Paranormal Activity

totally agree, wish i'd downloaded it instead of going to the cinema because screaming teenagers ruined the whole experience for me

You tried the old "stick cock through hole in bottom of popcorn bucket" trick again, didn't you?
Saw part 2 last night, its not bad but all the 'scares' were exactly the same thing, long silence then a loud noise, nothing else to it and any film can pull that trick.
Went to see it with flatmates the other day, taking advantage of my new student status to get cheaper tickets. Thought it was OK, with some pretty freaky moments, but alot was similar to the first. Considering we watched the first before we left, and you pretty much have to given the plot links, it was all a bit dissappointing really.
Just literally watched the first one tonight, downloaded it and sat through it alone, Partner wont watch anything thats remotely scary and to be honest i dont think shed ever sleep again if she watched this, very creepy in parts not something you ideally want to watch late at night just before you about to go to bed.........

Bit dissapointed you never got to see the demon or at least something more than a shadow, dissapointed they never worked out the message left on the weegie board either, to many what happened there then moments for me, overall is a good movie but the ending pissed me off a bit to, at least show us her killing the dude i mean seriously?
You should watch the alternate ending where she
slits her own throat, and theres another one where the cops come and shoot her
Ah, thats the DVD one, the cinema ending is much better and the other one i mentioned I believe was only shown at a select few cinemas but I found a torrent of it a while ago
Bump, cba to make a new thread.

Saw PA3 tonight... very weird, not very well explained, few scary bits but not that scary really. Little disappointed.
Yeah I saw it last night too. It was really confusing. Plus they left out so many things from the trailer. A couple of scenes made me jump but other than that it wasn't as scary as everyone thought it would be.
The trailer made me laugh. More like Paracetamol Activity.

Believe me, folks, if Parachute Activity didn't scare me, then it's not scary at all; for I am the most easily-scared twit in the universe when it comes to SCARY FILUMS! :D