Good point. I should've thought of that.
Good point. I should've thought of that.
Yeah, everyone knows you're not allowed in their club if you're over 5 foot 5.I would think many alt-rightists would reject Ben Shapiro because he's Jewish. He's always struck me as more traditionally conservative. He's just belligerent, rude, short, obnoxious and racist too. Which may be why people associate him with the alt-right.
What makes Shapiro "alt-right" and not just a traditional conservative?
what is the difference between alt-right and traditional conservative?
as far as I can discern the alt-right like trolling more and that's about it
My impression was that the alt-right make a conscious, explicit link between "the West" (as in, the civilization) and being white.
I am somebody who says Western civilization is the best civilization by nature. I tweeted on Columbus Day that the purpose of Columbus Day is to say that the Western civilization arriving in the Americas was a great good for civilization, even though awful things happened to the Native Americans.
the actual definition of alt right is nebulous and not universally agreed upon but i think him being a white supremacist who worked for breitbart is enough for me to slot him in there. he is blatantly a racist and traffics in the same language as those on the alt right. id be curious for those who are so offended by him being labeled alt right to explain what they think the major difference of opinion are between shaprio and the alt right.
the last 3 in particular make it blindingly obvious
1: "western civilization is code for judeo-christian"
2: "multiculturalism as opposed to western civilization"
3: "white people founded western civilization"
What makes Shapiro "alt-right" and not just a traditional conservative?
Frankly I thought the alt right term was basically coined for him and Milo Yanacantspellhisname
Conservatism is pretty fecked then.Same with Peterson or any other bog standard conservative.
I thought it was Richard Spencer who came up with it.
For those of us who are late to the thread, who are the others referred to in the thread title (the etc) aside from Ben Shapiro?
And more importantly then, could any of you provide a summation of what it is you find find so disagreeable about Harris, Peterson & Co? What are the main points of contention?
I personally find the 'controversial' status of Peterson bizarre, but what say you?
Very difficult to synthesize 75 pages worth of discourse and opinion. Land on any one page and you'll get a good sense of peoples' thoughts on the men in question.For those of us who are late to the thread, who are the others referred to in the thread title (the etc) aside from Ben Shapiro?
And more importantly then, could any of you provide a summation of what it is you find find so disagreeable about Harris, Peterson & Co? What are the main points of contention?
I personally find the 'controversial' status of Peterson bizarre, but what say you?
Very difficult to synthesize 75 pages worth of discourse and opinion. Land on any one page and you'll get a good sense of peoples' thoughts on the men in question.
As for Peterson, he's recently tended towards a more aggressive, self-important and paranoid demeanour. Maybe it's his all beef diet. Who knows. But you can find point-by-point dissection of his stances in this thread.
what is the difference between alt-right and traditional conservative?
as far as I can discern the alt-right like trolling more and that's about it
Shapiro sounded a lot saner on Rogan than previous times I've listened to him, which granted hasn't been much other than the odd clip. Maybe he's matured a bit, or maybe just found better ways to spin his bullshit
Peterson doesn't say anything that would be viewed as particularly controversial to mainstream audiences, or even to most rational academics for that matter.
So what do you think of the #MeToo Movement? I think that the treatment of women at the hands of some men is reprehensible. That’s what a small percentage of very dangerous men are like. That should be stopped. But then you have a believe-the-victim strategy, which is associated with dangers like violation of the presumption of innocence. It’s more deeply reflective of a bigger problem in society, which is that the birth-control pill has enabled women to compete with men on a fairly equal footing. But we still don’t know what the rules are that should govern the behavior, the interaction between men and women in places like the workplace.
Peterson doubts the scientific consensus on climate change.[125] Peterson has said he is "very skeptical of the models that are used to predict climate change".[126] He has also said, "You can't trust the data because too much ideology is involved".[127]
Peterson is less controversial. Hes still a weirdo and a bigot just not on the level of Shapiro. The thing with him is that he became famous for a pretty bad misinterpretation of a law and then sold a book of utter pablum to a bunch of incels. Its bizarre because at least Shapiro can turn a phrase, Peterson is so unremarkable to have a personality cult.
where my race science at yoeven to most rational academics for that matter. Only in a campus lefty bubble
Peterson doesn't say anything that would be viewed as particularly controversial to mainstream audiences, or even to most rational academics for that matter. Only in a campus lefty bubble would you find people contending that his opinions are malevolent or dangerous.
He's definitely suffering from overexposure now though. All this attention, pressure from the media and the bizarre diet has taken its toll.
Rubin is the dumbest motherfecker around by quite some distance.
about the same time gamergate started sending death threats to women who talk about themRubin is the dumbest motherfecker around by quite some distance.
Also, when did "leftists hate videogames" become a thing?
Figures. Hating regressive, misogynistic, racist chucklefecks who harass and send death threats to women is clearly the same as hating videogames.about the same time gamergate started sending death threats to women who talk about them
Also, when did "leftists hate videogames" become a thing?
"kids these days" is still a thing for conservatives,A couple of years ago leftists loved videogames because supposedly leftists don't like to work or something.
um excuse me sir birth control is responsible for the fall of western civilisation you need to watch 7000 hours of peterson or you wouldn't be making such wild mischaracterisationswe don't know the full ramifications of birth control on society yet
imagine believing a man who can't handle cider is going to punch a motherfeckerPeterson also offers an example in which he claims that a female activist organized a movement against him and compared him to Nazis. “I’m defenceless against that kind of female insanity because the techniques that I would use against a man who was employing those tactics are forbidden to me,” he says.
youre a campus lefty bubble.It’s more deeply reflective of a bigger problem in society, which is that the birth-control pill has enabled women to compete with men on a fairly equal footing.
I guess academia is too loose a term for the point I was making but no it wouldnt surprise me that people find him any number of things. On the other hand every academic I know, albeit these are all in science, who has heard of him is either apathetic or a mild fan.
The point is that even in his most cherry picked quotes there's nothing I would even call edgy, other than to the ears of a far left ideologue. There's nothing edgy about saying that 'we don't know the full ramifications of birth control on society yet' or that 'men don't know how to handle crazy women'. Because it's true, we don't. And the last time I checked being a religiously minded prude was not an extreme position either.
As per his debates with Sam Harris it's very easy to deconstruct Peterson's more hair brained ideas. Which is why you know anyone who responds to Peterson with alt right hysteria is either off the rails or intellectually vacant.