Pokemon SS and HG


Full Member
May 27, 2008
Yeah thats right, Pokemon. Soul Silver and Heart Gold.


Most will think its a series for kids. You may be right..

But I think they are quality games, and on the DS, a game you can waste 60+ hours of time on, easily. The new (re released and up graded Gold and silver) games come out next week. Whilst being a normal pokemon game, you now get a pedometer - so if you wish to, you can level up your pokemon by walking, using the device (which reminds me of tamagotchi's.) Which is handy for me as with the jobs I do, I take about 10,000 steps a day (I know this as I use the other DS pedometer game, "Walk with me".)

Anyway, just wondering if anyone will be getting this?

Interesting concept with the walking, although I expect some cock from the internet to put his poke - meter in a paint mixer or something to massive point bonus.

I had Pokemon Silver back in the day (shit that would have been about 10 years ago now) - I remember having a nearly invincible... I'm going to go with Vaporeon (? Is that what the mermaid evolution of that little cat thing is called?)
In Japan, people are buying fans, breaking the stand, and then attaching the pedometer to the middle so that the rocking counts the steps up -


Kind of sad. But saying that, I love single player games like this for a reason. Your own game is your own game. You play at your pace, and create your squad on how you want it.
:lol: at that fan.

I've always wondered how the Pokemon Game Boy games would translate into a 3D RPG style game. Seems like they're happy enough rehashing the same old game which to be fair, is probably much cheaper & makes them millions every time.

I'm also going to eschew any remnants of pretending to be hardcore and disinterested in such things (self taught from a life time of Transformer collecting and dodging schoolyard taunting and beating) and say yes I remember precisely which Pokemon I had - a level 100 Vaporeon called 'No-Trace'. That pokemon meant a lot to me back in the day - I shamelessly did that cloning thing that you could on silver (turning off the GBC when it was saving to duplicate stuff) but I never cloned that one. It was my special pokemon.
I started a thread about pokemon here about a year ago, because I'm so cool that way, and shortly afterwards went and re-bought Gold version on ebay. Its still fun dangit.
If i had a DS and some money i would defo buy this. Pokemon was fecking beast back in the day. Gold and Silver were the ones. They were fecking long as feck if you wanted to complete it all properly.
They always seem to release two games at the same time. Are they identical games with different covers, different games or is one a "Special" edition with extra stuff on it?
They always seem to release two games at the same time. Are they identical games with different covers, different games or is one a "Special" edition with extra stuff on it?

Basically a scam to cheat kids out of their money.
Used to absolutely love pokemon.

Squirtle was my favourite. And Articuno was the strongest, would pawn absolutely everything.
On Blue, the first ever game I used to play on my Manchester United gameboy..

I had an amazing team. I actually got my bulbasaur called Ryan Giggs to level 100, and his cut move was the only attack I used for the entire Final Four. And I cained them. I had a pidgey I got up to like level 70, but then I had to choose between an epic bird and my pidgeon thing (Called Cantona).. and I had to let the pidgey go.

Ah memories.
Comes out next Friday I think. Tesco midnight job for me, then a weekend on it! Woo. Plus have busy days at work of over 10,000 steps a day over the weekend, so should be handy!
I ordered some American Football boots from America.. 3 weeks ago. Oops.
I have this pre-ordered (the Silver version, of course - that was the one I owned originally (well, actually, I owned both, but the silver version was my PROPER version)) :D

I completed the entire Pokedex bar the event legendaries on Pearl, so I'm looking forward to this one - I've already decided which baby versions I'll trade over so I can level a squad. Reckon I'll have Feraligatr, Charizard, Sceptile, Metagross, Garchomp and Tyranitar. I can't wait.
They always seem to release two games at the same time. Are they identical games with different covers, different games or is one a "Special" edition with extra stuff on it?

They tend to have a selection of "exclusive" Pokémon in them, which can't be obtained in and therefore need to be traded to the other version. Originally it was just certain normal Pokémon but not legendaries, which were in both. For example, in Red you could get Growlithe, Ekans and Oddish, whereas in Blue you got Vulpix, Sandshrew and Bellsprout instead, amongst others, but both versions got Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo. In later versions, however, you actually started getting different legendaries, too. In Silver and Gold you just got them at different levels, with Silver getting Lugia first then Ho'oh after you finished the game, and Gold the other way round, but in Sapphire you got Kyogre and Latios, whereas Ruby got Groudon and Latias. In Pearl you got Palkia, whereas Diamond got Dialga.

That's forgetting the third game in each generation, which is basically just a "super" version of the original pair that takes a selection from each and generally lets you get all the legendaries, as well as having expanded features and slightly updated graphics. For Red/Blue it was Pokémon Yellow, for Silver/Gold it was Pokémon Crystal, for Sapphire/Ruby it was Pokémon Emerald and for Pearl/Diamond it was Pokémon Platinum. They tend to come out about a year later, when everyone who was going to buy the original pair already has and they want a new income stream.

It shows you what a geek I am that, because they allowed you to import Pokémon from the GBA cartidges using the DS's backward compatibility, I played through Pearl to the end, and then completed both Pokémon Fire Red (the third generation remake of Red/Blue, like this is the fourth generation remake of Gold/Silver) and Pokémon Emerald just to get their legendaries and import them.
I am unsure how to play my heart gold. Do I transfer my squad over from Diamond? I dont think I will - Ill get a squad together and try and do it all from scratch..

I normally play those games like this -

1. Play with my new chosen pokemon non stop for about 5 hours. Normally getting them into level 15 or so before doing anything else. Its boring, but IMO it saves me time in the long run.
2. Do the same, but to a lesser degree with the other first pokemon you can catch.

It means you can breeze through the first few gyms without having to work on any of your team too much, as you have your main strong character to sort you through it. Because of this you can catch higher level pokemon instead of worrying too much about leveling up your pidgeys and rat things.
Wow.. that is impressive CD. I stopped playing after Ruby/Sapphire, and literally know nothing since. Is Pokemon Platinum any good, and what sort of price are we talking?
As for Starter pokemon, from what I can gather you can have a choice of the following to start -


and then later on you can choose from -


as well, and then later again you can choose from -


So ill go with Totodile, Bulbasaur and then Torchic (So I have one of each).

Saying that, I am more than tempted to go for a charmander instead of a bulbasaur.. because Charizard is cool when hes fully evolved..
Just looking at those, the Water ones are all cool. The fully grown Chikorita looks dopey as feck. I want one of each type, but not sure which. Hmm.
So Ive read up on it, and it turns out you have to complete the game before you get the next set of starter pokemons. So the first pokemon is the real choice you have to decide over.

Now im stuck.

Totodile is probably who im looking at, dont think ive ever started with a water based.. Weak to start with against all the grass, but levels up faster that way and easier later in the game when you have to level up the other pokemons.

I can get Growlithe (Arcanine) for my fire needs (which is exclusive to HG) and im sure there will a good enough grass pokemon somewhere..

Or shoudl I go fo the grass... agh bloody hell.
Im going for grass. The fewest people are, and I like to be different. Plus I think he looks funny when he fully evolves. I think ill call him Rooney.

They should play this when the players are coming out of the tunnel at Old Trafford.
Fantastic games.

The cartoons and all that crap made it seem a lot more childish than it actually is (although, it's still very childish, but feck it)

Incidently, did the games come first?
So Ive read up on it, and it turns out you have to complete the game before you get the next set of starter pokemons. So the first pokemon is the real choice you have to decide over.

Now im stuck.

Totodile is probably who im looking at, dont think ive ever started with a water based.. Weak to start with against all the grass, but levels up faster that way and easier later in the game when you have to level up the other pokemons.

I can get Growlithe (Arcanine) for my fire needs (which is exclusive to HG) and im sure there will a good enough grass pokemon somewhere..

Or shoudl I go fo the grass... agh bloody hell.

Do you have a DS? Give me your ID when you get the game and I'll trade you over a level 1 charmander and a grass starter of your choice if you like.

Alternatively just name what you want and if it's breedable, I've got it. Every starter from every generation (that's Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Chimchar, Turtwig and Piplup), plus lots more if you like particular ones like the psuedo-legendaries (Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum and Gible).
Water is the way to go. You can train your water pokemon to use Ice moves, and if these new games are anything like the old ones (strength/weakness) then Ice > everything.
Meanwhile, when pokemon gold first came out I got the Chinese version on my computer.

I thrashed it.

I don't speak/read Chinese.
Ice is only brilliant against Grass, Dragon, Flying and Ground. On the reverse, it's weak against Rock, Steel, Fire and Fighting.

If you teach a Water Pokémon an Ice move, you'll gain coverage over those previous four (although you'd already be effective against Ground), but you'll still be risking a KO if you're not careful given that Grass is super-effective against you in return. Also, individual type coverage is over-rated if you have a balanced squad - you're much better off training for STAB (same type attack bonus) moves and balancing physical and special attacks.
Ice is only brilliant against Grass, Dragon, Flying and Ground. On the reverse, it's weak against Rock, Steel, Fire and Fighting.

If you teach a Water Pokémon an Ice move, you'll gain coverage over those previous four (although you'd already be effective against Ground), but you'll still be risking a KO if you're not careful given that Grass is super-effective against you in return. Also, individual type coverage is over-rated if you have a balanced squad - you're much better off training for STAB (same type attack bonus) moves and balancing physical and special attacks.

Ok well that's changed then, I'm going back to the good old Blue and Red days, where Ice smashed - Earth/Ground, Rock, Air, Grass, Fire, Dragon and Electric (I think).

There wasn't Steel back then either. I'm out of the loop it seems.

But I really want to play this, or even the old ones again. Can this be downloaded for PC?
Cheers CD. I have a problem in that for some reason I am unable to connect to DS Wi-Fi over my sky broadband modem. Not sure why. I think ill use Diamond and start with all 3 of the starters via trades and the like. If I can be bothered.

Aside from that ill try fiddle with the Wi-Fi, and if I can get it working, I will take you up on it!