Official RedCafe FIFA11 PS3 Tournament!!


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
PRIZE: a FIFA11 champ tagline

As soon as I get the 16 entries in, I'll randomize the first round and upload a tourney bracket.
PSN - sarniok
Country - Poland (though my PSN profile may have been registered as the US at the time)
I refuse to take part in this till I learn how to fecking score.

The hell with it though:

I've layed down som rules, like it or not I believe this is the way to go.
You can have whatever settings you want

Teams are up now!!!

I will soon get to randomize the first round!
Hmm, Besiktas. I'll take that.

Good choice of teams, it's better you go for decent teams instead of the Barca, Real's etc.
The tourney bracket is up!! (see OP)

Red Pavan is in for redspoony and his team!

as for two legged, fair do's... will adjust the rules.