Paranormal Activity

Watched this last night. Shit me up for a bit.

Specially the bit where
she was dragged out of bed. The way it happened just looked creepy.

If you start hearing random knocks when the movies on like we did it makes it scarier. We do live in halls though.
Obviously watch it with the lights off for extra effect and turn the bass up a tiny bit too.
Saw it last night with a friend. I pooped myself.

The scariest bits were
the being dragged out of the bed and the footsteps thing. Oh, and when she's possessed near the end and goes all catatonic and insists on staying, and her voice goes all distorted right at the end

I thought the set was fantastic - the house had very few windows, and what windows there were were covered either by security grill or by slats (not curtains). Gave it a very oppressive feel.
I thought it was very scary, shit me up alot to be honest.

It wasnt too over the top, but yet was creepy, probably was one of the scariest films Ive seen, although I dont really watch many.
Some clever moments/ideas and a decent try at something originalish but I didnt find it to be frightening at all
Cant wait to see this. Blair Witch Project is still my favourite horror film ever, I remember going to see it on Halloween the night it was released. Great stuff.

(I do get scared easily mind you!)
Is it anything like Blair Witch? Because thats perhaps one of the worst movies ive seen.
No it's nothing like Blair Witch, plot-wise. I don't wanna give anything away, but there is only one similarity I think. I recommend this highly.
Sorry I'm a bit late on this so I thought I'd bump it up. I haven't seen it, but my housemate who doesn't easily scare told me yesterday that it's easily the scariest film he's seen in a long time. I don't think I'll look at it. It's all fine and well until I'm awake at 3am in the morning staring across my room at the black corner of the room I can't quite see; all to the sound of my missus snoring. Absolutely no help !
Cant wait to see this. Blair Witch Project is still my favourite horror film ever, I remember going to see it on Halloween the night it was released. Great stuff.

(I do get scared easily mind you!)

feckin loved The Blair Witch. Easily one of my favourites too. Apparently if you like the B.W you'll love this due to how the movie plays on your imagination. In fact that is why the B.W was so good. You were forced to use your imagination, and if you tend to have an over active / good imagination then movie of this ilk will destroy you.
I've just come back from watching this and i'm not bothered to admit I found it to be a genuinely scary film. I've watched hundreds of horrors and so called scary films and none really scared me, made me jump maybe - but this was something else.

Firstly I thought the acting was spot on, or lack of acting should I say. You actually do believe it's a home movie and not a 'proper film'. They made it completely believable I thought. Then there's the tension - some of the scenes have very little happening but it's the suspense and way its's been built up that get you anxious with what may or may not be about to happen.

I've read a lot of review for this film and it's been slated by lots but I found it to be original and well worthwhile watching. However I do thing any noises I hear during the night will feck me up now!

Definitely see it just to see what the fuss is all about!
I found Blair Witch as scary as breakfast cereal so I have a feeling that this one won't do it for me. In fact horror or supernatural films don't scare me. Make me jump occasionally is about it.
Was pretty crap in my opinion. Granted I did watch the alternate ending not the one being shown at the cinemas. Was pretty crap.
No lots of others did not seem to like it.

I thought it was excellent, scared the shite out of me.

Mind you I also loved Blair Witch
I have to say I love how that douchebag got killed at the end that made my fecking day
Agree with the last two points, what an idiot the guy is.

Was rather boring but then again I've never liked horror movies except for Thai ones
I enjoyed it. It makes a change from all the torture porn and hollywood remakes of better films (classic and foreign) that have been coming out recently. Horror films were getting stale, but theres been a few crackers recently, Paranormal Activity, Drag me to hell, REC, Splinter. Saw and Hostel and any derivative of those types of films can go feck off.
I enjoyed it. It makes a change from all the torture porn and hollywood remakes of better films (classic and foreign) that have been coming out recently. Horror films were getting stale, but theres been a few crackers recently, Paranormal Activity, Drag me to hell, REC, Splinter. Saw and Hostel and any derivative of those types of films can go feck off.

Never seen Splinter. Sounds interesting or a rip off of "The Thing".

Would disagree with you on Saw and Hostel, I enjoyed both. (Part 1's only, the sequels can go be fecked)
Its along the same lines, but its got a few original ideas to make it interesting. The Thing is one of my favourite movies aswell though. I enjoyed Splinter, for a low budget film the effects, story and filming were all well upto scratch. I'll agree that the first Saw was actually quite good, initially it was a pyschological thriller with gore tacked on, unfortunately the films have gone the exact opposite, torture porn with a shit storyline attached.
Thought this was a great great film. The "Boring" bits at the start only made it scarier later on, and that Micah lad seemed sound enough.
terrible terrible ending.... Such an anti-climax i was disappointed,we spent so long with litte trickles of scares but nothing that really shit you up. I just had a complte sense of frustration. The build up of tension n suspense was well found but it was a cop out of an ending which required no imagination. I wanted to see her possesed and some haunting chilling imagery. Bah 6/10