Paranormal Activity

Not particually scary when you watch it but quite nervy and jumpy. Veru scary when you get back from the pub on your own at 5am, turn off all the lights and get into your bed on your own and then make the mistake of thinking about the fecking thing
terrible terrible ending.... Such an anti-climax i was disappointed,we spent so long with litte trickles of scares but nothing that really shit you up. I just had a complte sense of frustration. The build up of tension n suspense was well found but it was a cop out of an ending which required no imagination. I wanted to see her possesed and some haunting chilling imagery. Bah 6/10

Which ending did you see? A mate of mine downloaded the film and got a DVDrip of the dvd that was released two years ago. Has a different ending from the one in the cinema now.
Which ending did you see? A mate of mine downloaded the film and got a DVDrip of the dvd that was released two years ago. Has a different ending from the one in the cinema now.
i think i saw the original where you see the tape of the possesed girl chewing her arm off... Would like to have seem something simlar happen as an ending to really turn the stomach, the ending relied too much on imagination which wont leave the lasting impression they could have gained from a more graphic and haunting finale.
i think i saw the original where you see the tape of the possesed girl chewing her arm off... Would like to have seem something simlar happen as an ending to really turn the stomach, the ending relied too much on imagination which wont leave the lasting impression they could have gained from a more graphic and haunting finale.

I’ve only seen the cinema version at the minute, im going to try and catch the original version at some stage just to compare the endings. I really enjoyed the film, not the scariest movie ever, but at least they tried something different rather than remake another old horror film. The cinema version does have a fairly good ending though-

You hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs followed by a period of silence, after that micahs body gets thrown out of the dark doorway and hits the camera. At this stage your not sure what happened, and what threw the body. She then steps out of the dark doorway covered in blood and crawls across the floor to the body. Starts sniffing the body (she looked demented, this end bit was actually my favourite part of the film) and then looks at the camera, her face changes into a demon type face and she lunges at the camera before the screen turns black. It was pretty good. Credits come up then saying the cops found his remains a few days later and your girl is now missing.
i think i saw the original where you see the tape of the possesed girl chewing her arm off... Would like to have seem something simlar happen as an ending to really turn the stomach, the ending relied too much on imagination which wont leave the lasting impression they could have gained from a more graphic and haunting finale.

I'm the opposite way round, i find that if an ending is left open then it creates more discussion and is better remembered. Like how did they get off the bus in the Italian Job, or what happened to the people who filmed the Blair Witch Project?
I’ve only seen the cinema version at the minute, im going to try and catch the original version at some stage just to compare the endings. I really enjoyed the film, not the scariest movie ever, but at least they tried something different rather than remake another old horror film. The cinema version does have a fairly good ending though-

You hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs followed by a period of silence, after that micahs body gets thrown out of the dark doorway and hits the camera. At this stage your not sure what happened, and what threw the body. She then steps out of the dark doorway covered in blood and crawls across the floor to the body. Starts sniffing the body (she looked demented, this end bit was actually my favourite part of the film) and then looks at the camera, her face changes into a demon type face and she lunges at the camera before the screen turns black. It was pretty good. Credits come up then saying the cops found his remains a few days later and your girl is now missing.

I thought I'd seen the cinema version but obvs not.
The one I saw had the girl go downstairs with the heavy footsteps we've come to know belong to the demon. Then Micah gets up and goes after her, and you hear a scream. She returns to the bedroom with a knife in her hand and sits on the floor by the bed, just rocking back and forth for a good 12 hours or something. Someone comes in and finds the body, rings the po po. Then they arrive and find her, she gets up with the knife and approaches them appearing confused and possibly not possessed any more, but the police warn her then shoot her ass up.
I’ve only seen the cinema version at the minute, im going to try and catch the original version at some stage just to compare the endings. I really enjoyed the film, not the scariest movie ever, but at least they tried something different rather than remake another old horror film. The cinema version does have a fairly good ending though-

You hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs followed by a period of silence, after that micahs body gets thrown out of the dark doorway and hits the camera. At this stage your not sure what happened, and what threw the body. She then steps out of the dark doorway covered in blood and crawls across the floor to the body. Starts sniffing the body (she looked demented, this end bit was actually my favourite part of the film) and then looks at the camera, her face changes into a demon type face and she lunges at the camera before the screen turns black. It was pretty good. Credits come up then saying the cops found his remains a few days later and your girl is now missing.

Well that ending sounds more like it! I saw the ending in the post above which i thought was terrible. I would have preferred to have seen her in that demonic state for a while longer, without trying to rip off the exorcist, having some sort of scene where they try and remove the demon (or something like that)
I'm the opposite way round, i find that if an ending is left open then it creates more discussion and is better remembered. Like how did they get off the bus in the Italian Job, or what happened to the people who filmed the Blair Witch Project?

I know what you mean, i just thought it was a bit rushed and an easy way to end a film which promised so much and was finished within a matter of seconds before it had a chance to really get going, u know what i mean?>
I thought I'd seen the cinema version but obvs not.
The one I saw had the girl go downstairs with the heavy footsteps we've come to know belong to the demon. Then Micah gets up and goes after her, and you hear a scream. She returns to the bedroom with a knife in her hand and sits on the floor by the bed, just rocking back and forth for a good 12 hours or something. Someone comes in and finds the body, rings the po po. Then they arrive and find her, she gets up with the knife and approaches them appearing confused and possibly not possessed any more, but the police warn her then shoot her ass up.

The demon leaves as soon as the police make their way up the stairs - it walks across the corridor and turns the light on in the room on the other side of walkway. Just before the police let the shots fly, it(the demon) closes the door. That's the original version. Just watch the ending again and see the light switching on and then switching off followed by the door closing(you can actually hear the door close).
Well that ending sounds more like it! I saw the ending in the post above which i thought was terrible. I would have preferred to have seen her in that demonic state for a while longer, without trying to rip off the exorcist, having some sort of scene where they try and remove the demon (or something like that)

I liked the original ending. The cinema one leaves the film open for a sequel and just seems a bit too Hollywoody.
I want to see the other ending now aswell. And after a bit of reading theres already talk of a sequel.

And apparently theres a third ending, thats only been shown once at a film festival somewhere (its completely left my head now) -

she then slices her throat instead of her mate turning up and phoning the cops.
I liked the original ending. The cinema one leaves the film open for a sequel and just seems a bit too Hollywoody.

Yeh i do agree, im yet to see the cinema version but it does sound a bit 'hollywoody', however i wasn't too impressed with the originals ending either.

They could have done something original and far more shocking without fitting the hollywood stereotype, as i said earlier i just felt frustrated that there was no real finale to the haunting, it was building up the atmosphere so well and all it needed was some violence in the behavior and scenery for it really to be a success for me. Can you see where I'm coming from spoony?

I can see how some people like the the original ending though.
Yeh i do agree, im yet to see the cinema version but it does sound a bit 'hollywoody', however i wasn't too impressed with the originals ending either.

They could have done something original and far more shocking without fitting the hollywood stereotype, as i said earlier i just felt frustrated that there was no real finale to the haunting, it was building up the atmosphere so well and all it needed was some violence in the behavior and scenery for it really to be a success for me. Can you see where I'm coming from spoony?

I can see how some people like the the original ending though.

How would you've done the ending? Sure the original ending wasn't shocking but I quite liked the subtleties (I've mentioned a couple that I only picked up on a second viewing)
How would you've done the ending? Sure the original ending wasn't shocking but I quite liked the subtleties (I've mentioned a couple that I only picked up on a second viewing)

Well, I don't claim to be an amazing script writer or anything, but I would have liked to have seen the girl with the demon inside her for a while, with some horrible imagery. In the tape where the women chews off her arm, that is the most visually terrifying bit in the film and the finale falls short of the fear which that scene evoked, maybe she could have been in some sort of attempt at a seance which goes wrong!?

I don't know, im just speculating, just felt it was a bit rushed and didn't do the film justice, which up until then was simmering nicely for an compelling end.
Just watched it tonight. I haven't seen many horror films but haven't been scared by any in the slightest. Decided to make an effort with this one, so linked the laptop up to my big tv, volume through earphones and on loud and lights off. I thought it was quite scary in that you feared what was coming, more than what actually was happening. I can't say I enjoyed it at the time as I wasn't looking forward to the night scenes when they came :lol: but I enjoyed the experience of watching it.

Like others, I too was hoping for a terrifying ending with an actual ending. Instead it was a bit empty (ending I'm on about, and only one I've seen, is the one where she just rocks back and forth).

I'd love to see the other endings, the cinema one does sound a lot better.

One thing I can say is that the wind outside seems a lot louder than before I watched the film :lol:
Went to see it last week, it wasn't very good but it wasn't very bad either. A 6 out of 10 movie which isn't bad considering as I expected it to be really poor.

The ending was bad though, the alternative one would have been much better. They'll probably be doing a sequel of the movie from what I've been hearing so that explains it. It'll probably be as lame as Blair Witch's sequel.
just got back from seeing it, good film but nowhere near as scary as it was claimed to be.

Loved the cinema ending, biggest jump of the film that was. Where can I find the other endings?
The only thing I didnt like was how they made

Micha like REALY fecking brave, im sorry but no one, not even Chuck Norris would be as brave as that guy was, egging it on, going in and out of the rooms where the ghost was slamming doors, going into the loft etc.

And if it was me in that situation I wouldnt stay in the house, yes it will follow you but i'd feel alot safer if I went to a hotel or something, somewhere with alot of other people.

For me one of the scariest thing was

just knowing that the demons goal was to scare the shit out of them, the scene that made this stand out most for me was when the door is slammed shut for the first time and it begins banging on it, something about that bit just realy hit home with me and I remember just thinking "feck, it wants them to be scared"
I think the trick to enjoying this film is complete and utter immersion. I didn't get that in the cinema.. some people were getting a bit scared and started giggling cause of nerves which just ruined the atmosphere a bit. I think watching it alone in your house at night with some surround sound action going on could really heighten the experience.

It's a good concept and was well executed.. but just didn't frighten me enough to warrant all the hype.

As for the ending.. the cinema one was fine..
She starts off as a lively young woman and ends up some demons bitch who just murdered her lover.. that's a pretty sweet ending.
Just watched the 2007 version, very creepy and tense until it ends where you end up wondering what all the fuss was. Just like the Blair witch.
I just watched this and reckon a better ending would have been the demon making her pull her vest off and show us them magnificent tits.

Nice boo-tay too.
Anybody seen the second one yet?

I watched it last night and as expected enjoyed, actually no enjoyed is probably the wrong word - I was entertained for 90 minutes!

It's just one of those films that people love or hate and I think it's great! One of the only 'scary' movies to actually get to me and leave me thinking about it after watching it.

There's definitely another 2 movies to follow i'd imagine, one to show what's happened next and maybe one to show the two sisters childhood.

Was good how the two were linked in I thought.

One thing that bugged me slightly was the 'kids' watching it who wouldn't shut up all the way through it - some of the tense moments were ruined with people talking.

It's amusing too though when the night parts come and you hear everybody readying themselves for a scare!
One thing that bugged me slightly was the 'kids' watching it who wouldn't shut up all the way through it - some of the tense moments were ruined with people talking.

When i saw the first one at the end when the credits came on at the end shouted at the top of thier voice "IS THAT feckING IT?!?!". Slightly spoiled the tension.
I'm the opposite way round, i find that if an ending is left open then it creates more discussion and is better remembered. Like how did they get off the bus in the Italian Job, or what happened to the people who filmed the Blair Witch Project?

Agree completely
The second film is complete dross; I enjoyed the first one to a degree but this one has solely been made to make money off the back of the first.

If you have £7 to throw away and want a night out at the cinema with friends then by all means, but don't go in expecting it to be anywhere near as good as the first.
Saw it last night. It was a good movie in the sense that if you take a girl, she will crawl up against you and hold you when she's scared. But the movie itself wasn't that scary. Jumpy and slightly nervy, yes.

I hadn't actually seen the first one, so I'm basing this solely on #2, but I think something like this would be much more scary if you didn't actually make it possess someone. An invisible evil is much more effective than if you take it into human form.