Phil Jones

He was excellent tonight. Glad to see he's still actually allowed to play in his position at times. Needs to be done more often to avoid a new O'Shea occurance.
Still think he could be a great CM!

I just can't see it at all. Touch isn't good enough, passing isn't good enough, awareness isn't good enough, not good enough in tight spaces.

In the 80's he might have been good in there as a driving force, but I just feel you need so much more in today's game.
I think that's 2 games where he's played CB for the full game this season and he's been very good in both.
Against Spurs i would play him in midfield alongside Carrick and Cleverley probably at the expense of Valencia.

Why? Carrick-Cleverley has done excellently in the big games this season. Why do we need Jones inmidfield against Spurs?? Spurs for feck sake!
Considering how they beat us comprehensively earlier in the season, It wouldn't be a bad idea.

They beat us when we had an off-form Carrick and Scholes, who started in the midfield. Giggs also started the game.

Now we have an excellent Carrick, a burgeoning Carrick-Clev partnership and Rooney back to start the game. There is no need to go ultra-defensive with Jones in the midfield. Spurs are not some great European powerhouse. They are a decent PL outfit with Scotty Parker and Dembele in the middle.
Considering how they beat us comprehensively earlier in the season, It wouldn't be a bad idea.
We had Giggs, Scholes and Carrick in Zombie mode in midfield in the first half. We absolutely battered them when Rooney came on at half-time for Scholes IIRC, should've won anout 6-3 if not for fantastic goalkeeping and awesome defending/luck by Spurs.
Our team is much better now, much more balanced, RvP is in top form and Spurs are missing Kaboul, Sandro, Adebayor and BAE. Got to say I'm not too worried, Carrick, Cleverley, Welbeck, Kagawa, Rooney & RVP should be good enough to win it. Especially as it seems we're getting better defensively as well, only conceded three goals in our last five games.
If you like such stats.

Phil Jones for us so far: 50 appearances.
19(3) at right-back /44%/, 13(2) at centre-back /30%/, 7(6) in midfield /26%/.
Your tagline :lol:

Jones just needs more games in CB, he shouldn't continuously be shafted right back or into central midfield.
Considering how they beat us comprehensively earlier in the season, It wouldn't be a bad idea.


They beat us when we had an off-form Carrick and Scholes, who started in the midfield. Giggs also started the game.

Now we have an excellent Carrick, a burgeoning Carrick-Clev partnership and Rooney back to start the game. There is no need to go ultra-defensive with Jones in the midfield. Spurs are not some great European powerhouse. They are a decent PL outfit with Scotty Parker and Dembele in the middle.
Was good today at CB. I'd like to see him get more games there in future, though he still has a lot of work to get up the pecking order. Leave the RB spot to Rafael and let Jones fight for the CB spots
Has anyone noticed his neat way of defending crosses if he's on the first man? Instead of trying to challenge for the header from behind his man, and risking the attacker just flicking it on over him, he just jumps straight up. If the attacker flicks the ball on, it hits Jones in the face. If the attacker doesn't make contact, it hits him on the chest. It's absolutely foolproof - I've yet to see him do it and not block the ball in.

Watch for it. Once you've seen it once, you'll start notice him doing it constantly.
Has anyone noticed his neat way of defending crosses if he's on the first man? Instead of trying to challenge for the header from behind his man, and risking the attacker just flicking it on over him, he just jumps straight up. If the attacker flicks the ball on, it hits Jones in the face. If the attacker doesn't make contact, it hits him on the chest. It's absolutely foolproof - I've yet to see him do it and not block the ball in.

Watch for it. Once you've seen it once, you'll start notice him doing it constantly.

:lol: I have this image of him leaping like a salmon. Will look out for it.
We're going to have a seriously good backline in a few years time, potentially better than 07/08.

Between Jones and the Da Silva's the defence is going to have an old school kind of threat about it.
Has anyone noticed his neat way of defending crosses if he's on the first man? Instead of trying to challenge for the header from behind his man, and risking the attacker just flicking it on over him, he just jumps straight up. If the attacker flicks the ball on, it hits Jones in the face. If the attacker doesn't make contact, it hits him on the chest. It's absolutely foolproof - I've yet to see him do it and not block the ball in.

Watch for it. Once you've seen it once, you'll start notice him doing it constantly.

I have spotted him doing that. Proper old fashioned hard defending. About time. I thought when we signed him and still think now, he could be the hardest player we've had since Keano.
Your tagline :lol:

Jones just needs more games in CB, he shouldn't continuously be shafted right back or into central midfield.

I love this kid, who I believe will turn 21 next month. Ideally, Jonesey would get more work in at CB but I don't see where the chances will come from this season unless we go deep in our FA Cup run.

To my eye, his best position is CB but I really can also see him evolve into a defensive midfielder. His touch is actually pretty decent. Not silky, but definitely efficient. Especially if we pull out a 4231 on occasion Jonesey could pair with Carrick, who I'd like to see push up the pitch more often.

He's got a long career ahead of him. May they all be as a United man!
He's got a future in that Makelele role, but nothing more, he's not a good enough footballer (and by that I mean with the ball at his feet) to do anything more than a very limited role in midfield.

Did his job though, fair play to him.
Played quite well, full of energy and never shy to receive and pass the ball.
He defended very well, but several times a dreadful pass or heavy first touch ruined promising attacks. He is not a midfielder, but he is a very promising young defender with a great attitude.
Was very disciplined. Very good to see.
Played well today. Was his kind of game and the role suited him.
He was defensively great, but not strong enough at most other aspects required of a midfielder.

He made some great attacking runs down the Channel, as did Cleverley..
Fantastic in the 'bulldog' role, but I'm not sure he's got the passing ability to play midfield in anything but a 3, though.
He made some great attacking runs down the Channel, as did Cleverley..

Problem is though, he well and truly fecks it up when he gets in those positions.

I think he's better off not making the runs rather than risking being out of position.

Play as the water carrier and do all the dirty work and let others do the attacking.
I appreciate his versatility. Bale didn't have much joy and that was partly due to him and others covering the right flank so well. It was a little bit frustrating when he would carry the ball so well and then mess up the final ball. But he's so enthusiastic we should encourage it. He's shown that he can affect the game at both ends of the pitch.

Don't expect him to be a solution in that midfield position, but a tactical option, most definitely.