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Any trophy chasers there's one on stray that's absolutely ridiculous. Where you have to outrun the zurks without any latching on to you.

I've just done it after about 200 restarts. I think it's pure luck.
It wasn't that bad after I watched a video. When the path splits near the end and you have two options, the best route is to go downstairs and stick close to the wall.
Any trophy chasers there's one on stray that's absolutely ridiculous. Where you have to outrun the zurks without any latching on to you.

I've just done it after about 200 restarts. I think it's pure luck.

I'm gonna drive myself insane trying to do it. Can get to 45-50 seconds but then always get caught.

It wasn't that bad after I watched a video. When the path splits near the end and you have two options, the best route is to go downstairs and stick close to the wall.

Can you share the vid?
You just have to weave a lot.

Very fast platinum to be fair to it. Think it took about 8 hours total, which included a speedrun and leaving it on for an hour while the cat slept :lol:

I'm just doing a tidy up of collectables then I'll do the speed run. Then the 1 hour of sleep.

I'm gonna drive myself insane trying to do it. Can get to 45-50 seconds but then always get caught.

Can you share the vid?

Try powerpyx he's my goto for anything trophy related. Im using his chapter guide now for collectables. Keep going you'll get it soon.

It wasn't that bad after I watched a video. When the path splits near the end and you have two options, the best route is to go downstairs and stick close to the wall.

That's the way I went purely by accident as I was panicking like hell. Glad it's done though.
Can you share the vid?

I think my approach was slightly different at the end - I'll post my recording of it later but just watching that video a couple of times I could consistently get to the last stage right after the path split and then what helped further was the times that I did get caught, I shook the zurk off and practiced running the rest of the route so you get a feeling of what it is like to complete it. Restarting immediately after a zurk latches onto you doesn't help you get to grips with the remainder of the chase imo.
Cheers folks
Two more things:
  • I remapped the controls so that X and R2 were swapped around, so sprinting used a face button and the jump at the very end used the R2 button. Once I got the trophy I reverted the controls but found having sprint set to x worked great for that moment.
  • I set Look Sensitivity in game settings to max.
Here's the recording I did where I look a right nutter weaving in and out:

but you can see at the very end what I mean about sticking to the wall.
Excited for Tony Hawk. Was never going to pay for it outright but as part of the PS offering time to indulge in a bit of nostalgia
Yakuza 0 is an absolutely fantastic game, if anyone hasn't played it.
I've not played any of them but years ago stumbled upon a random YouTube streamer with no viewers playing one of the Yakuza games and watched him for like two hours and really got into the idea of playing them. Only thing is I'm absolutely rubbish at brawler type games - I know the latest one is turn based but want to play them in order.

I do know they're long as hell though so will have to break them up a bit with some smaller games so I don't get burnout.
Love me some Yakuza. Although I've probably played the pinnacle (0) I wouldn't mind diving into 6 and Like a Dragon.
The Yakuza game are just essential line up. Premium hasn't been announced yet right ?
Two more things:
  • I remapped the controls so that X and R2 were swapped around, so sprinting used a face button and the jump at the very end used the R2 button. Once I got the trophy I reverted the controls but found having sprint set to x worked great for that moment.
  • I set Look Sensitivity in game settings to max.
Here's the recording I did where I look a right nutter weaving in and out:

but you can see at the very end what I mean about sticking to the wall.

Finally got it last night.

Didn't capture all of it cause I was too amazed to think straight and get the capture right but here it is, from just after the start.

Finished Miles Morales earlier on today. Shit's good. :drool:

The swinging/traversal is some of the most fun in any game. The combat is awesome, too. Had an all-round fantastic time with it. Think the game felt tighter and more interesting than the first, which I also loved.
I went through Ghost of Tsushima.
Kind of bored of open worlds and its open world is one of the most bland i've seen. Some beautiful screenshots along the way even if it is cheating a bit with heavily exaggerated color and wind and whatnot. I wouldn't complain, it is jaw dropping beautiful at times. Story is junk. Lame, unskippable, weakly acted, boring junk. Gameplay is excellent and where the game comes into its own. Really thought it would suffer in comparison to Sekiro but it holds up quite well and with a system that seems much easier to copy and paste for other developers. Just let down by weak foundations elsewhere. Its a great game with nothing particularly interesting to do in it.
Just started Red Dead 2 for the first time. Probably a terrible time when i'm bored of open world games but i have so many built up in my backlog at this point that its reaching now or never territory. Half way through Spiderman and i'll probably go back to that too - think that'll be easier to enjoy though because traversal is fun.
I went through Ghost of Tsushima.
Kind of bored of open worlds and its open world is one of the most bland i've seen. Some beautiful screenshots along the way even if it is cheating a bit with heavily exaggerated color and wind and whatnot. I wouldn't complain, it is jaw dropping beautiful at times. Story is junk. Lame, unskippable, weakly acted, boring junk. Gameplay is excellent and where the game comes into its own. Really thought it would suffer in comparison to Sekiro but it holds up quite well and with a system that seems much easier to copy and paste for other developers. Just let down by weak foundations elsewhere. Its a great game with nothing particularly interesting to do in it.
Just started Red Dead 2 for the first time. Probably a terrible time when i'm bored of open world games but i have so many built up in my backlog at this point that its reaching now or never territory. Half way through Spiderman and i'll probably go back to that too - think that'll be easier to enjoy though because traversal is fun.
While it's open-world, it avoids the typical Ubisoft trappings that I associate with open-world fatigue. Clearing camps all around the maps, doing the same missions over and over again, finding a bunch of collectables, etc. Ghost of Tsushima had loads of that but RDR 2 isn't that kind of game.

It's a game that demands patience from the player though, if you're already a bit burned out on open-world games that might be an issue. Rushing through it will destroy the experience. It's at its best when it's played at a slow pace, just taking in the game world, enjoying the mundane activities that are part of the daily life out in the West, exploring its beautifully realised environments, hunting for some meat to cook over your camp fire in the evening, that sort of stuff. It can be a very zen-like experience.
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