Gaming Pokémon Go (Android, iOS)

Yeah, I've had same issues. Did manage to get in three - caught a Groudon and Kyogre but wasted a Remote Pass as the third one failed due to Groudon having a sliver of health left when time ran out

Damn that's really unlucky man. I managed to catch one Groudon but 2 of the invites were fake, like it asked me to use a raid pass but then said the raid code was invalid so I couldn't do anything.
In terms of raids, check out an app called pokeraid, it organises remote raids. So as long as you have a remote pass, go to a room, add the host as a friend, do the raid. Really easy.

The rooms do tend to fill really quickly, but it usually takes less than a minute to get in one.

They do try to get money out of you by selling 'auto join room' tokens. But you really don't need them, there are so many raids on there joining one isn't an issue.
In terms of raids, check out an app called pokeraid, it organises remote raids. So as long as you have a remote pass, go to a room, add the host as a friend, do the raid. Really easy.

The rooms do tend to fill really quickly, but it usually takes less than a minute to get in one.

They do try to get money out of you by selling 'auto join room' tokens. But you really don't need them, there are so many raids on there joining one isn't an issue.

Brilliant, thanks. Will check this out after work.

I just took part in a Kygore raid and of all things, failed to catch it :lol: :mad: will buy some more raid passes and try using the app.
In terms of raids, check out an app called pokeraid, it organises remote raids. So as long as you have a remote pass, go to a room, add the host as a friend, do the raid. Really easy.

The rooms do tend to fill really quickly, but it usually takes less than a minute to get in one.

They do try to get money out of you by selling 'auto join room' tokens. But you really don't need them, there are so many raids on there joining one isn't an issue.
:lol: The rooms have been filling in seconds. Took me 30 attempts to get in one but managed to catch my second Groudon. Thanks for the app recommendation. Got 1 remote pass left and need just one more Kyogre. Will wait until my Melmetal is knocked out of the gym before trying to get the second Kyogre - don't have that many electric pokemon.

@Damien @Vault Dweller

I'm friends with both of you in game. If you switch on the option to let friends know when you're online, I can invite you to any raids that I find over the next few days.
Thanks! I've done that. Won't be on much until tomorrow
2 successful raids and not caught Kyogre either time!!
I used to have the same issue with legendary raids. Dellboyy helped me out by telling me how important the throw was. Basically feed them a golden razz and try to hit them with a great curveball, or even an excellent curveball. It increases the chance of capturing it greatly.

The tricky bit of this is that some have a habit of attacking just after you've thrown your ball, so I tend to wait for a moment just after they've attacked and time my throw for then. Takes some practive, and I still don't catch every one, but I'm much better since learning that.
I used to have the same issue with legendary raids. Dellboyy helped me out by telling me how important the throw was. Basically feed them a golden razz and try to hit them with a great curveball, or even an excellent curveball. It increases the chance of capturing it greatly.

The tricky bit of this is that some have a habit of attacking just after you've thrown your ball, so I tend to wait for a moment just after they've attacked and time my throw for then. Takes some practive, and I still don't catch every one, but I'm much better since learning that.
Have a Buddy that can rebound throw when they attack is also very helpfull.
I used to have the same issue with legendary raids. Dellboyy helped me out by telling me how important the throw was. Basically feed them a golden razz and try to hit them with a great curveball, or even an excellent curveball. It increases the chance of capturing it greatly.

The tricky bit of this is that some have a habit of attacking just after you've thrown your ball, so I tend to wait for a moment just after they've attacked and time my throw for then. Takes some practive, and I still don't catch every one, but I'm much better since learning that.

See I try to do that, where I give them the golden berry and throw at least a great curveball, but after the second raid chance no matter what I did it just kept breaking out :lol: so frustrating as all I needed to do was catch one more Kygore for a crack at Rayquaza. Just a real pain having to constantly go and get revives and stuff like that.
See I try to do that, where I give them the golden berry and throw at least a great curveball, but after the second raid chance no matter what I did it just kept breaking out :lol: so frustrating as all I needed to do was catch one more Kygore for a crack at Rayquaza. Just a real pain having to constantly go and get revives and stuff like that.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I caught and then immediately binned all my Kyogre and Groudon from these raids as they were worse than ones I'd already caught a year or two back. Still looking for shiny Groudon and Rayquaza, with dozens caught.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I caught and then immediately binned all my Kyogre and Groudon from these raids as they were worse than ones I'd already caught a year or two back. Still looking for shiny Groudon and Rayquaza, with dozens caught.

I done that too with the one's I caught :lol: now I know these tricks for the raids though I will be trying them a lot more.
Yeah hitting great/excellent curveballs with golden razz improves your chances a lot, but even so you're still gonna miss some. I miss plenty still.

Other than that, try and take your time, there's no rush. Learn the pattern of their attacks, if they jump twice in a row for example. I tend to wait until the circle is small at the time they attack. Then throw just as their attack finishes just before the circle appears again.

Ha yeah and in terms of pokeraid, i guess it's a bit crazy at the moment because of the free passes and the task needing the legendaries. It's not usually quite as bad, apart from the first day or so a new legendary is released.
I've had very little luck with Mega raids. Only managed one where enough people showed up, so missed out on Abomasnow until it probably reappears next year. Only managed the rest due to research tasks, but they never put Aboma mega candy as a task reward. Same for Houndoom and Pidgeot.
Yeah i hardly did any mega raids before i found that app. I'm working from home these days, so can't raid with the city centre people. The local group don't seem bothered about megas.

Recently i've just been collecting the free gym coins for the 3 pass pack, then doing the 3 megas on the app to for the candy to tick them off the pokedex.
Yeah i hardly did any mega raids before i found that app. I'm working from home these days, so can't raid with the city centre people. The local group don't seem bothered about megas.

Recently i've just been collecting the free gym coins for the 3 pass pack, then doing the 3 megas on the app to for the candy to tick them off the pokedex.
If you ever do any, send me an invite.

Having said that, I find the invites very unreliable. Sometimes I accept, use a remote raid pass and the countdown has already ended and I'm raiding on my own with no chance of winning.
Yeah i hardly did any mega raids before i found that app. I'm working from home these days, so can't raid with the city centre people. The local group don't seem bothered about megas.

Recently i've just been collecting the free gym coins for the 3 pass pack, then doing the 3 megas on the app to for the candy to tick them off the pokedex.

What is the free coin thing?
What is the free coin thing?
Isn't that the up to 50 a day you can get from keeping a Pokemon in a gym? Been annoying for me lately as I find my Pokemon end up staying there for up to a week so I can't get the coins.

I'm working on my Pokemon and item storage as I don't have much of either (650/600). Will work both up to 1000 then spend the free coins on remote passes if they're still available this time next year.
If you ever do any, send me an invite.

Having said that, I find the invites very unreliable. Sometimes I accept, use a remote raid pass and the countdown has already ended and I'm raiding on my own with no chance of winning.

Will do! Although for the megas i do raid, i'm usually the one invited through the app.

But yeah invites are so sketchy. Unless i'm online, and staring at the map at the moment i'm invited, i'll usually miss it.
Isn't that the up to 50 a day you can get from keeping a Pokemon in a gym? Been annoying for me lately as I find my Pokemon end up staying there for up to a week so I can't get the coins.

Yeah i was just referring to this, i just pick up as many 50 a day as i can manage until i get enough to buy the three remote passes.

Rarely happens every day though, every other day if i'm lucky.
If you ever do any, send me an invite.

Having said that, I find the invites very unreliable. Sometimes I accept, use a remote raid pass and the countdown has already ended and I'm raiding on my own with no chance of winning.

Oh btw, you know you can leave the raid and you get your pass back these days right? You only lose it if the raid actually starts.
Isn't that the up to 50 a day you can get from keeping a Pokemon in a gym? Been annoying for me lately as I find my Pokemon end up staying there for up to a week so I can't get the coins.

I'm working on my Pokemon and item storage as I don't have much of either (650/600). Will work both up to 1000 then spend the free coins on remote passes if they're still available this time next year.
Wow, how have you kept it so low? I have 2650 pokemon spaces, with about 25 free. Amongst those are 341 shinies, and 322 100% IVs. None in both categories though, sadly.
Wow, how have you kept it so low? I have 2650 pokemon spaces, with about 25 free. Amongst those are 341 shinies, and 322 100% IVs. None in both categories though, sadly.
I wasn't that active for a few years so didn't keep on top of the gym coin stuff. This time six months ago my space was about 350 so things are improving. The number of Pokemon I have 2000CP or over can be fit on the screen without scrolling down :lol: and I got three of them today.

14 shinies, 2 100% IVs.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I caught and then immediately binned all my Kyogre and Groudon from these raids as they were worse than ones I'd already caught a year or two back. Still looking for shiny Groudon and Rayquaza, with dozens caught.
I done that too with the one's I caught :lol: now I know these tricks for the raids though I will be trying them a lot more.
If you guys aren't already aware, you'll get double candy for transferring if you hold on to them until this coming spotlight hour on Tuesday 26th - of January,the Stardust for catching Pokémon.
Also if you're struggling to catch raid bosses, it's worth perfecting this technique of setting the circle and throwing once the pokemon attacks -
You won't have many raid bosses run away on you once you've got the hang of it.
Holy shit, you all have a lot of pokemon spaces, i've kept mine at 350.

Mainly playing these days just to transfer the shiniest to pokemon home.
Holy shit, you all have a lot of pokemon spaces, i've kept mine at 350.

Mainly playing these days just to transfer the shiniest to pokemon home.
What's the purpose of pokemon home? I've been transferring pokemon there just to get meltan out of the mystery box, but I haven't played around with it other than that.
What's the purpose of pokemon home? I've been transferring pokemon there just to get meltan out of the mystery box, but I haven't played around with it other than that.
You get to transfer them to the mainline pokemon games and it's far easier to shiny hunt on community days in pokemon go.
You get to transfer them to the mainline pokemon games and it's far easier to shiny hunt on community days in pokemon go.
I just wish they'd do a community day with a new shiny, like they used to. The last bunch have been around so long I've already caught the shinies ages ago.
Can you expand your pokemon capacity by leveling up or do you have to pay?
You pay 200 coins in the shop but you can get up to 50 a day from keeping Pokemon in gyms. I've not paid a penny towards expanding my storage - all from the free coins in the gyms.

Really annoying that the mainline games have storage capacity of max 960, but the storage in Go can go up to something stupid like over 3500.

Damn, I wish I knew that before I got rid of them :( if I get anymore I'll bear it in mind!

@Damien how you getting on with the task?
Just need one more Kyogre and got one remote raid pass left. Still waiting on my Melmetal to be knocked out of the gym before I try it. Have you done it?
I ended up joining a local raiding Facebook group which then turned into a telegram chat. Allowed me to actually do 5 star raids finally and its something of a community. Also organises a meeting point for raid hours if you wanted to go in person rather than remotely. If you are struggling then searching for pokemon go groups in your town might be an idea.
Just need one more Kyogre and got one remote raid pass left. Still waiting on my Melmetal to be knocked out of the gym before I try it. Have you done it?

Good man. I managed to do it last night, and catch the Rayquaza too. I'm in need of so many revives though as so many Pokemon fainted when battling the Kyogres as i failed to catch it twice before getting it. Will need to get some Pokemon put in gyms to get some coins!
@dellboyy thanks again for that app recommendation. Managed to get my last raid in and it was hosted by a level 47 guy!

@Mystry good suggestion... the group in my area seems to be dead though

@Vault Dweller I had about 100 revives stocked up through not doing raids. About 50 normal and 50 max revives. Rayquaza I ended up getting had 98% IVs so not sure if that is standard for everyone or whether I just got lucky.
@dellboyy thanks again for that app recommendation. Managed to get my last raid in and it was hosted by a level 47 guy!

@Mystry good suggestion... the group in my area seems to be dead though

@Vault Dweller I had about 100 revives stocked up through not doing raids. About 50 normal and 50 max revives. Rayquaza I ended up getting had 98% IVs so not sure if that is standard for everyone or whether I just got lucky.
IVs from the raid Pokemon are different for each player.
Isn't that the up to 50 a day you can get from keeping a Pokemon in a gym? Been annoying for me lately as I find my Pokemon end up staying there for up to a week so I can't get the coins.

I'm working on my Pokemon and item storage as I don't have much of either (650/600). Will work both up to 1000 then spend the free coins on remote passes if they're still available this time next year.

Use an old phone or other device like a tablet to make a second account and you can knock yourself out the gym, can also help in raids to have another account.