Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

It shouldn’t be a big ask but you never know with Sony. Do you think we’ll be able to walk into a shop to buy them? Or will it be a repeat of the PS5 online shopping whack a mole bullshit.
Came close to craving and just paying 800 to one of the resell ing cnuts putting it on ebay.

But I won't. Feck em.
Controllers look mint, they're a big step on from the PS Move controllers.

Yeah, the controllers and the fact that it's only one wire is an instant upgrade. I don't even care that much about the quality of the visuals. Obviously, it's nice to have better visuals, but those controls needed an upgrade. Fair play to Sony for reinventing those PlayStation Moves though and retrofitting them for VR. Quite an ingenious move to make the most out of all that surplus stock they had.
Yeah, the controllers and the fact that it's only one wire is an instant upgrade. I don't even care that much about the quality of the visuals. Obviously, it's nice to have better visuals, but those controls needed an upgrade. Fair play to Sony for reinventing those PlayStation Moves though and retrofitting them for VR. Quite an ingenious move to make the most out of all that surplus stock they had.
Yeah, smart business on Sonys part.
It shouldn’t be a big ask but you never know with Sony. Do you think we’ll be able to walk into a shop to buy them? Or will it be a repeat of the PS5 online shopping whack a mole bullshit.
The original PSVR was apparently hard to find originally and that was before the current situation of stock shortages worldwide so I imagine this will be hard to get, especially if they price it £350-400 which would be great value for what it contains compared to its competitors.
Do we think this will be better than Oculus Quest 2?

Because that thing really impressed me. But if this new PSVR is not ridiculously priced, I'll go for that.
The way Sony have messed up the PS5 stock I’ve lost a lot of respect for them to be honest.

See if this is another monumental balls up
The way Sony have messed up the PS5 stock I’ve lost a lot of respect for them to be honest.

See if this is another monumental balls up
It’s hardly Sony messing up the stock, they’ve shifted way more than Microsoft have. It’s a world wide chip shortage which is killing the stock of just about all tech at the moment including cars.
It’s hardly Sony messing up the stock, they’ve shifted way more than Microsoft have. It’s a world wide chip shortage which is killing the stock of just about all tech at the moment including cars.

What’s the hold up with these chips now? Still can’t get a ps5 without becoming an obsessive online pest or allowing yourself to get done over by some pathetic weasel that’s bought several and trying to make a quick Buck.

When will you just able to stroll in the shop, flop out your money clip and walk out that King Ding-a-ling?

That’s what I’m interested in.
What’s the hold up with these chips now? Still can’t get a ps5 without becoming an obsessive online pest or allowing yourself to get done over by some pathetic weasel that’s bought several and trying to make a quick Buck.

When will you just able to stroll in the shop, flop out your money clip and walk out that King Ding-a-ling?

That’s what I’m interested in.
Probably not for the next couple of years but it’s really not that hard to get one online if you try.
Probably not for the next couple of years but it’s really not that hard to get one online if you try.

Joking aside a couple of years?! Why is that? And the same for Xbox? Tbh I was super keen on getting one but it’s all kind of killed it. I’m baffled as to how it’s turned out like this.
Covid, China-USA trade war and various disasters (weather, fire) were the biggest contributors to the shortages.–present_global_chip_shortage

It should be alleviated by 2023/2024 but it depends what happens. It isn't that hard to get a PS5, though I say this as someone who got one at launch.

Ah thanks. It always seems such a faff on line; setting up alerts and scouring all over.

Or not like that now? If there’s an easy way to get one I’d have another look but I got fed up of queues online only to get booted whilst putting in my payment details.
Be the same price as the console by the time it's released, will be the same problem as always priced out mass adoption.

Love VR and the potential it had but have since sold all the equipment on PC and Playstation as the quality of the software was so poor compared to Resident Evil/Half Life Alyx
Be the same price as the console by the time it's released, will be the same problem as always priced out mass adoption.

Love VR and the potential it had but have since sold all the equipment on PC and Playstation as the quality of the software was so poor compared to Resident Evil/Half Life Alyx

Regardless of price wou'll never see mass adoption with a device that's prohibitive to a large swathe of people accessibility-wise.
I’m gonna get so excited for this and then I’ll buy it and finally play it and it will give me terrible motion sickness. Guaranteed.
I’m gonna get so excited for this and then I’ll buy it and finally play it and it will give me terrible motion sickness. Guaranteed.

Exactly. PSVR was impressive as technology but it was unplayable for me for more than 30 minutes because of motion sickness.

I don't see mass adoption ever happening
I've got the original equipment but never use it anymore - the Oculus is so superior being cordless and allowing the Steam VR library such as Alyx.
Probably early 2023.

I’m gonna get so excited for this and then I’ll buy it and finally play it and it will give me terrible motion sickness. Guaranteed.
PSVR made me a bit woozy at first but didn't take me long to get my VR legs. I imagine VR2 will be even better on that front with the improved resolution and other stuff.
Probably early 2023.

PSVR made me a bit woozy at first but didn't take me long to get my VR legs. I imagine VR2 will be even better on that front with the improved resolution and other stuff.
Apparently the PSVR2 headset haptics help a lot with this.
The haptics themselves can't ever actually help as much as the better screens/fov/hz certainly will.

The biggest two drawbacks to VR will always be the same as they are right now though. 1) People love shiney shiney over anything else, so if you can't play the same game in VR with the same quality graphics, then it's a no. 2) It still needs the games to make it worthwhile.
In what way?
A dev stated in Twitter that the haptics can stimulate the inner ear, time will tell how effective it is.

@Redlambs don't you think the foveated rendering and gaze tracking are going to make the graphical disparity much less noticeable?

And as for games, time will tell. I never really felt like there weren't enough games. There arguably weren't enough big games, big franchises. I want to see more and I think we will. That Horizon VR game looks good but let's see how substantial it is.