Pes 2010


Full Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hunting The Hunter !
Konami has put out a press release about PES 2010, due out in the autumn on PlayStation 3, PS2, Xbox 360, PSP and mobile phone. The Tokyo development team has apparently, "collated feedback on the series' strengths and weaknesses via fan forums, both ardent and casual PES players and press comment, and has incorporated a wide range of requests in the new game".

Here's the main stuff you need to know, hastily compiled...

It's all about being a 'real football simulation'. "Intuitive zonal defending will cover spaces and players need to look constantly for new ways to attack [...] goalkeepers are more versatile and with abilities matching those of modern shot-stoppers. The game's referees have also been reworked, with smarter AI elements allowing them to make more balanced calls during matches."

Live player expressions, improved lighting to convey weather conditions...

Match-Day Atmosphere
More varied crowd reactions to the action, including lots of chants and cheers. The game is also looking to replicate the differences between home and away fixtures. I'm not sure how this will be conveyed by the crowd though, perhaps the stadia will have authentic away enclosures so if your team scores, only a fraction of the crowd will react. Commentary is also being updated to offer a "fresher, more concise overview of the game".

From the release: "The Tokyo team has worked to improve the AI of the game, with Teamvision 2.0 implemented. Midfielders and defenders now work together to cover open space and close down attacks, meaning that cover can be provided for lower-ranked defenders. This also has the additional effect of removing soft goals, thus returning PES 2010 to its simulation roots. In terms of attacking, players can also now move several players once, sending them into different areas, opening up more goal-scoring possibilities than ever before".

Hmm, that last bit sounds a little like FIFA 08s abortive off-the-ball controls. Apparently you'll also be able to set off attacker runs in response to set-pieces - so free kicks might be a little more tactical than just kicking hte ball and crossing you fingers.

Individual player skills
"In previous PES games, the team formation has determined the movements of the players. PES 2010 introduces a new system wherein the individual attacking and defending nature of the players is integral to the way they play. Each player enjoys unique AI tied into their best abilities, and is reflected in the actions of their team mates". So if you have a good crosser running down the wing, more players will flood the penalty area in anticipation.

Other stuff
More pre-match strategic options ("pass frequency, movement, the line of defence, width of play, or the position of the front line"); a new penalty system offering greater control and accuracy; lots more DLC with regular team and content updates; the exclusive video game rights for the Europa League Licence...

The release ends with an interesting quote from Jon Murphy, PES European Team Leader: "The preparations for PES 2010 have been in place for some time now, with the reorganization and increase of the Tokyo-based studio allowing expert teams to concentrate on their particular area. We are now in a better position to implement the greatest raft of changes and improvements to the series we have seen, and thank the PES community for their input."

The suggestion is, this iteration has been in development for significantly longer than the year or so since Pro Evo 2009. Is PES 2010, then, the first true current-gen run-out for the series?
Sounds like what they say every year really. Won't get anything useful till gaming sites get some hands on time.

Rework of the penalty system sounds good though.
Stop the ball making an almighty thumping sound whenever its kicked, headed or lightly tapped....Generally make it better and NextGen and not like PES12 on the PS2
They need a total overhaul of the game. The gameplay has been the same since pes 3 or so; its not a bad thing, but we're already on the next gen consoles. Graphics this year was pretty good, but I feel there could be more done in this area.
scrap the game, start again, realise that fifa is miles ahead of them and then realise that they have suffered from a heavy dose of epic fail
They need to focus on the realistic aspect of things.I don't know who does the motion capture for them but he's been a total waste really
scrap the game, start again, realise that fifa is miles ahead of them and then realise that they have suffered from a heavy dose of epic fail

Thing is they where so far ahead of Fifa with PES4 that they stopped trying. They didn't step up to the NextGen plate and EA did...Fifa was getting slowly better but never quite getting anywhere near PES on the last Gen consoles so they didn't worry about it untill, uh oh, Fifa pulled 08 out of the bag on the NextGens while PES 08 was simply a souped up version of the PS2 game...

They really need an overhaul...They obviously know how to make the perfect football game (PES 4 was that IMO) so now they need to make it for nextGen....
scrap the game, start again, realise that fifa is miles ahead of them and then realise that they have suffered from a heavy dose of epic fail

But that's just a load of rubbish though, isn't it?

Granted konami needs to get their act together (considering how dominant they were on previous gen consoles) but there wasn't much difference between the two games last year imo. The graphics improved immensely compared to '08 and now all they need to sort out is an actual next gen engine with improved player physics. Fifa is well ahead in that respect.
Hello. Hatsumi again.

Sorry it's been a while since the team blogged. We've been focusing so hard on the development. We'll provide more regular updates from now on.

Today, I would like to explain online play for PES 2010. I'm really
aware how important an issue online play is to the fans and we know
we've got to get it right this year.

We have been thoroughly studying technologies in order to address all the feedback we've heard about PES2008 and PES2009. It's been a long process - there's been many, many aspects to think about.

However, I'd like to say here and now that not only have we fixed the lag and warp problems of the past, but we thoroughly overhauled the entire online system! I know people are going to want to see proof of this, but I'm 100% confident in my predictions.

Trying to explain everything in detail would get much too complicated (and boring!), but put simply we have adopted an enhanced version of the system used for PES6 examining the experience we had with PES2008 and PES2009, which guarantees a rewarding level of play control as well asno lag & warp problems. We're really excited by the results.

In addition to the enhanced system, we are going to implement a new feature with which you can play various competitions with others users from all over Europe and another feature which provides several options specifically to enjoy with your registered friends.

Stay tuned and we'll give you more info when we can!

Naoya Hatsumi
posted by Naoya Hatsumi

Good news if true. But to be honest, we've heard it all before.
Does that mean he's using the PES6 model as a template? That would be awesome (though 4 was probably the best)....It could be all guff though
It needs a complete overhaul of the game engine if its got any chance of producing a better game than Fifa. I was a diehard Pro Evo fan until the last game, just cant see how tweaks on the existing engine is productive in terms of competing.
Does that mean he's using the PES6 model as a template? That would be awesome (though 4 was probably the best)....It could be all guff though

I imagine it means using the same online system as PES6, which was spot on.

PES 5/6 are the best of the lot, IMO. 5 probably shading it.

Good news if true. But to be honest, we've heard it all before.
WENB have said they would never support online tournements cause of the lag and warp problems in PES08 and 09.

They have confirmed that they will be supporting online tournaments and linking with PESRankings for PES2010. This is a clear indication that they firmly believe that online is going to be fine in this version. Whether you believe them or not is another matter I suppose.

I'm certainly very excited about the new version coming out. I've seen enough so far to suggest there has been a lot of work done to get PES2010 right, and things like MoCap being fully used in the game, as opposed to just the odd animation indicate, to me anyway, that there is likely to be a big shift in how the game looks and feels in movement.

I still actually prefer to play PES09 to FIFA09 though - as I think it is more fun. FIFA is a great game, and has less problems that PES does, but I still just don't find it as much fun, it forces a style of play on you too much.
I imagine it means using the same online system as PES6, which was spot on.

PES 5/6 are the best of the lot, IMO. 5 probably shading it.

Hmmm...not really good enough for me...They need to revert to the 4-6 engine...Online means feck all if the game isn't up to scratch
Hmmm...not really good enough for me...They need to revert to the 4-6 engine...Online means feck all if the game isn't up to scratch

Nah, they need to move on from that. The 8-way movement is starting to look really dated, and the game needs to be made more fluid and loose. A big change is needed, IMO. FIFA seems to have overtaken them(though it doesn't do it for me personally), and they won't take back their crown by going backwards.

Offline has limited appeal in most games though, because it's too easy after a week or two of playing. If they get online right, for many people it'll be the only game in their machine all year.
Hmmm...not really good enough for me...They need to revert to the 4-6 engine...Online means feck all if the game isn't up to scratch

i disagree - the 4-6 engine would not be enough now.

They do need to look at PES4 to 6 though, and remember what made them such great games - use them as a template to work from for the new title with regards to attack/defence balance and general feel.

July 9th for the PSM3 preview, and July 15th for the WENB/PESfan/PESGaming previews (having played preview code last week) will tell a lot.
Nah, they need to move on from that. The 8-way movement is starting to look really dated, and the game needs to be made more fluid and loose. A big change is needed, IMO. FIFA seems to have overtaken them(though it doesn't do it for me personally), and they won't take back their crown by going backwards.

Offline has limited appeal in most games though, because it's too easy after a week or two of playing. If they get online right, for many people it'll be the only game in their machine all year.

FIFA has 8 way movement too - just the animations are better so hide this fact a lot better than PES - but if you go to the loading screens in FIFA, and check, there are only 8 distinct movement directions, with animations being used to give the illusion of movement between them.
FIFA has 8 way movement too - just the animations are better so hide this fact a lot better than PES - but if you go to the loading screens in FIFA, and check, there are only 8 distinct movement directions, with animations being used to give the illusion of movement between them.

Fair enough. I'd always been led to believe the analogue offered a wider range of movement.
FIFA has 8 way movement too - just the animations are better so hide this fact a lot better than PES - but if you go to the loading screens in FIFA, and check, there are only 8 distinct movement directions, with animations being used to give the illusion of movement between them.

Fifa10 will have 360 degree movement
will be interesting to see how they map their ball physics with that, will be interesting to see how it works too.
will be interesting to see how they map their ball physics with that, will be interesting to see how it works too.

Definitely, it frustrates me to read though that PES just isn't making any major advancements in that area. From what i've read it'll be an improvement on PES09, but it just won't compete with Fifa.
Definitely, it frustrates me to read though that PES just isn't making any major advancements in that area. From what i've read it'll be an improvement on PES09, but it just won't compete with Fifa.
from what I've read it could be the opposite. I get all my PES news from WENB, whose founders also run FSB, at the request of EA. Suff has been very critical of PES since PES6 on the PS2, and has been a big fan of the last two fifa games.

From reading the hints himself and Adam have been giving, having played both games last week (and FIFA once before that too for Suff), PES is right up there with FIFA this year.

I'm a PES fan, always have been, so I will admit I am most likely biased towards it. I did buy FIFA08 and FIFA09 for the PS3 though. Neither PES08 or FIFA08 got much play after a month cause I didn't like either, and PES09 is played a lot more than FIFA09 cause I think it is simply more fun - it has more problems, I concede that - EA are closer with FIFA09 to the perfect football game than Konami are with PES09, but I simply find the freedom and fun better in PES09.

You obviously think differently to me, as you don't think PES competes with FIFA at all at this point, and that is fair enough.

Right now them, i'm very much encouraged by what I am hearing regarding PES2010 - i'm confident it will be a lot better than PES2009, in every way, given the massive change in development structure and approach from Konami. It could be that a lot of people will still see FIFA as the better game, I just hope PES manages to give those people a reason to stop and think about it for a bit this time round.
I hope PES is where it's at this year.

Believe it or not but PES 09 on the PS2 is still better than any of the new ones on 360 or PS3....

never played it - i presume it plays similar to the old pes titles, using the same engine.

the Wii version uses the same engine as far as I know, and it is good fun too.
My favorite one was PES 5, realistically it was much better than anything released on XBOX360/PS3

The gameplay was good - but the refs were a freaking nightmare. PES6 is my favourite; loved the Random Selection matches
PES 5 is still better than any of the football games produced since then.
from what I've read it could be the opposite. I get all my PES news from WENB, whose founders also run FSB, at the request of EA. Suff has been very critical of PES since PES6 on the PS2, and has been a big fan of the last two fifa games.

From reading the hints himself and Adam have been giving, having played both games last week (and FIFA once before that too for Suff), PES is right up there with FIFA this year.

I'm a PES fan, always have been, so I will admit I am most likely biased towards it. I did buy FIFA08 and FIFA09 for the PS3 though. Neither PES08 or FIFA08 got much play after a month cause I didn't like either, and PES09 is played a lot more than FIFA09 cause I think it is simply more fun - it has more problems, I concede that - EA are closer with FIFA09 to the perfect football game than Konami are with PES09, but I simply find the freedom and fun better in PES09.

You obviously think differently to me, as you don't think PES competes with FIFA at all at this point, and that is fair enough.

Right now them, i'm very much encouraged by what I am hearing regarding PES2010 - i'm confident it will be a lot better than PES2009, in every way, given the massive change in development structure and approach from Konami. It could be that a lot of people will still see FIFA as the better game, I just hope PES manages to give those people a reason to stop and think about it for a bit this time round.

I was a PES fan up until the latest edition, i still have the latest edition & play it from time to time. Its nothing about being a fan boy or anything like that, as a consumer i just want a great football game that has everything.

Unfortunately the latest version of PES just didnt cut it for me, i hope they pull a great game out of the back as i'd change back in a shot, but i just can't see without creating a new game engine how anything they propose will improve the game to an extent where its better than FIFA.

I hope i'm wrong, i really do, but from the latest rumblings from Konami, i'm not holding out!
How about they make it so that the entire team doesn't push into midfield and then just stay there for the whole game?
How about they stop promising the same shit every year?
Thing is they where so far ahead of Fifa with PES4 that they stopped trying. They didn't step up to the NextGen plate and EA did...Fifa was getting slowly better but never quite getting anywhere near PES on the last Gen consoles so they didn't worry about it untill, uh oh, Fifa pulled 08 out of the bag on the NextGens while PES 08 was simply a souped up version of the PS2 game...

They really need an overhaul...They obviously know how to make the perfect football game (PES 4 was that IMO) so now they need to make it for nextGen....

Exactly right. And its the same thing as Fifa did in the first place many years ago. When Fifa was coming out the first few times it had some competition from games like Actua Soccer, Virtua Soccer, Libero Grande... All of them had a bash at it but ultimately Fifa was always better overall. Then came ISS - a good series for sure, but not as popular. After a while E.A stopped trying to push the game to new levels, knowing they'll still be the most popular game anyway. And thats when Pro Evo came out and overtook. It took a bunch of titles from that series that were better than the Fifa counterparts, before finally people cottoned onto the fact that Pro Evo was a much better game. But Pro Evo finally got that recognition with say their last 2-3 titles before the most recent 2.

And I think thats why E.A went all out with next gen Fifa. They finally realised they did actually have superior competition and had to pull something out of the bag. They had the resources for it and they did it.

Now its time for Konami to try and do something similar. But they need a huge leap now as they are quite far behind Fifa overall.
The biggest problem I have with Konami's recent "games" is that... They're not fun.

I don't know, really. It really felt like starting a PES5/PES6 game could be done within a minute and although both definitely had their flaws in gameplay, they were really fun games.

Their more recent games are graphically "better" but flawed and awkward, and the gameplay dated.

I don't think PES 2009 was a really bad game, for example - just that it felt a bit old and boring.
The biggest problem I have with Konami's recent "games" is that... They're not fun.

I don't know, really. It really felt like starting a PES5/PES6 game could be done within a minute and although both definitely had their flaws in gameplay, they were really fun games.

Their more recent games are graphically "better" but flawed and awkward, and the gameplay dated.

I don't think PES 2009 was a really bad game, for example - just that it felt a bit old and boring.

I agree. Before Fifa 09 and PES 09 came out, I thought PES was the only game in any genre that could get a grown man out of his chair and really celebrate, even when playing against the AI.

Fifa 09 has changed that, though. I concede that FIFA > PES in every sense but I'll still buy PES every year because I feel an emotional bond with it and the fact that I'm ridiculously good at it.
I went back and played some PES 09 earliar today, and fecking hell some of the AI decisions are shocking. I played 2 matches and recieved 2 red cards / gave away two penalties from players on my team randomly sliding in from behind when i never even pressed a button.

Compared to Fifa 09, Pes feels more like a rigid subuteo style game.