Playstation Network is a Joke!

only stuff you download that is free due to ps plus you cant keep, anything you pay for at cut price by using ps plus you keep.
I downloaded Wipeout, then my welcome back pack disappeared off my PS store screen so I can't download a second game. :(

Yes you can!

Q: I no longer have the option to choose my free Welcome Back games. What can I do?

A: If you navigate away from the Welcome Back section of the store without choosing your free games or exit the store completely you may need to follow the below in order to choose and download your free games.

1. On your PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable navigate to the PlayStation Network icon on the XMB

2. Log into your PlayStation Network account and choose Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List

3. Choose “PlayStation Network Promotions” from the list of services displayed

4. Select either “PS3 Free Games” or “PSP Free Games” and then choose “Select Content”

You will be taken to the store to choose your remaining free games
What ship/vehicle is everybody using on Wipeout HD btw ? I started on HD yesterday night and using the red piranha ship. Its fast, but quite hard to control round tight corners.

The zone levels are a bloody nuisance ! The first minute or so is fine, but once the pace is heightened the only thing you can really do is hope and pray you are not going to smash into the side. Although I probably need to work on using the airbrakes more effectively.
The zone levels are a bloody nuisance ! The first minute or so is fine, but once the pace is heightened the only thing you can really do is hope and pray you are not going to smash into the side. Although I probably need to work on using the airbrakes more effectively.

Some people have crazy stats with zone, you just have to practice a lot, and be good! ;)
Will try that. Probably jumped the gun a little bit by going straight for Piranha.

This isn't correct, but the best I can find, it's about right.

Solvista has been a naughty boy.

Entre otros ataques, desde la vivienda se coordinaron arremetidas contra los sitios web de la tiende Playstation, BBVA, Bankia, Enel, y de los gobiernos de Egipto, Argelia, Libia, Irán, Chile, Colombia y Nueva Zelanda. En España, los detenidos lanzaron un ataque el pasado 18 de mayo contra la página de la Junta Electoral Central, y después también contra las webs de la policía autonómica catalana, los Mossos d'Esquadra, y del sindicato UGT.

La Policía Nacional da por desarticulada la "cúpula" de Anonymous en España · ELPAÍ
Yes you can!

Q: I no longer have the option to choose my free Welcome Back games. What can I do?

A: If you navigate away from the Welcome Back section of the store without choosing your free games or exit the store completely you may need to follow the below in order to choose and download your free games.

1. On your PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable navigate to the PlayStation Network icon on the XMB

2. Log into your PlayStation Network account and choose Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List

3. Choose “PlayStation Network Promotions” from the list of services displayed

4. Select either “PS3 Free Games” or “PSP Free Games” and then choose “Select Content”

You will be taken to the store to choose your remaining free games

Awesome, I'll try that later.

Liking Wipeout at the moment, the menus are a bit confusing and laid out weird. I tried one on HD with the Feisar and it was too responsive. Swerving all over the place. Cracking looking game though. I loved the original.
I took off pilot assist and was doing alright, then went online picked my normal ship but everything was faster in one game and a lot harder to control.
i go with Beastie Boys sound track for Wipeout HD, goes really well

Nothing wrong with that for sure.

What ship/vehicle is everybody using on Wipeout HD btw ? I started on HD yesterday night and using the red piranha ship. Its fast, but quite hard to control round tight corners.

The zone levels are a bloody nuisance ! The first minute or so is fine, but once the pace is heightened the only thing you can really do is hope and pray you are not going to smash into the side. Although I probably need to work on using the airbrakes more effectively.

I've only played one zone level but I loved it!
Some people have crazy stats with zone, you just have to practice a lot, and be good! ;)

I've only played one zone level but I loved it!

This level was quite fun. But thats only because the track was quite simple. Any kind of tight curve and the ship will smash into pieces.

Mind I have no idea how this guy lasted so long. Complete beast.
I know what Weaste will say, though what are the virtues of PS3 over 360 from the perspective of a 360 owner?
I plan on selling my PS3 and would like to advertise it with 4 extra games (I've got 2 accounts)

But would that be advisable - having not used my PS3 in a year, I can't really remember how it all works.

I suppose the new owner would then need to use my accounts and whatever that comes with it. Is it possible to edit the accounts and delete all trace of my info - so that I'm not handing the new owner all my personal data?
But would he then still be able to use the free games that I'm going to download?
Aren't they only available to each account?
I know what Weaste will say, though what are the virtues of PS3 over 360 from the perspective of a 360 owner?

If you're not interested in Sony 1st and 2nd party games or Blu-ray, then not really much. I can't talk about other people, as I know many have had issues with hardware failure, but mine old fat model is 4 years old and never caused a problem. I expect it to be in fully working in another 6 years as well. Many of the XB360 failures as well I think could have been avoided if people had treated the box with a little bit of thought and care.
But would he then still be able to use the free games that I'm going to download?
Aren't they only available to each account?

They are available to other accounts, but for example if he wanted to swap out the HDD at some time, he would not be able to re-download them, that is logged with your account on PSN.

I'm actually not sure what happens if you delete the master account on the box though. However, you can simply leave that there and delete all of your personal information from it, or at the very least put in dummy data.
Has Playstation Plus always been this shit or have they made it extra shit at the moment so they don't lose too much while people are getting it for free? There is absolutely nothing that would make me consider paying for a subscription.
Has Playstation Plus always been this shit or have they made it extra shit at the moment so they don't lose too much while people are getting it for free? There is absolutely nothing that would make me consider paying for a subscription.

I would have thought it would make sense to show as much as possible and sell the idea of PP to the new trial users, knowing that... it sounds shite...
The only really worthwhile part of it for me would be the cloud saves, but I'm not paying for it. What else do you get? Discounts on PSN titles, access to betas, access to demos before anyone else? Meh! There are a lot of people on my friends list that have it however, it shows up as a little plus icon in the top left of their avatar.
What happens to my free game slot if I cancel the download?
I got infamous and Wipeout. Loving Wipeout not had a chance to play infamous yet but got decent reviews.

What do you get for this PS plus?

I have Assassins creed brotherhood any extra levels on it on plus? There must be something decent to it.
How do you enter an online game in Wipeout?

I see ongoing races and when I select one, nothing happens. It just gives me some random info on the race.
I got infamous and Wipeout. Loving Wipeout not had a chance to play infamous yet but got decent reviews.

What do you get for this PS plus?

I have Assassins creed brotherhood any extra levels on it on plus? There must be something decent to it.

30 days of Burnout Paradise for free and cut price Worms is about all they have to offer.
I will be back on PSN this week, you turds. Weaste, add me again.