Had an answer to one of your questions but didn't read it carefully so I deleted my post. my bad.
Yeah I was about to reply and it disappearedHad an answer to one of your questions but didn't read it carefully so I deleted my post. my bad.
Would anyone help me get an Alakazam, Golem, and Machamp via trade? I just started the game so I wont be able to give anything back.
No I just picked my starter so I'm in the really early stages, and yes I would love a GengarDo you have the pre evolved versions?
If you don't ill breed one of each and send them through the elite 4 with a couple of lv100 deoxys and they should be ready to trade over to you.
Need a Gengar too?
No I just picked my starter so I'm in the really early stages, and yes I would love a Gengar
Thank you so much.No problem. I'll try get it sorted for you tonight when I'm back from work.
ok, this is my first time trading can you pm me how to do it?@syrian_scholes got the Pokemon ready when you are.
ok, this is my first time trading can you pm me how to do it?@syrian_scholes got the Pokemon ready when you are.
Anyone got a ditto going for nefarious breeding purposes?
Also, treated myself to Diamond and White 2 today because I'm stressed as hell and my life is not going as planned. Whoop!
Yeah I can sort you a ditto, probably be tomorrow evening because I'm sleeping shortly but I have a couple spare.
Just thought I'd mention that I have a few 5IV Treecko's spare from breeding that you might want to advertise in the thread. Would make good breeding partners and/or near-perfect party pokes.
I've been trying to get a 6 IV Hasty/Naive Zorua for a few days now and have a lot of rejects as a result. Let me know if you want a 5 IV Zorua. They have the following egg moves: Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch and Detect
[edit] Anyone with a Gale Wings Fletchling? I'm just after the Hidden Ability. I need it for the Battle Maison.
Hatched my first shiny! 5 perfect IVs too, purple Spheal![]()
Glorious. Congrats!
Won't you want to keep the 31/31/31/31/31/31 one?I've got the Gale Wings Fletchling if you need one? My two variants are:
Fletchling (Adamant) [Gale Wings] - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 ; Quick Guard, Tailwind
Fletchling (Naughty) [Gale Wings] - 31/31/31/31/31/31 ; Quick Guard, Tailwind
The Adamant one is obviously for the purely physical set with Life Orb or Choice Band, while the Naughty is for the Mixed Life Orb set which gave me the most success. It's often suicide to go with both high power recoil moves and Life Orb, but the main problem was due to me playing VGC battles and coming up against the likes of Mawile (who first lowers your Attack with Intimidate), Ferrothorn (who has Iron Barbs and often Rocky Helmet to produce very high recoil), and Aegislash who can King's Shield to lower your Attack if you miss-time hitting it on that particular turn. Overheat instead of Flare Blitz remedies all of these problems. I also put Tailwind on so you don't have to train the Fletchling to level 55 instead of 50 or Move Tutor it on wasting BP. Quick Guard is probably the only decent Egg move it gains and is good for blocking Fake Out and other priority moves due to Talonflame's high Speed. They also come in a Repeat Ball for matching colours to Talonflame :P
I can clone on my game, so it's no bother! Not after anything in return eitherWon't you want to keep the 31/31/31/31/31/31 one?
I'm just after the ability - I can breed my own. It can be 0/0/0/0/0/0 for all I care.
What do you want for it? Unfortunately, all my good Zoruas are gone - of the ones I have left: 6IV Impish, 6IV Docile and 6IV Serious (yes, I forgot to put an Everstone on the parent). I have several 5IV (Naive, Hasty, Timid or Modest) ones, but they're not perfect. I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest Swift Swim Lotad, though (my current breeding project).
Do you use Power Save for that?I can clone on my game, so it's no bother! Not after anything in return either
If you need anything else, this is my list of things so far (with beneficial Abilities, Natures and perfect IVs where relevant. Also, they're in a matching Pokéball when possible and have the necessary Egg Moves or Hidden Power Type):
Electrike, Helioptile, Pachirisu, Pikachu, Mareep, Rotom, Deino, Goomy, Bagon, Noibat, Dratini, Honedge, Magikarp, Slowpoke, Lotad, Poliwag, Horsea, Scraggy, Ralts, Bergmite, Pumpkaboo, Snover, Larvitar, Swablu, Fletchling, Litleo, Flabébé, Smeargle, Purrloin, Karrablast, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Foongus, Zubat, Scatterbug, Feebas, Totodile, Kangaskhan, Gastly, Spritzee, Clauncher, Cottonee, Gothita, Makuhita, Charmander, Chespin, Togepi, Starly, Espurr, Amaura, Ferroseed, Scyther, Anorith, Mawile, Mudkip, Numel, Skrelp, Snivy, Frillish, Larvesta, Shroomish, Beldum, Cresselia, Zapdos, Landorus, Terrakion, Heatran, Latios
Sure thing!Do you use Power Save for that?
The Naughty one will do for now. Adamant or Jolly I can breed for.
I've already added your friend code I think - 4897-5922-4347?
1650-1748-3875Sure thing!
Yeah, that's my code, what's yours (can't see it in the OP)?
The codes are POKEMON497, POKEMON500 & POKEMON503 respectively.
You can shove your Master Balls up your arse!
Nope, I've tried before![]()