Playstation Network is a Joke!

You can download other 2 games on another account if you already have another account registered on PSN before Apr 21st ..

Is that really so? Cool, I have to try this later. Which is the weakest game out of the five on offer?
Is that really so? Cool, I have to try this later. Which is the weakest game out of the five on offer?

Not a fan of Super Stardust or Dead Nation, that's just me though.

Content wise I'd say that any 2 from Infamous, Wipeout HD or LBP is the best bang for your buck IMO.
Not a fan of Super Stardust or Dead Nation, that's just me though.

Content wise I'd say that any 2 from Infamous, Wipeout HD or LBP is the best bang for your buck IMO.

I have two accounts and I already downloaded Wipeout, so I guess LBP, that Rachet game and Infamous. Nobody seems to be impressed by Dead Nation for some reason. Have you set up your 30 days membership yet?
I have two accounts and I already downloaded Wipeout, so I guess LBP, that Rachet game and Infamous. Nobody seems to be impressed by Dead Nation for some reason. Have you set up your 30 days membership yet?

I'm not touching PSN this weekend, would rather stay away from the storm. Will probably do so on Monday though.

I know its free, but I should also warn you that Ratchet isn't exactly the most lengthiest of games.
Downloaded Wipeout and Infamous last night and getting Ratchet and Clank and Dead Nation now so the different account thing definitely works.

Wipeout is :drool:
Accidentally clicked on inFamous after downloading it, now I've gotta endure waiting for hours for it to install, and the worse thing is that I can't restart my PS3 without possibly corrupting my HD.

Completely ruined my evening - was planning to spend some few hours on LA Noire, now I have to wait christ knows how long for something already downloaded to feckin install (been 15 mins and stuck at 6%) and I don't even want to play the feckin game! :mad:

For such a brilliant console, it really does make a mess out of the basics.
Shit man.

Well I'm just downloading Little big planet, 432 minutes left, haha. Will let it download in background and play Wipeout. Game looks fantastic, mesmerising colours!
Already got Wipeout, LBP and Infamous, and I'm not really that interested in the other two.

So I've downloaded Fancy Pants Adventures. I'm sorted then.
How do you install Wipeout? Installed the fury expansion and d/loaded a 100mb? Wipeout file... which has gone missing, as has the fury expansion that I just installed... wtf?
Before you install Fury, you need a fully working copy of Wipeout HD. I said before, it was originally released as a demo, and then you paid for a full game unlock - this is the bit I think you get for free now, but you need that base Wipeout HD. Only then, when unlocked can you install Fury, because it's an expansion to Wipeout HD. This is what happens when you are 3 years too late.
Before you install Fury, you need a fully working copy of Wipeout HD. I said before, it was originally released as a demo, and then you paid for a full game unlock - this is the bit I think you get for free now, but you need that base Wipeout HD. Only then, when unlocked can you install Fury, because it's an expansion to Wipeout HD. This is what happens when you are 3 years too late.

Only pervy basement dwellers play Wipeout.
Wipeout takes me back to PS1, late nineties, drum & bass, clubs with ps1 booths, drugs, booze, etc.... :drool:

If only I could get it installed :mad:

Ok Weaste, going to d/load the demo and see what happens...
I don't know whether this has been mentioned, but I accepted the free 30 day trial of PS Plus, and then realized that some games are free with a PS Plus account.

I've just started downloading Burnout: Paradise (which I already own on the Xbox, but not the PS3), as well as PS Minis, Streets of Rage and James Pond 2.

There are several other games, as well.
Good, good. I was looking at the online yesterday, it's packed! Not been like that for yonks. Shall we try again to make a RedCafe game? Last time only me and Stemmy (what happened to him?) turned up. That mode (it's a Fury mode I think) where you can turn around the ship and go around the track backwards even with two people is brilliant. It's like playing cat and mouse - Wipeout becomes a chase and shoot fest. It's not a race, it's how many other people you can blow up.
If you've got a 1080p set, make sure the option is selected, because yes, for the most part, Wipeout HD runs in Full HD @ 60fps.

I'll have to check on this.

So what's with this online playing then, I've been practising for a few hours already :smirk:
No, just make sure you have 1080p selected in the XMB on your screen settings (you'd be surprised how many people don't do this), it should then automatically go to 1080p. I think that the upscaler function in the game is to zoom in and out for those that have overscan on the TV. I'm at work ATM, just about to leave, shall look when I get home. The info button on your TV remote should tell you what resolution is coming into the TV.
No, just make sure you have 1080p selected in the XMB on your screen settings (you'd be surprised how many people don't do this), it should then automatically go to 1080p. I think that the upscaler function in the game is to zoom in and out for those that have overscan on the TV. I'm at work ATM, just about to leave, shall look when I get home. The info button on your TV remote should tell you what resolution is coming into the TV.

Fkin hell I cant believe this, I did not have it on. What a difference!

Info button says 1080p :)
Always had mine set at 1080P. But can anyone help with my audio settings. When I watch a Blu Ray movie the dialogue is sometimes too low but sound FX at the same volume are too high. So I am constantly turning the volume up and down.

I don’t think it is the settings on my TV because all standard TV and even games does not suffer from this, it is only when I watch a blu ray movie
Pressed info on my TV remote to be sure. I am guessing this is correct settings?

1920x1080 @ 60Hz
Always had mine set at 1080P. But can anyone help with my audio settings. When I watch a Blu Ray movie the dialogue is sometimes too low but sound FX at the same volume are too high. So I am constantly turning the volume up and down.

I don’t think it is the settings on my TV because all standard TV and even games does not suffer from this, it is only when I watch a blu ray movie

This. It's not just BluRay movies. It's also watching things on the PS3 that you're streaming or playing off an external HDD.
Haha. I'll just pretend this never happened. What a tool!

Just keep both 720p and 1080p checked, the game/software will then pick the best mode (many games don't support 1080p natively). Some people that play GT5 prefer the 720p look to the 1080p look as there is more AA so turn off the 1080p thing before they play it. I just keep both checked.
I don’t think it is the settings on my TV because all standard TV and even games does not suffer from this, it is only when I watch a blu ray movie

This. It's not just BluRay movies. It's also watching things on the PS3 that you're streaming or playing off an external HDD.

There is not much that you can do about this, as it depends on what amplitude the sound was recorded at, in a similar way that when the TV goes to the advertisements it becomes louder. There should be options on your TV or receiver that compensates for this. PS3 isn't doing anything to the audio apart from sticking a binary stream down a wire.
Does anyone else has problems downloading and installing the second free game (UK account)? I managed to do the first one yesterday, easy, today however it's not working at all. I go to Play Station Store, select Welcome Back, then move to the field with the five games but the PS3 does not react at all.

PS Store on my other US account works just fine.
I don't know, but this is from GAF.

Guys, learn to read the last page or two. If your free PS3 / PSP game Promotion disappeared, try this:

Q: I no longer have the option to choose my free Welcome Back games. What can I do?

A: If you navigate away from the Welcome Back section of the store without choosing your free games or exit the store completely you may need to follow the below in order to choose and download your free games.

On your PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable navigate to the PlayStation Network icon on the XMB

Log into your PlayStation Network account and choose Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List

Choose “PlayStation Network Promotions” from the list of services displayed

Select either “PS3 Free Games” or “PSP Free Games” and then choose “Select Content”

You will be taken to the store to choose your remaining free games.
I know it's not quite the same, but maybe worth a try?
Just installing Burnout Paradise (free Plus membership). Will try this in a bit.