Patrice Evra Hates Thursdays | West Ham on a free?

Was on the BBC 6 o'clock news that Evra is facing a 5 game ban from UEFA , if he gets away with that punishment I'm sure he will think that he got off lightly. Remains to be seen how the Marseille fans receive him if and when he plays for them again.
It's clearly fashionable in France. Zidane did the same... though Zidane being Zidane it had to be on the biggest stage.

Agree. I would say that Evra's one was more for the fans, but Zidane delivered in the final, so you have to go for him.
Been fired from Marseille

He hasn't been fired, just suspended until a scheduled disciplinary meeting. And the preliminary investigation by the club found that some supporters uttered particularly hateful insults towards Evra.
Should have kicked him harder, if only for how hilarious the outrage would be.
He hasn't been fired, just suspended until a scheduled disciplinary meeting. And the preliminary investigation by the club found that some supporters uttered particularly hateful insults towards Evra.
Thats what BBC said.. But many websites are running he has been released with immediate effect and source as OM_English twitter..

Couldn't see it on their twitter though
He hasn't been fired, just suspended until a scheduled disciplinary meeting. And the preliminary investigation by the club found that some supporters uttered particularly hateful insults towards Evra.
Jacques-Henri Eyraud, Président de l’Olympique de Marseille, a rencontré Patrice Evra ce jour et lui a signifié sa mise à pied avec effet immédiat et sa convocation à un entretien préalable à une éventuelle sanction disciplinaire.

Does that mean suspended? Googl translate says layoff :)
Thats what BBC said.. But many websites are running he has been released with immediate effect and source as OM_English twitter..

Couldn't see it on their twitter though

I read the actual communicate on OM's website. He has been "mis à pied".
Jacques-Henri Eyraud, Président de l’Olympique de Marseille, a rencontré Patrice Evra ce jour et lui a signifié sa mise à pied avec effet immédiat et sa convocation à un entretien préalable à une éventuelle sanction disciplinaire.

Does that mean suspended? Googl translate says layoff :)

A guy "mis à pied" is generally sacked but it isn't automatic.
It might be for the best if he leaves Marseille now, can't see the relationship with the fans turning around at this point

I just hope it's not the end of his career. OK he's massively fecked up here but would be a sad way to finish.
He'll definitely not play for them again.

I'm just wondering what's his next step. Can, for just dreaming, return to us in January till end of season then join coaching stuff starting from the next one ? :drool:
Stupid, stupid, stupid by Patrice. I mean even worse if all the guy said was that he should go back to his videos. But it's something old between him and the fans. Why were they giving him stick anyway?
Stupid, stupid, stupid by Patrice. I mean even worse if all the guy said was that he should go back to his videos. But it's something old between him and the fans. Why were they giving him stick anyway?
Probably because he's been absolutely shocking for Marseille since arriving, constantly at fault for goals and always looks like he doesn't give a feck. He's past it, he should really be retiring at the end of the season. He'd make a good pundit tbf.

Remember when United fans wanted him back when he left Juve ffs.
Probably because he's been absolutely shocking for Marseille since arriving, constantly at fault for goals and always looks like he doesn't give a feck. He's past it, he should really be retiring at the end of the season. He'd make a good pundit tbf.

Remember when United fans wanted him back when he left Juve ffs.

Can't imagine him as a serious pundit tbh
Don't know what to say, you probably won't believe me now, but wanted to say few days ago how I find his videos a little bit cringe, he doesn't look natural and sincere at all. He was a top player for us but I never liked his personality for some reason, I could never attach to him like I did with other United players.
There no way Evra did this without just provocation. Evra is human as the rest of us and lost his cool for a second. He's still a legend to me.

Kicking someone in the head cannot be condoned as a justified reaction to a bunch of words, no matter how vile Paddy was wrong.

We should get him and Cantona back at the club to teach our boys how to Kung fu kick, Ibra isn't bad either with his kick boxing.

Maybe there's something in the water in Manchester...

In all seriousness, I never expected Evra to do something like this.

The victim.

That doesn't follow with what you've said just after. Patrice thought being called shite was provocative enough to warrant a kick to the face. If the victim is always allowed to make that call based on what they consider provocative enough you risk ending up with situations like we have here.
There's only so much abuse or insult you can tolerate. I don't condone violence but evra is just as human as us. He lost his cool in that moment and reacted. Just because you are fan doesn't mean you can go around hurling abuse at players when a player isn't playing well for your club. That being said, he deserves whatever punishment that comes his way.
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There's only so much abuse or insult you can tolerate. I don't condone violence but evra is just as human as us. He lost his cool in that moment and reacted. Just because you are fan doesn't mean you can go around hurling abuse at players when a player isn't playing well for your club. That being said, he deserves whatever punishment that comes his way.

He’s not human like the rest of us, he’s a professional athlete with a fairly high celebrity status who was on the field, had the presence of mind to jump over advertising boards, then eventually went back for more. He had more than enough time to process his actions and there is simply ZERO defence.

Normally alcohol is a contributing factor to temper loss, and I’m assuming he wasn’t half canned. The fact that a man in the public eye with plenty of time to contemplate his actions still acted like this is beyond explanation.
I would find it very poor handling by Marseilles if they sacked him outright over this incident, specially if there hasn't been any proper investigation into what happened. But suspension would be more apporate at this time I would think while the incident is reviewed and investigated further.