First Team Regular
Couldn't give a shit after the second
There has only been about 5 players who have been really up for it - Me, you, Dan Nistelrooy (On Holiday) ben_united (On Holiday) and GE.
You try to set-up games with the others and they either: Ignore you, or just dont bother coming on when you set a time.
W. Bremen - Atl. Madrid
Aston Villa - Valencia
Schalke04 - Man City
Stuttgart - Portsmouth
Everton - Lyon
Newcastle - Tottenham
Get playing round 2
I'm offended by this.
To be fair you did actually make the effort.
much obliged guvnor
Now where is GazM when you need him.
Sorry had my PS3 replaced, all good now though.
I can play you later tonight.
Just lost 1-0 in extra time to a guy with over 200,000 points who was Chelsea. I was playing as Austria Wien ffs and totally ouyplayed him.
Beat a guy the other night with United, he had over 350,000 points and was Barca.
What do those points mean by the way? And how do I find out my rank?
GAngel, i'm available to play any time tonight.