Official RedCafe FIFA08 on PS3 KO-Tournament

There has only been about 6 players who have been really up for it - Me, you, Dan Nistelrooy (On Holiday) ben_united (On Holiday) GE and Ivor Ballokov

You try to set-up games with the others and they either: Ignore you, or just dont bother coming on when you set a time.

:rolleyes: I Kicked the tournament off!

EDIT: He is never even on the caf!
starman, there's a redcafe room with "cafe" as password. come in there and I'll challenge you

edit: you challenge me, you're the home team.
feck me, i have to do a system update, will take a few minutes,
Newcastle (starman) 3 - 2 Tottenham (Jacob)

Martins 2, Duff 1 - Keane 2
You too.

Two things I didn't like though: 1) our kits looked too similar, got them mixed up all the time. 2) we both had excellent connection which made the game unrealistically quick.

Good win all the same.
oh shit totally forgot about this, and only just saw the PM. Are you around tomorrow, if we set a time now I will make sure I'm definatly there...
Yeah, I can make it earlier, just name a time and I'll be there...
Back from holiday guys. My next game is against red pavan, is he still up for this tourney?
Ronaldo no 9, I'm ready now if you want to kick off a little earlier then planned?
Yeah, no worries, we only played about 15 seconds! :lol:

Set the room up again
oh ffs, not again.

You may aswell have the win as you were 2-0 up, and I doubt I'd have come back...
That werent my connection that time.

Jacob what has happened...the first match we played my router got switched off after only 5 mins play and the score was 0-0. So we played again and I was winning 2-0 at half-time when the connection goes again, but I never got the win anyway on my career record.

What happens now?
I don't know what it was tbh, probably mine then....