George Owen
Pogba reminds me of myself in a previous workplace. I didn't like a couple of my bosses, disagreed with the way the company was run, and spent a year being bitter and bad mouthing them.
At the time, I should have either changed my attitude and got on board, or left with some dignity instead of spreading negativity amongst the team.
I was actually right with my viewpoints, as company results have since shown, but that isn't the point. I wasn't making those decisions and my behaviour was affecting others around me.
I've never really talked about this on here, and I do feel an element of shame, but at the time I wasn't mature enough to recognise what I was doing. I was just being headstrong, difficult and a bit of a twat.
Pogba is also immature. He clearly doesn't agree with the way the team is run but is unwilling to let it drop. If the board side with the player rather than the manager, there will be huge long term problems ahead at the club. It's not a good precedent to set.
Pogba is a super talented player and very lucky that he's working for a company (club) that he apparently loves, millions of customers (fans) adore him and he is being paid a ridiculous wage.
If he's weighed everything up though and is still unwilling to respect and trust his manager, and has decided that he'd rather leave, I have to say I think it's best that he goes. At the end of the day he is a player, not a manager, not a CEO.
If he wants to stay and conduct himself properly, I'd fully support that too.
Pretty much my thoughts on the issue, in sum.