Season | Transfers in (m) | Transfer out (m) | Net spend (m) | Manager | - | Manager net spend total (m) |
13/14 | £69.42 | £1.62 | £67.8 | Moyes | - | £67.8 |
14/15 | £175.82 | £42.03 | £133.79 | LvG | | |
15/16 | £140.4 | £90.6 | £49.8 | LvG | - | £183.59 |
16/17 | £166.5 | £42.53 | £123.97 | Mourinho | | |
17/18 | £178.56 | £40.95 | £137.61 | Mourinho | | |
18/19 | £74.43 | £27.5 | £46.93 | Mourinho | - | £308.51 |
19/20 | £211.32 | £73.06 | £138.26 | Ole | | |
20/21 | £75.42 | £17.1 | £58.32 | Ole | | |
21/22 | £126 | £27.09 | £98.91 | Ole | - | £295.49 |
People are forgetting what a mess we were in when Ole took over. It was an ageing first XI full of psychologically broken players. Not only has he turned around the fortunes of the club as a whole, he's also turned things around the performancse of several individuals that had been alienated within the dressing room.
It's massively to Solksjaer's credit that our standards are now about winning the PL and winning the CL. He's transformed United back into being challengers again. For that alone, he's done a brilliant job at United.
Yes, he's spent money. But less than Mourinho. And probably also less than LvG too if you account for inflation since 2016. The difference is how much higher Ole has lifted expectations as a result. We've been getting significantly more bang for our back since he was appointed.
We've been on a constant upward trajectory ever since Jose was sacked. I'll continue to be on board for as long as the ascent lasts.