxhbmRpbmdQ YWdlSWQiOjg0LCJvZmZlcklkIjoxMjUsIndlaWdodCI6MX0seyJsYW5kaW5nUGFnZUlkIjo3Nywi b2ZmZXJJZCI6MTI4LCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjN9LHsibGFuZGluZ1BhZ2VJZCI6ODMsIm9mZmVySWQiOjE5 MCwid2VpZ2h0IjoxfSx7ImxhbmRpbmdQYWdlSWQiOjY3LCJvZmZlcklkIjoxODksIndlaWdodCI6 Mn0seyJsYW5kaW5nUGFnZUlkIjo4NCwib2ZmZXJJZCI6MTI3LCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjF9LHsibGFuZGlu Z1BhZ2VJZCI6ODUsIm9mZmVySWQiOjEzMSwid2VpZ2h0IjoxfSx7ImxhbmRpbmdQYWdlSWQiOjg3 LCJvZmZlcklkIjoxODYsIndlaWdodCI6MX0seyJsYW5kaW5nUGFnZUlkIjo4MCwib2ZmZXJJZCI6 MTMyLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjF9LHsibGFuZGluZ1BhZ2VJZCI6ODcsIm9mZmVySWQiOjIzMywid2VpZ2h0 IjoxfSx7ImxhbmRpbmdQYWdlSWQiOjY3LCJvZmZlcklkIjoxMzgsIndlaWdodCI6MX1d &campaignId=244×=3&index=8# from the Herrera thread.
This happens to me on my Galaxy S8 using Chrome. It isn't an iPhone only issue.Having a similar issue.
I keep getting redirected without warning to a spam site anytime I click something.
It makes the site unusable on mobile. Also on iPhone
Ok. This happens when I’m not signed in.This happens to me on my Galaxy S8 using Chrome. It isn't an iPhone only issue.
When I'm signed in. I don't use the site when I'm not signed in.Ok. This happens when I’m not signed in.
How about you?