Honestly in my opinion that’s nonsense. Cyberpunks world is brilliant. I’d go as far as to say it’s one of the best video game cities I’ve played in. Good verticality, massive scale, great diversity in terms of its areas and regions and the unique gang presence in each, helps to really built a great sense of identity. The lore in Cyberpunk is easily it’s strongest element. It’s that lore that has inspired numerous games, books and movies before it and it’s just a really interesting one to discover. CDPR deserve a lot of praise for the way they have intertwined that lore into the world. A dead body next to a letter, that leads you down a blood spilled path, into a building etc. Reminds me a lot of a TES game like Skyrim in that they give you so many little pockets of lore that you can use for role playing. I know many people don’t care for that stuff or miss it out entirely but I think it’s the reason Fallout and Skyrim are so great and I don’t think that many companies have understood that level of exploration/world building.
In comparison GoT is beautiful but bland. Once you’ve seen one sprawling, flowery hillside, you’ve seen them all. It’s stunning, but shallow. The best feature of that game is it’s combat which really is brilliant. Everything else, world, lore, character, story, all feel abit flat which is why I put it down after about 30 hours and I’ve struggled to pick it back up. In comparison, Cyberpunk had me so gripped I finished an 80 hour playthrough and my first thought was “when can I play again”. Look if my posts come over to overly defensive then that’s probably because I think they built a pretty decent game. To me it’s just a shame they didn’t give it more time to develop and sort all the bugs etc.