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Do you want Pogba for £100 million?

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This transfer saga seems to have regressed to pure speculation, similar to how Vidal, Fabregas, Thiago went..
Well I find it doubtful personally but if it really is true that Pogba is 'yet to make up his mind' I just find that fecking ridiculous. We should be moving on pronto if it's in any way true.

Obviously, Mou rates him very highly and we can afford to give him a week. Surely, there must be some positive signs from Raiola as well.
This transfer saga seems to have regressed to pure speculation, similar to how Vidal, Fabregas, Thiago went..
None of those transfers were pure speculation. Vidal and Thiago chose Bayern and Fabregas chose Chelsea. You don't sign every player you're chasing. For all we know another club in a better position that us could get interested in Pogba and he signs for them.
It will be done soon. Next week we should get the good news. It will all be resolved before 31 july. Sit back and enjoy . There ware more players and not just Pogba which may come.

BTW, I think you should change your status now... :D
This transfer saga seems to have regressed to pure speculation, similar to how Vidal, Fabregas, Thiago went..
Nah all the reports are sounding very positive. Things getting quieter isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I don't see any reason to be negative about this.
Weren't you the one who used to rage at people for being skeptical? What changed?

Raged? I don't recall raging over anything but posters in this thread going off topic. Nothing has changed, but lI'd have expected more solid reports to come out at this stage. With the Euro's being over and all. The last reports to come out was that Pogba is in no rush to leave Juventus. Nothing since.
Raged? I don't recall raging over anything but posters in this thread going off topic. Nothing has changed, but lI'd have expected more solid reports to come out at this stage. With the Euro's being over and all.

There's a correlation between solid evidence and people being excited though.

Mostly what happens is solid sources come out and people go "I don't like the price tag, we could spend the money much better!", then the sources dry up and people say "He's still coming" the less amount of concrete answers the more convinced people are.

I'm starting to worry a little over the transfer though.
Nah all the reports are sounding very positive. Things getting quieter isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I don't see any reason to be negative about this.

Probably mostly because only United are in for Pogba and people cannot imagine that Juventus would reject such a big big offer. Most journalists and ITKs know feck all about the transfer, IMO.
Raged? I don't recall raging over anything but posters in this thread going off topic. Nothing has changed, but lI'd have expected more solid reports to come out at this stage. With the Euro's being over and all. The last reports to come out was that Pogba is in no rush to leave Juventus. Nothing since.

Well there isn't much news, true. Doesn't mean nothing is happening, I still have it as 50-50.
Any tweets coming out off Italy today are all "bulla shita" (my semi racist, put an A on the end of every word and it becomes Italian), you can't trust anyone, who tweets :nervous:
I just hope it gets resolved soon either way.

Would suck if we didn't get him. Invested way too much in this thread.
A contract that has so much value must get run through multiple times by numerous people on both ends - there's no way something like that gets wrapped up in short order, so unless this has been going on in the background for a longer time than has been reported, it's not likely to be sorted for some time yet, I would think.

I doubt we'll hear of anything major for a while.
My only concern on this transfer is whether Pogba really wants to come to United or if it's just because we have priced the Spanish clubs out of any potential move. If he does harbour any great desire to play for one of the big two in Spain then we could face a difficult situation where we have a demotivated player trying to engineer an exit in a year, two years and needing an extraordinary offer to meet our valuation. You have to hope that, if he did want to play in Spain one day, he would go about his business in the same professional manner Dave has. I think Mourinho is potentially a big draw for him and probably also a feeling of 'unfinished business' at United but let's hope if he comes back he is also in it for the long term.
If he heard something, don't you think he's say? We've heard nothing and not being linked to anyone else. People need to be patient. And don't trust the sun....
Yeah I'm quite relaxed mate, just he got a lot of shit yesterday, I think it was, and we've not heard from him since so my worry is that he's just gone "feck you lot".
Yeah I'm quite relaxed mate, just he got a lot of shit yesterday, I think it was, and we've not heard from him since so my worry is that he's just gone "feck you lot".

Yeah would be a shame if woodwards mouthpiece on here bottled it.
This transfer saga seems to have regressed to pure speculation, similar to how Vidal, Fabregas, Thiago went..

I don't see this as a saga at all. Its a pretty cut and dry situation of the clubs and player getting together to get a deal done, or if the player wants to say, then not.
I thought Phlip De Brun was.

Yeah its whoever once got something right ever. All acquire me did was share a little info he had heard which was fair enough and it turned out mourinho happened even though when he heard the info it could have been nonsense from the kind of mate who tells big ones like we all have, but since it did come off he is being seen as some messiah, who is ITK, which he isn't and doesn't claim to be but a lot on here see him as that, I think that was why there was the backlash the other night. Now that de brun is saying what we want to hear his track record will be remembered as fantastic too right up until he does the welcome to Manchester pogba tweet tom McDermott style. I've been through enough transfer windows at this point to realise nobody on here or on twitter who is actually itk would share anything itk.
They will have some excuse lined up for monday im sure
They don't bother with excuses. Anyone with half a brain knows they spout shit and they know that too. Crazy how after all the transfer windows this place has seen that they are still being posted. The Sun are as unreliable as it gets, even more so than indykalia as he isn't quite as blatant in his shit-spouting.
Someone who I know. We're also going to keep spending after the Pogba deal.

Is this serious or another of those ITK jokes that seem to be popular at the moment.

There's always trends on the Cafe, few weeks ago it was everyone exaggerating players age as much as possible.
They will have some excuse lined up for monday im sure

No no no. That's not how The Sun works.
Day1: They write, "Tomorrow MUFC will sign Player X".
Day2: no news and The Sun don't bother mentioning anything about Player X.
Day3: They write, "Player X set to renew contract with his current club".

They make up stories and when they get it completely wrong, they just move onto the next made up headline, about the same player.
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I don't see this as a saga at all. Its a pretty cut and dry situation of the clubs and player getting together to get a deal done, or if the player wants to say, then not.
if I recall it was only Vidal saga that lasted the whole summer, actually it started from Moyes summer :lol:.

Thiago saga hurt but it wasn't that long as bayern popped our bubble early. Fabregas was right after and nobody thought he was coming anyway. was more a big joke on woody and Moyes. As you said this will be resolved rather quickly either way.