Not looking good for the Wii is it?

Will Wii 2 sell bucketloads? If the Wii has taught us anything it's that the masses aren't interested in graphical capability at all. Not even HD gaming, so even if it can pull off 1080p @ 60fps, what selling point does it have?

The unique touch screen controller will be its selling point for the masses, something we still don't know a whole lot about. There's no way Nintendo will look to just compete with Sony and Microsoft directly.
Remote play with the PS3 and the PSP didn't exactly take off did it? How much is a controller with a 6" touch screen going to cost?

Well the Eyetoy didn't take off either but its influence can still be seen today. I'm confident they will do it right.

Costing and pricing are the main factors I'm worried about. They weren't afraid to price the 3DS high so I'm guessing this will be on the higher side as well.

I'm not sure casual Wii customers would be willing to pay too much to upgrade, especially if its no longer the cheapest console on the market.
A new Wii....


All Gamecube stuff removed, don't know the price yet, but it's going to be its last stand, so I'd expect very cheap.
What is with console manufacturers removing backwards compatibility. That is possibly the difference between somebody buying one...or not as I'm sure we'll all see.

Is there anything different besides the lack of GC ports?
I've been tempted to buy a Wii for years but have just never got round to it. There's only a handful of games I want to play really though. Just had a look on Amazon and it's £114 for the console. Not bad

However, just looked at the prices of the games and it's ridiculous. Twilight Princess is £40. This game came out 5 years ago. Same story with Mario Galaxy which was released in 07.

I honestly was about to purchase a Wii before I saw game prices. Poor pricing strategy
I've been tempted to buy a Wii for years but have just never got round to it. There's only a handful of games I want to play really though. Just had a look on Amazon and it's £114 for the console. Not bad

However, just looked at the prices of the games and it's ridiculous. Twilight Princess is £40. This game came out 5 years ago. Same story with Mario Galaxy which was released in 07.

I honestly was about to purchase a Wii before I saw game prices. Poor pricing strategy

Look on ebay for cheap games. I bought both games you mention a few months after they were released and paid about £20 each via ebay. Oh and yes they were brand new.
Do you play your PS anymore Olly? Ain't seen you on there in ages...
Do you play your PS anymore Olly? Ain't seen you on there in ages...

Yeah a bit. I only recently updated to the latest firmware though, so up until then I hadn't been able to log in online and I guess that's why you wouldn't have seen me. Mostly these days I just use it for watching films and TV shows on though.
:lol: touché.

But I really did buy a Wii. For the old N64 games mostly (my nephew is going to freak when he comes over to play Pokemon Snap). I hope they bring back Starcraft 64.

Yes, I downloaded an emulator and rom file but found the quality was shit. Plus I wanted to make Weaste happy by not pirating software.
Ports of old Nintendo games is such a huge selling point for any Nintendo console. Nothing beats the old NES/SNES when it comes to sidescrolling games.

100% agree. Best of the best.
It's shot its load way too soon, has almost no third party support, it's a sinking ship. There is no way that it's going to hit PS2 numbers.



I've said this all along, it's a doomed system, so expect a replacement within a year and a half. PS3 hasn't even hit mass market price yet.

Weaste cares far too much about this subject.

You could almost picture him with a smarmy grin as he posted this thread
That graph is terrible, I'm not sure it's even remotely accurate either.

I like the way the PS3 units have a gradual decline where the the Wii sales, do a lemming job off a cliff in year 5.

I have a graph that shows X360's sales in the shape of a shark eating everyone.
Why compare to Ps2 figures anyway? Didnt we learn last week that the Ps2 sales were all from developing countries who have only gotten the oppertunity to buy the console in recent years
That graph is terrible, I'm not sure it's even remotely accurate either.

I like the way the PS3 units have a gradual decline where the the Wii sales, do a lemming job off a cliff in year 5.

I have a graph that shows X360's sales in the shape of a shark eating everyone.

The Wii has only been around for five or six years. And it is being compared to the PS2 which has been around far longer, not the PS3.
That graph is terrible, I'm not sure it's even remotely accurate either.

I like the way the PS3 units have a gradual decline where the the Wii sales, do a lemming job off a cliff in year 5.

I have a graph that shows X360's sales in the shape of a shark eating everyone.

Maybe because the Wii is 5 years old? .. its fiscal years. There is no data for more than 5 years for the Wii. The graph is just supposed to show a trend, that the Wii seems to be dropping off in sales at an earlier age than the PS2 did.

All that graph shows is that if the trend continues, the Wii will probably be seen as a less successful console than the PS2 when they are both off the market.
Why compare to Ps2 figures anyway?

Because at one point, that's what it was looking at hitting, it was the PS2s record figures that it was at one point smashing. The reason it didn't go on to do that was Nintendo's total failure to get full 3rd party support on board (for a variety of reasons). As has been said, PS2 declined in sales gracefully, the Wii dropped off a cliff, and the PS2 will still be in manufacture after the Wii has been removed from manufacture (yes, it will have outlasted 2 generations of Nintendo hardware) due to its incredibly dull library of casual oriented games that bore the shit out of people after a few days and only get put back in the machine at birthday parties and Christmas.