Not looking good for the Wii is it?


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
It's shot its load way too soon, has almost no third party support, it's a sinking ship. There is no way that it's going to hit PS2 numbers.



I've said this all along, it's a doomed system, so expect a replacement within a year and a half. PS3 hasn't even hit mass market price yet.
I don't know what that means, but those are nice graphs, good work. I like the graphs that look like Pac Man the best.

Why has the Wii peaked? I don't know a lot about gaming, but I always assumed it was slightly family-oriented and gimmicky, and anyone who wanted one will have one by now.
The problem with the Wii was that it's targeted at the wrong audience. People have bought it thinking yes, that sounds like a great idea. But in actual fact swinging your arms around in the living room to play Tiger Woods 2010 is not only annoying, but also extremely boring after the initial buzz has worn off.
I nicked the graphs, not my work. I think a lot of people have simply lost interest in the new thing that it brought to the table, the casual jumping up and down flailing your arms about thing, they even installed the thing in old people's homes. With next to little 3rd party support, only Nintendo themselves can keep it afloat, and it's not enough.
I bought into the initial hype of the Wii, but the novelty very quickly wore off after about a month. The good games werent coming out fast enough, apart from Zelda and Super Mario Galaxy it seemed to be just mini game collections that showed off the motion control. I traded it in for a PS3 after a few months of it doing nothing more than collecting dust
I got caught up in the hype, biggest waste of money ever.

Was just about to post the exact same thing.

I eventually got it after looking everywhere I possibly could for about 200 quid, played it a fair bit for 2 months, got boring, left it to rot for 6 months before selling it.
I think you're calling it a bit prematurely weaste.

Umm. I think he has a good case. It's the software graph that tells the story which has been echoed by people in this thread. People have been more than happy to buy the thing, but after 1 or 2 months they are bored of it. There is no longevity in such a system.
Was just about to post the exact same thing.

I eventually got it after looking everywhere I possibly could for about 200 quid, played it a fair bit for 2 months, got boring, left it to rot for 6 months before selling it.

Same situation as you mate

I got it for Christmas and was 'lucky' to get one of the last few in Gamestop, after about 20 minutes I realised I had made a huge mistake.
Correct Karel, the PS2 continued to sell gangbusters because it had massive 3rd party support, your GTAs etc. Wii hasn't got this, as can be seen by the software graph, only Nintendo can prop it up, and they are not big enough to attempt it. 3rd parties have 43m XB360s, 40m PS3s, and god knows how many PCs where they can develop a game and port them across quite easily, a Wii version would have to be developed totally separately, and most of the time doesn't sell well.

Then what happens when PS3 goes below 200 quid or dollars?
March 2000 in Japan, it's fiscal years, not annual years. ;)

A sneaky edit while I double checked my facts, I like your style Mr.Devil.

On topic though I think you're right, but short(ish) lived success is common for gimmicky things. Sony and Microsoft pumping cash into there own versions makes for an interesting side-story though as will the people burned by wii boredom want to spend cash on the PS3/xbox alternatives.
The XB360 thing I think is aimed directly at the Wii crowd, it's totally casual. The Move can do the real gaming stuff, and is not so good at the dancing thing. We'll have to wait and see.

The developer of Move says this about the Kinect that is for XB360, because he investigated the technology also, but decided to drop it, but he would say this wouldn't he?

Kinect has different data than we have. I'm really familiar with the data so I know exactly what it could do and yeah, sure it can do some things. It's really good for a certain slice of experiences like dancing or exercise, but it's hard to get out of a niche of experiences with it....

Having no buttons and no way to give information back easily... that's the limiting part I feel about it. The tech is still very interesting to us and to me and I'm still planning to explore things we could do with 3D input like that, but I just don't think it replaces what we have.

I think that Move allows for all sorts of stuff, but I'm still not convinced about the concept in general.

its the lack of quality third party titles thats hurting wii the most imo however i wouldn't say its completely blown its lot yet. With that big a number of units out there i think developers will continually try to tap in to it, its potentially big bucks and they'd be foolish not to. Some decent titles will come a long eventually and people will buy them.
Just trust it! There are weird people that track these things. Nintendo themselves give their numbers every quarter, it's a publicly listed company.

I don't like trusting these sort of things without any sort of source. Could easily be bias.
This is the 1st Nintendo console ever that I have not purchased. I think it is shit. Lack of 3rd party support is hurting it, but Nintendo has normally relied on their own games anyways.

But If I bought the console today I can look through what is available and maybe about 2games have any interest for me which is nowhere near enough
I suspect Nintendo won't be overly bothered, they'll have made enough money to put the relative flop of the Gamecube behind them financially.

It's good to see they are still a force in the gaming industry in any sense after what happened to Sega. As, Nintendo are the leading brand in gaming pedigree, considering Sony and especially Microsoft we're late comers to the gaming industry.
They need to get that 3DS out whilst everyone is still going loopy for 3D stuff.

I think they're missing the boat if they don't get it out before Xmas.
It's shot its load way too soon, has almost no third party support, it's a sinking ship. There is no way that it's going to hit PS2 numbers.

I've said this all along, it's a doomed system, so expect a replacement within a year and a half. PS3 hasn't even hit mass market price yet.

:lol: Doomed? Mate, you're bonkers. It sold obscenely well last Christmas, something like 2-3 million units in one month in America alone. The 360 sold about a million and the PS3 was lagging behind, typically. What relevance does that have you say? The Wii has had a year on year increase over the holiday period and still continues to outsell all of the other consoles month over month.

And are you suggesting the PS3 could even overtake the Wii, because it hasnt gone down in price? The 360 and the PS3 are fighting for second place and the PS3 is something like 60 million units behind the Wii at the moment...good luck catching up with that.
Im sure its been more than profitable for Nintendo. Its put them back on the map as a console maker.

The DS and the Wii have been huge successes for Nintendo.

Job done I would say.
Not sure about it being doomed to failure.

On the traditional (or dare I say 'hardcore') gaming scene, yes the Wii's interest is fading, and its hardware limitations will surely mean it's days are numbered in competing with the PS3 and 360 when it comes to next-gen releases.

Having said that though it'll still do well so long as Nintendo continue to release these gimmicky motion-sensing applications that middle-age women and 'casual gamers' (I shudder at that term) will jump at the opportunity to buy. All it's done is just refocused it's target consumer base. If however Kinect and Move manage to consistently churn out the same shit, then yes the Wii could be doomed.
I'm thinking of dusting off the Wii for Galaxy 2. I may even check out the new Goldeneye for nostalgias sake. If the new Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong and Kirby games are any good then there might be some life left in it.

The problem with 3rd party developers is that a lot of gamers buy the systems in order to play Nintendo exclusive titles. Most of the 3rd party games aren't as good as Nintendo's games, therefore they will always fail to sell in the same numbers as Nintendo do and seem to stop trying after a while.
Im sorry weaste, I love what you do , but Zelda is like the best game series of all time!
I get the impression that the Wii did quite well because it appealed to people who wouldnt usually be into playing computer games. It was a family machine. It was the sort of thing where when you go round to see friends with your missus and their missus, you could all end up playing a bit of Wii and the girls were quite into it. That was the experience I had, and my missus would never have played a PS2.

But people who are seriously into gaming never seemed to be so devoted to it and now that the novelty has worn off I am not sure the non-gamers will stick with it either. It seems like a fad.

However, that is just an outsiders' perspective, in the sense that I dont have a Wii or a PS3, and havent played very much on either of them. I havent played my PS2 in years, mainly cause I have young kids and dont want to get into the habit of staying up until the small hours playing computer games like I did in the good old days. But if I was to buy one now it would be a PS3 no question.
Did Nintendo ever get around to anything like this?

I have zero interest in video games except for Zelda, so I have no idea where the Wii is at in terms of software applications.