Sorry. But I think, it is needed. We aren't in these flame wars since over two years because one side is evil and the other is fighting the honorable war. That just isn't the case. We are on an internet forum with anonymity. The posts here are harmless compared to facebook or twitter.
I also don't get, why some people seemingly feel the need to repeat the same shit over and over at any given opportunity, but that sucks just the same no matter which side is doing it. Ole received unjust criticism early in his stint. And it was the right thing to harshly show support but at this point it has devolved into a selfsustaining circle where people feel the need to defend the manager against simply anything.
I don't know how many newbies will feel the need to repeat the same question "I don't get why some people are so impatient, we have to support the club" over and over and over ad nauseum. To then get congratulated for expressing the same thought for the 1000th time.
I get it, it sucks. But as we have read today: "the ole in'ers are usually the more balanced posters" ... So far so good...
If we
all manage to stay more on-topic, the spiral might end sooner than expected. But it won't happen, because this place is full of petty people, no matter if they are for or against Ole.
That's human nature! Haven't you wondered why the Sun is always reporting scandals, mistakes, embarrasments and such?! Because it draws more attention. And it is the same thing here. Undenied - there are people who seemingly come here to relief themselves of the frustration they have in their life. And that isn't good. But this will never stop so better we find a way to just ignore the most blatant shit and discuss as on-topic as possible and adress posters who violate the rules. But just being of different opinion and standing in for it, shouldn't be seen as an issue.
Then maybe save yourself the trouble to go into certain threads after certain performances.

Seriously guys, we are just a bunch of strangers talking about football. No need for crusade for positivity.