Pakistan-India Discussion


Pleasantly surprised. Question to my Pakistani come a Pakistani channel is so full of praise for Modi and his activities regarding development and his discussions with leaders of whole world regarding that, be it Iran, Israel, Singapore or US or Germany or Australia? Is it one standout channel or is Pakistani media overall acknowledging Modi's good work?
Even our own media don't cover the important steps government is taking for development and waste time on shitty topics like effects on Kohli's career by dating Anushka :rolleyes:

Hope Pakistan gets a government who focuses on development only (or current government focuses on that) and such news from media will make people realize that they need to act to elect a government whose agenda is such.


Pleasantly surprised. Question to my Pakistani come a Pakistani channel is so full of praise for Modi and his activities regarding development and his discussions with leaders of whole world regarding that, be it Iran, Israel, Singapore or US or Germany or Australia? Is it one standout channel or is Pakistani media overall acknowledging Modi's good work?
Even our own media don't cover the important steps government is taking for development and waste time on shitty topics like effects on Kohli's career by dating Anushka :rolleyes:

Hope Pakistan gets a government who focuses on development only (or current government focuses on that) and such news from media will make people realize that they need to act to elect a government whose agenda is such.

You should to search hassan nissar videos on youtube.
Ayesha Khalid :drool:

I was going to look for Hassan Nissar videos after going home from office but I 'searched' Ayesha Khalid straightaway! sigh..
btw, her wiki description says 'Muslim Pakistani journalist'...Whats the necessity to mention religion? Weird.
A country that rides elephants
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Khalaf Al-Harbi

I am writing to you from India, the land of wonders. Right now, I am in Mumbai which was once the farthest place travelers on the Arabian Sea dreamed of reaching.

Huge waves of humans fan out in all directions and fill the city’s streets. A river of sheepish eyes will look at you, immediately recognize that you are not a local and then try to figure out where you are from.

In Mumbai, luxurious building towers neighbor tin slums and such contradictions are an entertaining game which, despite the efforts of numerous thinkers, cannot be explained but only experienced.

In India, there are more than 100 religions and more than 100 languages. Yet, the people live in peace and harmony. They have all joined hands to build a strong nation that can produce everything from a sewing needle to the rocket which is preparing to go to Mars.

I must say that I feel a bit jealous because I come from a part of the world which has one religion and one language and yet there is killing everywhere.

No matter how the world speaks about tolerance, India remains the oldest and most important school to teach tolerance and peaceful co-existence regardless of the religious, social, political or ethnical differences.

The stereotypical picture of India in the minds of many of us is linked to poverty and backwardness. This is a totally false picture which has nothing to do with reality.

It is a picture which was created by our extreme judgment of things. When we were poor before the era of oil, the picture of India in our minds was linked to richness and civilization but immediately after our financial conditions improved, we converted India’s picture to one of poverty and backwardness.

If we had any sort of wisdom, we would never have been occupied by India’s richness or poverty. Rather, we would have been impressed by India’s immense ability to contain and respect the conflicting ideologies and thoughts so that people would flood the streets without any feeling of fear or anxiety.

If we took all the Arabs and placed them in India as part of a grand experiment, they would not make up any recognizable majority. They would, instead, dissolve in a fearless human ocean. Their nationalistic trends and sectarian extremism would also dissolve with them and they would realize that nothing in the world can justify the killing of their brothers and sisters in humanity.

India is one of the largest and oldest democracies in the world. It had never known huge differences in religions or races. The country does not disdain its poor people nor hate its rich citizens. It is a nation which is proud of Gandhi and the British colonialists at the same time.

The Indian people are distinguished in many ways. They are great people. Nobody can deny this fact except the envious or the ungrateful.

The only problem with the hypothetical trip of the Arabs to India is that they may contaminate the Indians and remind them of their religious and ethnical differences. The Arabs may be able to convince the Indians that their religious and racial disparities may be enough of reason to kill each other.
A country that rides elephants
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Khalaf Al-Harbi

I am writing to you from India, the land of wonders. Right now, I am in Mumbai which was once the farthest place travelers on the Arabian Sea dreamed of reaching.

Huge waves of humans fan out in all directions and fill the city’s streets. A river of sheepish eyes will look at you, immediately recognize that you are not a local and then try to figure out where you are from.

In Mumbai, luxurious building towers neighbor tin slums and such contradictions are an entertaining game which, despite the efforts of numerous thinkers, cannot be explained but only experienced.

In India, there are more than 100 religions and more than 100 languages. Yet, the people live in peace and harmony. They have all joined hands to build a strong nation that can produce everything from a sewing needle to the rocket which is preparing to go to Mars.

I must say that I feel a bit jealous because I come from a part of the world which has one religion and one language and yet there is killing everywhere.

No matter how the world speaks about tolerance, India remains the oldest and most important school to teach tolerance and peaceful co-existence regardless of the religious, social, political or ethnical differences.

The stereotypical picture of India in the minds of many of us is linked to poverty and backwardness. This is a totally false picture which has nothing to do with reality.

It is a picture which was created by our extreme judgment of things. When we were poor before the era of oil, the picture of India in our minds was linked to richness and civilization but immediately after our financial conditions improved, we converted India’s picture to one of poverty and backwardness.

If we had any sort of wisdom, we would never have been occupied by India’s richness or poverty. Rather, we would have been impressed by India’s immense ability to contain and respect the conflicting ideologies and thoughts so that people would flood the streets without any feeling of fear or anxiety.

If we took all the Arabs and placed them in India as part of a grand experiment, they would not make up any recognizable majority. They would, instead, dissolve in a fearless human ocean. Their nationalistic trends and sectarian extremism would also dissolve with them and they would realize that nothing in the world can justify the killing of their brothers and sisters in humanity.

India is one of the largest and oldest democracies in the world. It had never known huge differences in religions or races. The country does not disdain its poor people nor hate its rich citizens. It is a nation which is proud of Gandhi and the British colonialists at the same time.

The Indian people are distinguished in many ways. They are great people. Nobody can deny this fact except the envious or the ungrateful.

The only problem with the hypothetical trip of the Arabs to India is that they may contaminate the Indians and remind them of their religious and ethnical differences. The Arabs may be able to convince the Indians that their religious and racial disparities may be enough of reason to kill each other.

Quite a rose tinted view of things I have to say. Most Indians would recognize they have issues with poverty and religious division. Reads like the guy just lost his virginity to a hot Indian girl tbh. ;)
Quite a rose tinted view of things I have to say. Most Indians would recognize they have issues with poverty and religious division. Reads like the guy just lost his virginity to a hot Indian girl tbh. ;)

Yes it is a rosy picture and there are issues but lot of things stated there are true. It is about time the positive things are brought to light than painting India in negative which has been done for so many years and which is often false, exaggerated picture of the country.
satellite pic

Wow, found another while searching for @VidaRed image at

Sundurbans, West Bengal/Bangladesh, India


The mangroves of the Sundurbans in the Gulf of Bengal cover about 3,860 square miles (10,000 sq km) of land. The largest of this type in the world, they also shelter a rich biodiversity: smooth-coated otters, 260 bird species, sika deer, wild boars, sand fiddler crabs...

Some endangered species live here, too, including the estuarine crocodile, the Indian python and the Bengal tiger.

Image: © NASA/GSFC/USGS EROS Data Center -
The first thought which came to my mind after looking at this pic was, imagine having this as Cricket pitch. Minefield :D

A matter of time before TTP funding is also linked with RAW. For the ones not aware of MQM, it has a history of organized crime in Karachi - recently the army launched an operation cleanup in Karachi targeting criminals and raided their head office (nine zero).

Officials in Pakistan's MQM party have told the UK authorities they received Indian government funds, the BBC learnt from an authoritative Pakistani source.
UK authorities investigating the MQM for alleged money laundering also found a list of weapons in an MQM property.
A Pakistani official has told the BBC that India has trained hundreds of MQM militants over the past 10 years.
@snk123 Raw has never funded TTP thats nonsense. But what's true is they have stirred shit in Balochistan for years.

Thought i'd bump this.
The confessional statement of Latifullah Mehsud is doing the round on the internet these past few hours. Blatantly admits to Indian-Afghan funding.
And India's favorite son of the soil: Kulbushan Yadav with another confession. Sickening!