Ole Sack Watch

Should we replace the manager ?

  • Yes - Its time to make a change

    Votes: 3,004 87.8%
  • No - Give him more time

    Votes: 449 13.1%

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So who could he actually be working with currently instead of effectively running away from the problem?

Who is actually on international duty (which I'm sick of getting notifications from the club about as I always open my phone with false hope it's a sacking announcement)

We are failing on every level now:

  • We aren't bringing young players through and integrating them into the first team (thought this was united dna, which I thought they think he portrays)
  • We are not exciting to watch (again so much for united dna)
  • We are not improving players, if anything they are going backwards
  • We cannot defend
  • We cannot score from, or defend, set pieces
  • We have no clear patterns of play. You cannot see a plan
  • OT used to be a fortress for teams to come to, now it's like a tissue paper "fortress"
  • We are the laughing stock of football
  • The fans are showing unrest, unfortunately those who are continuing to cheer him etc are perhaps unwittingly doing more harm than good
  • Risk of a mass player exodus
  • Risk of struggling to attract high class players due to the manager
  • Not using squad players
  • Leadership is non existent, both from our supposed captain and our inadequate manager
  • There is no passion and desire on the pitch (again things he raved about) the players strolling around against Liverpool and City prime examples, they are fecking supposed to be our bitter rivals
  • Lack of success (again I thought winning trophies was united dna)
  • Inadequate performances
  • Fitness is clearly an issue, again I thought we were supposed to be getting fitter?
But apparently all this is OK, as long as it means keeping a yes man. The decision to give him a new contract when several of the above were already becoming apparent, will in my mind remain the clubs biggest mistake, followed by giving him the job full time when he was supposed to be a caretaker, or at least rushing to do so. Make a decision at the end of his caretaker stint, by which time the results were unravelling.

The is incompetency at every level at this club. The sort of incompetency you'd get sacked for in nearly any other job.

And we STILL cling to keeping him, we all know what will happen, the usual chain of a couple of wins or draws, saving him for many months to come, before the downhill slump again.

We should never hire an ex player again, given we clearly cannot be objective. Chelsea were about Lampard, then won a CL. Liverpool sacked King Kenny, who had won them trophies in his first stint as a manager. Both are now back to being successful, trophy winning clubs playing attractive football and winning trophies while we limp further and further into mediocrity. Oh well I guess I guess mediocrity goes with our mediocre manager and mediocre board.

It's fecking sickening this is happening to the club we all love
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Please don't defend this clown and allow those yanks to keep him in a job
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.
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So who could he actually be working with currently instead of effectively running away from the problem?

Who is actually on internal duty (which I'm sick of getting notifications from the club about as I always open my phone with false hope it's a sacking announcement)

We are failing on every level now:

  • We aren't bringing young players through and integrating them into the first team (thought this was united dna, which I thought they think he portrays)
  • We are not exciting to watch (again so much for united dna)
  • We are not improving players, if anything they are going backwards
  • We cannot defend
  • We cannot score from, or defend, set pieces
  • We have no clear patterns of play. You cannot see a plan
  • OT used to be a fortress for teams to come to, now it's like a tissue paper "fortress"
  • We are the laughing stock of football
  • The fans are showing unrest, unfortunately those who are continuing to cheer him etc are perhaps unwittingly doing more harm than good
  • Risk of a mass player exodus
  • Risk of struggling to attract high class players due to the manager
  • Not using squad players
  • Leadership is non existent, both from our supposed captain and our inadequate manager
  • There is no passion and desire on the pitch (again things he raved about) the players strolling around against Liverpool and City prime examples, they are fecking supposed to be our bitter rivals
  • Lack of success (again I thought winning trophies was united dna)
  • Inadequate performances
  • Fitness is clearly an issue, again I thought we were supposed to be getting fitter?
But apparently all this is OK, as long as it means keeping a yes man. The decision to give him a new contract when several of the above were already becoming apparent, will in my mind remain the clubs biggest mistake, followed by giving him the job full time when he was supposed to be a caretaker, or at least rushing to do so. Make a decision at the end of his caretaker stint, by which time the results were unravelling.

The is incompetency at every level at this club. The sort of incompetency you'd get sacked for in nearly any other job.

And we STILL cling to keeping him, we all know what will happen, the usual chain of a couple of wins or draws, saving him for many months to come, before the downhill slump again.

We should never hire an ex player again, given we clearly cannot be objective. Chelsea were about Lampard, then won a CL. Liverpool sacked King Kenny, who had won them trophies in his first stint as a manager. Both are now back to being successful, trophy winning clubs playing attractive football and winning trophies while we limp further and further into mediocrity. Oh well I guess I guess mediocrity goes with our mediocre manager and mediocre board.

It's fecking sickening this is happening to the club we all love
Good summary. 2 points I'd add, perhaps the silver lining from this is a widespread recognition of the nepotism at play and the fans will be much more wary of appointing former players in the future.
Secondly don't be getting notifications from United on your phone mate. That can't be good for your mental right now. ;)
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.

Then they should have the same standards for players and other managers too. Why should ole get special treatment? The forum is operating the same way as the club, nepotism, if they use different rules for him
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.
We are a circus right now, therefore he is factually allowed to use the word clown.
The worst thing about this is there is absolutely nothing from the club, complete radio silence. Unless of course I have missed anything?

We are a complete laughing stock

So this is part of the grand master plan. Teams can’t prepare to play against us if we have no discernible style of play for them to prepare for.

Seriously though this is embarrassing. This is just as embarrassing as “Lads it’s Spurs”
The worst thing about this is there is absolutely nothing from the club, complete radio silence. Unless of course I have missed anything?

We haven't heard a peep from the board as far as I know. That's the only thing giving me hope at this point.
I can't believe we've actually gone AWOL/radio silence this week and it's because we're not doing a damn thing. No backing of the manager even. Such a shockingly run club.

I knew he wasn't get sacked, but I can't make sense of what the Glazers gain from keeping him. I can see what certain people at the club gain from Ole staying, so I'm thinking those people have swayed their decision.

The lack of backing is likely due to them all not being behind him and just hoping it all blows over. If they brief the media that Ole is staying, people would go insane on social media. This is the best decision for them, but awful for Ole, fans and the players.
Clearly decided to ignore the supporters and they'll come back in a week and start trying to talk about the Watford game. The club obviously don't see our fanbase as overly intelligent.

Though it’s a small and insignificant action in the grand scheme of things I unfollowed the club on twitter and IG. I really can’t stand them trying to post things as if everything is rosy, and I especially can’t stand when they post things related to “the boss”. Much easier to just unfollow.
Yeah I think it’s a legit thin too. He will know Ole isn’t up to

100% agree there. Imagine if someone had come in and basically just continued the success he was having - it’s a unique situation to have someone choose their successor in the first place.

Do agree it’s different now, but think he’s too loyal and perhaps to attached to Ole to even consult on this matter. Wonder what it would take for Sir Alex to go full ole out mode like many of us:lol:

Yeah mate, he knows Ole is not up to it. A big problem is that the board can't see that Ole is completely out of his depth and doesn't have the tools to manage a top level club since they lack knowledge, competence and understanding when it comes to football.

Sir Alex seems to have a bit of an ego but was able to justify it with competence. Same with Van Gaal and Mourinho, even if they weren't at the level of of Sir Alex and sacking them was the right decision.

Ole seems to have an ego as well, but it feels like more of a negative one since he has no competence that justifies it. It boils my blood to see how he's more afraid of losing games and reverts to damage control like we saw against City. He just seems to do everything to keep his job instead of winning games. Picks favourites who week in and week out prove that they don´t deserve to start. His way of neglecting youth has also been dreadful. All of this should be more than enough for Sir Alex to want him out tbh.
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.

:lol: Amazing. Where are/were all these knights on a white horse when current and previous players and previous managers got it much worse?

Why is it somehow that this guy is supposed to get excused from any and all negative consequences from his pathetic 3-year reign?

Reminds me of the quintessential teacher's pet. No consequences, only upside. You'd think Boris Johnson is in charge of United with the level of entitlement surrounding this guy.
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.
Hear, hear.
I can't believe we've actually gone AWOL/radio silence this week and it's because we're not doing a damn thing. No backing of the manager even. Such a shockingly run club.
It's quite obvious that the board are in a state of shock right now and did not see this coming. They thought Ole was a lifetime appointment and he was going to build a new dynasty, that's how clueless and deluded they are.

We are a complete laughing stock

People are actually mad at KDB for this? :lol:

He’s right! We’re an absolute joke. Other clubs laugh at us, take the piss out of us. Liverpool stuck five past us without even trying and then took the rest of the game off. City didn’t even get out of first gear, treated it like a training session, and still completely dominated the game and made us look like a pub team. And we just let it happen, there’s no punishment. I’d say this club accepts mediocrity, but the standards aren’t even that high. Harry Maguire can be dogshit every week and still plays. Ole can turn out this garbage week after week and still stay in the job. So why even try? There are no standards.
:lol: Amazing. Where are/were all these knights on a white horse when current and previous players and previous managers got it much worse?

Why is it somehow that this guy is supposed to get excused from any and all negative consequences from his pathetic 3-year reign?

Reminds me of the quintessential teacher's pet. No consequences, only upside. You'd think Boris Johnson is in charge of United with the level of entitlement surrounding this guy.
Mate you seriously need to stop calling him a clown, I'm Ole out aswell but this just isn't on. Mods need to start doing something about this because it's constant and not necessary no matter how angry any of us are at the situation.
Should apply for Pogba Rooney Neville and everybody else though not just Ole. Unless you think he deserves special treatment.
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