Gaming PlayStation 5 | Forza Horizon 5 coming Spring 2025

5 hours long. Expected Stray to be a bit longer but that actually sounds kinda nice
Stray has been ok/decent so far. There's something weirdly satisfying about knocking things over and tearing at carpets with your paws for no real reason at all.
Does anyone elses console reach ridiculous heat levels ? Have had some time off my schedule due to the heat (in the UK) and completely unable to play the PS5 due to much heat it emits into open space.
Does anyone elses console reach ridiculous heat levels ? Have had some time off my schedule due to the heat (in the UK) and completely unable to play the PS5 due to much heat it emits into open space.

Never had any issue with mine. I assume you have it in a place where it's able to dissipate heat well. The console is well known for being very good at handling heat due to its extreme size.
Was going to play the Final Fantasy 7 dlc they added today but cant because i played the base game. Blocked out of downloading it. Can only buy the dlc seperately for €20.
Downloaded stray. Played stray a bit. Turned it off in favour of something more interesting. Maybe the heat but not in the mood to play it for long.
Stray might just have the least interesting premise of all time. Why the feck would I want to be a stray cat.
I played around 30 mins of Stray last night expecting to play 5 minutes. It was interesting and I was stoned. Will play again later...
Finished Stray. It's a cute, fun, game that's very limited in mechanics and scope. The lighting is gorgeous. And I appreciated its short length. I would recommend in PS Plus premium. I would be hesitant to recommend at full price, though.

Something obvious only dawned on me , today. The reason I see the odd digital game code come up on ebay is because they were in a console bundle. In that case, I hope the new GOW gets a console bundle. I might be able to play it near launch, then.
I love Stray, it's beautiful.

First time in a long time I've just had a constant smile on my face and it's from this being wholesome as heck along with a purrfect platform/puzzle solver type game.
Upgraded so I could play Stray. Played for a bit before bed last night, and had to force myself to stop.

I’ve also got Elden Ring. Considering I rage quit Bloodborne, I don’t think this ends well.
Really enjoyed Stray.

I loved the aura that's created in this colourful and rickety world. Sure, we're getting our fair share of dystopian games now, almost like we're willing that world into reality, and we're also seeing the rise of the cyberpunk aesthetic. But Stray's a little different, for me atleast, and that's predominantly built on the atmosphere, kooky environment ,the gorgeous sound design and not withstanding that you also play as a cat ,which is unique in itself !

Now, first and foremost this is a expedition and story driven game.
Its all about soaking in this colourful yet bleak and isolated world that each and every character is living in.

The robots are simple in design yet each one has a sense of their own belonging and character. They're kind, humorous, grouchy, curious but fundamentally they're all a little lonely and longing for a purpose, much like us. They're not a threat.

There are two sets of enemies within this game.
One, the sewer dwelling critters called Zorks. The bright yellow eyed individuals are like giant mites. They jump on you willingly in numbers and eat you dry.
The second enemy are the sentinel drones. Small in size but can kill you within an instant if they spot you within their radar by zapping you with their electric lasers. Wah!

Throughout the course of my experience with this game I was getting little references here and there.

From a film-goers eye, movies like Blade Runner, Logan's Run ,Metropolis were making their way through my thoughts as was Pendleton Ward's excellent cartoon series Adventure Time, what with it's sense of a slight eerie undertone of a longing lost world that was once inhabited by another race and the goofiness and charisma in its characters.

What I may also add is the story is far more emotionally engaged than what I was initially expecting. And, again, this is built around the characters who were written so well with so much love and attention.

Overall, I was left wanting more and I hope there's a sequel in the works.
Thanks. I've just read the responses above and they seem positive. Quite a surprise really. Thought this game might not work for alot of people here.

I forget to mention the games puzzles, of which they are a few. Again, like most of the overall experience , they're simple in design and enjoyable in themselves.

In general this was one of the few games I was looking forward to when I read the concept and, eventually, watched the trailer. And the game did not disappoint.

Looking forward to finally diving into Disco Elysium over xmas, where I have some time off.
Also keeping my eyes on the Little Devil Inside, which looks right up my street.
Thanks. I've just read the responses above and they seem positive. Quite a surprise really. Thought this game might not work for alot of people here.

I forget to mention the games puzzles, of which they are a few. Again, like most of the overall experience , they're simple in design and enjoyable in themselves.

In general this was one of the few games I was looking forward to when I read the concept and, eventually, watched the trailer. And the game did not disappoint.

Looking forward to finally diving into Disco Elysium over xmas, where I have some time off.
Also keeping my eyes on the Little Devil Inside, which looks right up my street.

Ah I'm not massively surprised about the popularity - cats etc - but it's great people are enjoying a game that isn't a blockbuster. There's lots of great titles released outside of AAA ones and this new PS+ system should give people a chance to experience more of them. I still think this is the way forward and all the power to both Sony and MS for giving people the option.

Little Devil Inside looks really interesting, I'm definitely checking that one out.
Truth be told, the AAA titles don't interest me.

I don't mind them occasionally but often they're too bloated and I come away feeling like I've put 20/30 hours into something I enjoyed much more at the beginning than the end.

8/12 hours is still the pinnacle length for most games outside of RPGs. It's something games that make their way onto subscription services make very good use of.
Truth be told, the AAA titles don't interest me.
Mainly the big AAA open world games for me, feels like a lot of them that have come out recently fail to reach expectations. Which to be fair isn't only the fault of the developers, but also the fans and media adding an extreme amount of hype to them.

Simple, short, linear games with good gameplay is all I need (and have time for these days).
At what stage?

Embarrassingly early.

To be fair, I probably wasn’t in the right mood for it at the time. I am capable of being patient with games - mostly things like Super Meat Boy or Getting Over It, but with that I just sort of went “ah, sod this.”

I probably still have it my library, if I’m right in thinking it was a psplus thing.
I still have Elden Ring in my library, haven't gone near the game in months. Probably delete it eventually.
Been playing Stray for the past couple of nights and really enjoying it. A nice change of pace from the usual and just a really chill experience so far. I'm not surprised by the positive reception it's getting simply because I think a lot of people are burnt out on the typical, modern AAA game. I think there's a lot of cynicism around the industry at the moment (the latest hullabaloo seems to be around the fact that Skate was recently announced to be a free-to-play game) and you can understand why.

So it's no surprise that a game like this has been the proverbial breath of fresh air. No pay-to-win shite, no serious bugs (that I've encountered), no "roadmaps", just a lovingly crafted game. It looks great, plays great, and the audio is fantastic. It's also nice and short, which is very much welcomed by me.
My dog is very intrigued by Stray. Also a bit confused I think.
I'll be playing it tomorrow. I know mine will be like this:

He was terrible with Cosmo in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Oh god. My dog basically barks at anything even remotely resembling an animal on tv, or even grass, or trees, or something he hasn't seen before. Or... well... let's just say I think he's a bit racist too.
I'll be playing it tomorrow. I know mine will be like this:

He was terrible with Cosmo in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Mine just stared at the screen for 20 mins and then started searching the house for the cat :lol: had his head in the tv stand looking.
Oh god. My dog basically barks at anything even remotely resembling an animal on tv, or even grass, or trees, or something he hasn't seen before. Or... well... let's just say I think he's a bit racist too.

:lol: Mine 'only' goes ballistic at any sort of animal. He even does it at animals that would destroy him in real life (hippos, elephants, bears) but the worst is when he does it when RSPCA adverts come on and there are all these neglected animals missing eyes or legs, looking all neglected and he just barks at 'em!

Mine just stared at the screen for 20 mins and then started searching the house for the cat :lol: had his head in the tv stand looking.
Aww that's cute.

Mine has a tendency to shut himself in the kitchen but he doesn't bark or scratch or anything to let people know he's in there. He just stands silently at the door and after 5-10 minutes of me thinking he's a bit quiet, I realise he's shut himself in so I open the door and he's stood right there.
Just upgraded my PS subscription so I can get this. Was only £11 until the end of the year.

Yeah, it's a no-brainer at that point. It cost me £16 when I upgraded to Extra a few weeks ago. Great value for what you get. I still think Premium is lacking though.
I'm really enjoying stray now. It started slow but now I'm into it and I'm loving it.

Its One of those games I have to force myself to stop as I could happily spend all day on it.
Any trophy chasers there's one on stray that's absolutely ridiculous. Where you have to outrun the zurks without any latching on to you.

I've just done it after about 200 restarts. I think it's pure luck.