Pokemon SS and HG

My team currently looks like this

Bayleef lv20
pidgey lv16
kangaskan lv 13
nidoran lv 13

and I have the egg with me too. Just got my first gym badge. Called my pidgey Antonio (Valencia) as he is a winger, bird, wings..

That's alright, but wouldn't you love a charmander to go with that? I'd also drop your flyer for one a bit more competent, although perhaps you'd have the Fly part down with Charizard.

How about a psychic?
I recently finished FireRed, my team looks like this

Charizard - L74
Zapdos - L64
Mewtwo - L75
Dragonite - L60
Articuno - L60
Moltres - L60

I'm basically screwed against anyone with a lot of electric Pokemon.
There is no other flyers at the minute bar spearow or the owl fecker. Yes i would like a charmander, but have no way of getting one. Sky dont like ds wifi.
There is no other flyers at the minute bar spearow or the owl fecker. Yes i would like a charmander, but have no way of getting one. Sky dont like ds wifi.

What encryption is your network? The DS won't connect to WPA, it has to be WEP, but that's not hard to change for a short period so you can connect your DS up.
Theres 5 other computers that use the network, so its a pain if I have to change it all up. I am trying to use the network at school at some point..
Well if you change it only temporarily then change it back I wouldn't have thought it would hurt the other computers too much - just they'll be unable to use the internet briefly whilst you have it on WEP.

Ah well!
I remember having a whole team of mews and Celbili (or something) on Pokemon gold. Used to rape.
But Growlithe is like a fire dog. fecking cool as feck.
Currently my team is..

Bayleef lv30
Pidgeon lv 25
Nidorino lv 24
Kangaskhan lv 20 (wont keep him for much longer)
Growlithe lv18

and my ponyta on my pokewalker..

I am almost on the good beach on the pokewalker for catching water pokemon, but just cained my rival (Rafa) in Eccuteak.
Is Psyduck still in these games, he was awesome

I don't own a DS. Do you reckon they'll be any dirty ROMs available soon for that nasty emulator I'm testing on my PC?
There already are.

They all seem to be Japanese. I put an English translation patch on one but there's still quite a lot of Japanese. They'll probably be an English one up soon, I reckon I can live without it for another week or so.
I don't own a DS. Do you reckon they'll be any dirty ROMs available soon for that nasty emulator I'm testing on my PC?

The one I haven't just downloaded looks to be American. No idea whether it will work with the DS emulator I haven't just downloaded too :D
The one I haven't just downloaded looks to be American. No idea whether it will work with the DS emulator I haven't just downloaded too :D

Do you reckon you could PM me a link to the download so I could too test out if this ROM is American?
Growlithe is lv 27 now, he's doing well. Got a gyrados, but i'm at the water heavy part of the game, so my Earth starter is just flat out raping them all. Stopped working on pidgeot now, as soon I'll be near the power birds, and Antonio will drop down the pecking order (ha!).

Got my level 30 nidorino on my pokewalker as I venture out shopping with the missus.. Geeky but cool.
Beat the Elite 4 on Tuesday, time of 32:22. Onto the ship!
I might consider getting this, if only to impress the lady in the advert who likes Chansey.

"You like Chansey? No way, I have a Chansey! Maybe we could do a trade, if ya know what I mean?"
Is it wrong to want this? I have my missus' DS at the moment, she also loves all things Pokémon...
Only working 9-5 and not doing much weeknights gives you quite a bit of spare time.

That a distinct lack of life.

I work 45 mins longer than you a day.

Bastard. To be fair I do bugger all during the week nights.
I am a PE teacher and a teaching assistant, working 8-4 most days, although I do after school clubs and clubs for overweight children, as well as children with autism some evenings. Pokemon I can play alot as when im just lounging around I can have a go at it.

Its quality though.
I may get it, only problem is that I played through LeafGreen not too long ago on an emulator and could set the speed to like 200% so I didnt have to wait around for anything. This is going to feel slow :(
Id hate it if someone PM'd me the ROM and Emulator needed, hate it.