Just had a look at your posts here and Bruno’s thread. Since Pogba came back into the side from injury in feb you’ve made 30 posts….99%% of them negative and now claim he’s in terrible form and are calling people apologists? Bearing in mind Pogba has played well in that time, that’s a weird posting habit.
So then we look at your postings in Bruno’s thread to get an idea about form…..since November you’ve posted about 13 times and half of those posts make excuses for Bruno’s ‘terrible form’ over that four month period. Blaming Ronaldo mostly, the teams form, a lack of runners.
In fact if anyone is in doubt about Bruno’s terrible form for the past 14 months they just need to read through his thread and see how quiet you’ve been in there in that time, read the excuses you’ve made when you have posted, blaming everything and everyone and ‘for balance’ see how giddy you’ve got when he plays well, which will tell you it’s not been very often at all.
As things stand I’d move on from Pogba in the summer, it’s been a pleasure watching him but it’s downhill from here for him at his age. But without question he’s been far better in the last 14 months, far more regularly, than the guy you are an apologist for.
We know this by how quiet you’ve been in his thread and the volume of apologies you’ve made for him in that time.
He’s tired, he’s overplayed, It’s Ronaldo’s fault, it’s Pogba’s fault, it’s Rashfords fault, it’s everyone else’s fault for not running.
Perhaps the last two years are showing that in actual fact he’s just not that good, he’s an individual stat monster but his actual performances 4/5 games are poor consistently as can be referenced in his performance threads. His playing style is having a negative impact on the team performance and most likely his initial impact was nothing more than that.
Even you must be worried, no doubt you will be back anytime he actually performs well to tell us how he’s captain material, but these posts are so infrequent that you can’t ignore how long he’s been terrible for.
We’re a worse team now than before we signed Bruno, that’s not purely down to him but he’s destabilised us with the position he plays and the way he plays the game. We’ve won nothing and look years away from competing for trophies. On balance I’ve no doubt you think he’s been a great signing.
You post so often in here, so negatively, even when Pogba plays well. Finding ways to fit a performance to your agenda regardless, that it’s hardly surprising that you feel the way you do. Yet in the Bruno thread you’re only there making excuses, blaming everyone else or waiting months for him to actually play well and then telling everyone how he should be made captain and is our best player.