Please welcome our new Smilies!

Massive shame to lose the old ones! These new ones don't offer half the emotions and expression of the classic. New ones are all a bit bland, and well a bit shite.
Green smiley and gold smiley 'til the forum is sold!
I don't think the new selection of emjois is extensive enough to convey all the emotions I feel during a season watching United these days.

I have been a member of The Caf for 19 years, and this is by far the worst decision since making @Brophs a mod.
Some of the new ones are really nice.. but I'll miss the original lol , keano, houllier, wenger.

those were great.. Keane, Wenger and Houllier were perfect..
I really miss the old ones, they’re part of this place’s identity. The emotions they were able to put across just aren’t matched in this new batch.


They're not the same. The bottom one looks like it has a lego up its bum.
Yeah losing the the og nervous smiley and og Houllier is like losing 2 good posters.

Haha that is true!

And special mention to Wenger smiley also. Was a great addition.

Why has this one been removed? How can we laugh at people or get laughed at now? :(

As one of the ones that got laughed on ALOT i guess i should be happy.. * insert Houllier smiley*
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Not a fan. The caf will never have trendy modern smilies unless the mods want to hire someone full time to take care of it. At least the old ones were ours - . - .