Playstation Network is a Joke!

I have all my PSN accounts with my address registered as Buckingham Palace, hope they don't try to scam the Queen.

I done that because it's an idiocy that I can't have the PSN in English (the language of the store, etc) with a Portuguese address. It's daft, what if I was a Foreigner living in Portugal?
I'm not sure if my address on PSN is legit or not. My password for that email address is different from the PSN one.
Yeah theres no danger from cases like that.

The big credit card companies have already said theres no signs of fraudulant activity and Sony said they don't think any credit card data was stolen and its all encrypted, so someone like that is sueing for what exactly? Losing data thats probably plastered all over their facebook account. As long as Sony had appropriate security in place they won't get in too much trouble, no system is 100% unhackable.
People are claiming their bank accounts have been raided/cleaned on different forums. I'm keeping a close eye on my account the upcoming days.

"Rumors are following thru various underground "credit card" trading forums, and on the new #psnhack twitter list that a large section of the PSN database containing complete personal details along with over 2.2million working credit card numbers with the much-needed CVV2 code are being offer up for sale to the highest-bidder, after the "hackers" tried to sell the DB back to Sony for a price, but they of course didn't answer!"
I wish Sony would allow some access to the PSN so I can find which credit card is stored on there.

As for the litigation I doubt anyone will be successful unless they can demonstrate they have sufferred some form of loss and Sony is shown to have had inadequate security measures to protect users data. Still it's going to have a huge impact on Sony's brand image.
PSN never asks you for that 3 digit security code at any point so theres no way Sony have those details on file or that they could have been stolen.
95% of these cases will get thrown out within a week.

Yeah theres no danger from cases like that.

The big credit card companies have already said theres no signs of fraudulant activity and Sony said they don't think any credit card data was stolen and its all encrypted, so someone like that is sueing for what exactly? Losing data thats probably plastered all over their facebook account. As long as Sony had appropriate security in place they won't get in too much trouble, no system is 100% unhackable.

This is America. People got billions of dollars(the group did since it was class-action) because cigarettes gave them cancer and the tobacco companies didn't tell them it would happen. You can win anything here with a good lawyer and 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty.
PSN never asks you for that 3 digit security code at any point so theres no way Sony have those details on file or that they could have been stolen.

Are you sure? I was under the impression they needed that code to take money out of your account.
die hackers, this is how you treat people who use a free network?

I can tell you that I'm now saving rounds especially for you little dweeb feckwits and your hacker mates.

gatt-gatt, I'm coming for you.

Hackers have claimed they are trying to sell PlayStation owners’ credit card details

Crucially, the sellers also claimed to have the three-digit security codes from the back of the cards.

“I never saw the database so I can't verify if it is real,” he added.

I wouldn't read too much into it. The fact that they have the FBI involved, means these hackers would have to be fecking stupid to be trying to sell this information. I really doubt it's real, sounds like a poor taste hoax and an excuse for sensationalism by the media to make it sound worse than it actually is.
I think I will withdraw money from the account I have used for PSN puchases, no need to take a risk.
The article says that they initially tried to sell the data back to Sony themselves and received no response so my guess would be that it's just a bluff by the hackers to try to get some cash out of the corporation.

It will be interesting to see how this new chapter of the saga, if true, will be received by the hacker community as a whole.

'Real' hackers live a by a kind of code that dictates that what they do shouldn't be used for monetary gain or with malicious intent....but simply out of curiosity and a hunger for information.

The people that don't adhere to this code are usually referred to as 'Crackers' or 'Script Kiddies'. Hackers are quick to disassociate themselves with these groups and it may turn out that those responsible could be 'outed' much easier than they think.
Let's just wait and see, I doubt they have anything, the whole article revolves around 'they claim this' 'they claim that' and at one point even says 'I haven't seen it so I don't know if it's real'

No-one with brains big enough to hack into Sony and steal their data, would try and sell it to the public when the FBI are involved. If they were working for someone and it was all done in private then maybe, but not 'Lol we have this info WHO WANTS IT???? Send your muneys to my account plz sort code and account number is....'

It would be more like 'whoah, shit just got real.'
Script kiddies is a reference to those who use other people's tools and don't have the skills to write their own.

Aye, and it's highly unlikely that this is the work of script kiddes but I was just getting at the fact that there is a difference between a 'true' hacker and what most people perceive to be a hacker.
Surprise, surprise. Yanks in being litigious shocker.

Well, not to worry too much since there's probably a drug for that coming out next spring along with a movie about a country that overcame its addiction to lawsuits and made peace with its daughter before coming out of retirement for one last title fight.

Or you and RDC and TW could always do something to maybe speed up the invasion timetable.
Well, not to worry too much since there's probably a drug for that coming out next spring along with a movie about a country that overcame its addiction to lawsuits and made peace with its daughter before coming out of retirement for one last title fight.

Or you and RDC and TW could always do something to maybe speed up the invasion timetable.

:lol: that's good.
When are they going to fix it though? PS3 without online capability is useless, if they are going to take months to get it back then I might as well sell it and stick to 360.
This is why developers need to stop concentrating on MP ffs, SP was always where it was at.

feck off MP.

I just got Crysis 2 today but I expect it to be horribly bugged without downloading an update just like half of these games are. If it's not, it will keep me occupied for two or three days before they get it back on.

I have a long break from school and work now, so I would really rather have it back sooner rather than later.
They concentrate on the money.

Which is MP, because that's what the majority of people want, hence that being where the money is. Unpredictable and random action that constantly changes rather than scripted predictability (if that's even a word) that you can't replay without knowing exactly what is going to happen (for most games, not all.) I'd just love to have both. Spend a bit more time making a better game instead of rushing the release.
Aye, and it's highly unlikely that this is the work of script kiddes but I was just getting at the fact that there is a difference between a 'true' hacker and what most people perceive to be a hacker.

I think the lines are a little blurry nowadays, even among the community.

I blame the Playstation generation, ironically ;)