Hardly a noteworthy achievement when the entire club, team, tactics and formation were all built to go through him!!! Plus he hogged penalty taking at the expense of building confidence in our strikers. And most of these numbers came after he decided to stop being a toxic virus sulk, partly causing Mourinho to get sacked. And then of course, he suddenly stopped playing again, once he came back from yet another injury post PSG.
If Mourinho 2nd place can so easily be dismissed as a nothing by so many, then I also dismiss Pogba's 'chart topping' stats as simply evidence of a selfish guy playing simply for his own prestige and youtube highlight compilations.. His supposed 'top of the charts' delivered nothing.
I expected Pogba to raise the quality of Manchester United, and not be a show pony (and perma crock), which is all is has been for us so far.
As for your actual claim of 'chart topping', perfectly explained by poster below: