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I think it mostly comes down to him rubbing some posters (and mods) the wrong way more than anything else.

Agree on the sanitised bit, although I understand there are benefits of going down that route as well. Just don't push the few knowledgeable guys out the door, is all. Pete's seen more football than most on this forum, and has a deep understanding of it. If you think he 'should've shown it more' it's probably you he wound the feck out of.

Let him back in guys, on a parole situation so to say.
I think as long as they are not doing any real harm or damage to the site it should be ok

If anyone really got wound up by PS they were the bigger fool

I agree, but we both know there were literally hundreds of people that pete wound up over the years. I've no idea why people kept paying attention to the "Messi is a poor man's Walcott"-esque posts but they did, and it ended up de-railing a lot of threads. Well, some might describe it as de-railing threads and some might describe it as typical footy banter you'd hear down at the pub. Winding up your mates with that kind of silliness is what happens all across the world every weekend but it seems like an awful lot of people thought it had no place in here and couldn't handle it.

Pete was told this many, many times and kindly asked to ease off on the wind-ups but he just couldn't resist - there's nothing he or we could do about that. The wind-ups weren't the reason he was banned in the end but they ultimately contributed to the position he put himself in.

It was inevitable, really. He actually told me about this time two years' ago that he was "off the caf for good" but he couldn't keep it up - so maybe this'll be good for him. It's a great shame for the site though, IMO. He was a genuinely lovely guy, very witty and intelligent, and he had that knack of being able to say a lot through few words - across a broad set of subjects too.
He was a massive WUM but because it was so obvious, it was daft to get annoyed by him. I liked him, every now and then he'd "break character" and you could see that he knew his stuff really. He was always a big fan of Carrick for example, even when a lot of Utd fans weren't.

He was a good poster in the Current Events forum too.

It's a shame he's gone but it seems like the mods had given him chance after chance so it's just one of those things.
Does anyone know how to make it so certain threads don't keep showing up?
but it seems like an awful lot of people thought it had no place in here and couldn't handle it....

So a good poster is gone to assuage the idiocy of shit posters?

That's how you get a forum full of shit posters.
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Clearly he got more than enough warnings, if he doesn't heed those warnings then the mods had no choice but to ban him.
So a good poster is gone to assuage the idiocy of shit posters?

That's how you get a forum full of shit posters.

No, that's what created some friction and minor problems which then snowballed, leading to repeated insults to modmins and ultimately a lack of respect for the community and the forum itself. I'm fairly sure he's asked to be banned in the past because all those factors come together to make it an unenjoyable experience for himself and others.
He was a massive WUM but because it was so obvious, it was daft to get annoyed by him. I liked him, every now and then he'd "break character" and you could see that he knew his stuff really. He was always a big fan of Carrick for example, even when a lot of Utd fans weren't.

He was a good poster in the Current Events forum too.

It's a shame he's gone but it seems like the mods had given him chance after chance so it's just one of those things.

Yep, his wums were so obvious that they were really easy to skip past. Doesn't seem like the wumming was the problem though.

Still thought he was a good poster, especially in the general forum. Oh well.
Quality outside of the football forums especially the CE forums, and was good on OTB but I can't recall enjoying any of his football forum posts.. was he ever offering a serious opinion when he ventured onto the football forums or did he just enjoy ridiculing the opinions of others?
Seemed like a decent poster but his last few exchanges with Raoul were asking for it, esp with the number of infractions he had already accrued by then.

Hazard's doing it in a joke of a league where the top teams can't even get past the last 16 round of the Champions League

Possibly the worst post in recent memory.

I can remember much worse by you (of course you deleted them in an abuse of mod privilege).

They certainly weren't worse and yes i did use my privilege to delete them.

Well most people won't know since you abused your privilege.

I didn't, but I'm more than happy to use it again if you keep it up.

Shut it bully boy.

Bye Pete.
He was a massive WUM but because it was so obvious, it was daft to get annoyed by him. I liked him, every now and then he'd "break character" and you could see that he knew his stuff really. He was always a big fan of Carrick for example, even when a lot of Utd fans weren't.

He was a good poster in the Current Events forum too.

It's a shame he's gone but it seems like the mods had given him chance after chance so it's just one of those things.
Agreed completely. In contrast to like Alastair and Glaston his wums were incredibly tame and funny too.
And Snake was being sarcastic in the first place...

Let him back in guys. Wave that banning stick counter clockwise.
Oh come on you've already banned him, don't slander him too.
Don't think he means it in a negative sense Arch...or at least I hope not.

A bit of this thread has been people just posting to have a pop though, which is a little sad, considering this is the fecking internet....But there you go.
Don't think he means it in a negative sense Arch...or at least I hope not.

A bit of this thread has been people just posting to have a pop though, which is a little sad, considering this is the fecking internet....But there you go.
I was just joking Don but pete would be rolling in his e-grave seeing people remember him as the bloke with the posh boy accent :lol:
He was one of my favorite posters (especially when he posted in current events). He looked very knowledgable and a top guy.

He was always in WUMmming mode in football forums, but it was quite funny. Also - unlike Weaste - I don't remember him ever going personal or abusing other posters, but if there have been 8 infractions then that is something else.

I was in a requested ban those days and was very surprised to see him being banned.
Enjoyed his posts in CE and back when he was on OTB. Vaguely remember having some sort of PM conversation when I was a newb too and he was a thoroughly nice guy.

You can't go racking up those #numbers of infractions though I suppose :lol:
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