Nordic Ghost Yeti (Scandi Carroll) | Haaland at City

goal from nothing? It fell to him 5 yards out. Not like he hit one from 30 yards

Thats the kinda goal we don't score without him. We never or rarely score those kind of shitty goals cause no one wants the ball bad enough.
It was a goal from nothing because the ball was bouncing around and the defence were probably faves but he wanted it, the rest of our team would be waiting for someone else to win it and then score the pretty goal.
What's funny is how quickly the thread changed narrative as soon as he scored that goal. Before that it was all doom and gloom and now he's back to being a monster. I guess with a player like him, it's really all about the goals and little else.

He was not good in the first half. Second half was great.
He's obviously a huge goal threat. But I don't find his all round game impressive so far.
This is exactly how I see it. I get that his presence frightens sides and causes spaces elsewhere, but if he doesn't score then I find it tricky to appreciate what he offers.
Haaland gets to that pass Longstaff played to Pope just now. His short distance acceleration is just best in the league.

Haaland has been really good today. Silvas equalizer is a perfect example where he draws the defenders, allow KDB to play him through. Ideally he should have scored 3 today. He just gets chances.

3G1A in 3G so far. Right on par with his career stats.

Every striker with decent movement draws defenders, that's a basic move kids are taught, and often a way to excuse a less than satisfying input from a player. He is a premium goal scorer, no doubt, but so far I don't think Guardiola has found the solution to compensate his absence in City's build up. They got bullied by Newcastle for 2/3rd of the game and can thank KdB for his brilliance because it wasn't a great game from City. The way Guardiola had the team shaped to accomodate Haaland made them pretty vulnerable on the sides and Newcastle took advantage of that even with pretty average attackers.

City is still a really good team though, lots of qualities, but they didn't controle this game at all the way they used to.
In the limited viewing thus far, I don’t think Grealish nor Foden work well with him. They seem to either not be able to make the passes to him or just don’t want to. It’s mostly been de Bruyne putting him through centrally rather than them providing anything from wide areas
He will score a load of goals, we already knew that.

However, his lack of contribution to City's general attacking play is really noticeable. Compared with last season they are effectively playing with one fewer 'player' in the final third - in the sense of people constantly showing for the ball and playing their typical pass-and-move style.
What's funny is how quickly the thread changed narrative as soon as he scored that goal. Before that it was all doom and gloom and now he's back to being a monster. I guess with a player like him, it's really all about the goals and little else.

That would be true if people changed their opinions after the goal. Instead it’s different people sharing different opinions at different times. The non-goal in the first half didn’t change Amar’s mind, it just provided the opportunity for him to point out how he was right all along. And since scoring the goal, his mind hasn’t changed at all. It’s just a less convenient time to share it.

With Haaland it’s about the chances he creates, for himself and others, through his presence and movement. Both goals in the second half and most of the best chances of the game had those two things present. He didn’t need to touch the ball for the centre back to be drawn towards him and for the space to open up for Silva to capitalise. That’s not in vogue any more because it’s not a display of technique, but it’s obviously valuable.
goal from nothing? It fell to him 5 yards out. Not like he hit one from 30 yards

He had Newcastles entire defense around him and put himself into a position to score. Anyone can hit a ball into the net, its genuinely a lot more about being able to fight to get positions
He is a fantastic striker. City are not direct enough for his style but will still score loads.
Think they still have a great chance of getting to a 100 points with him. Just glad it's not going to be 114 points!
could have had 3 today. he is a beast and everyone who thinks he doesnt strengthen city is an optimist at least. his contribution for the run of de bruyne in the first half shows that he isnt only a goal poacher
Pogba had 7 assist after 3 games last season you can't necessarily extrapolate that, plus city still haven't played any of the big boys yet(I do wonder what his xg has been however).

From the eye test I think he still has some work to do insay he comfortably hits the 20 goal barrier but I don't think he's anywhere close to having a 30 + goal season or putting up insane peak Messi Ronaldo numbers yet.

Remind me in when the season's over I'll gladly eat up my words if he proved me wrong.

(I definitely hope he doesn't though :lol: )

Unfair comparison, given his anomality phsyical attributes leading to more consistent injuries. Him reaching those actual outright numbers are next to impossible. But on a per 90 level, he's absolutely not far away from them at all really already. If he played 35 league games, I reckon he'd be pushing 40 goals.... but he's likely gonna be rested in the super soft games and pulled off at 60.... 2 things that never happened to peak Messi or Ronaldo, even now it rarely happens. Haaland's gotta manage that body better than they had to, and he's well aware of it.
It's his third game? Too early to work out if he'll work in the system or not but he's already scoring goals.

He's extremely efficient with the ball, anyone who says otherwise clearly haven't seen him play. He can dribble and has an eye for some great layoffs in and around the box.

Unfortunately, he'll do extremely well at City.
He will score a load of goals, we already knew that.

However, his lack of contribution to City's general attacking play is really noticeable. Compared with last season they are effectively playing with one fewer 'player' in the final third - in the sense of people constantly showing for the ball and playing their typical pass-and-move style.

His first touch is kinda shocking to be honest, after watching Aguero and Jesus as strikers for so long. Other than that he's being used differently and he's stretching the play making room for KDB and Gundogan.
Seems a case of Pep having to sacrifice some aesthetic for proficiency.
He will score a load of goals, we already knew that.

However, his lack of contribution to City's general attacking play is really noticeable. Compared with last season they are effectively playing with one fewer 'player' in the final third - in the sense of people constantly showing for the ball and playing their typical pass-and-move style.
They scored 9 goals in 3 games...
His first touch is kinda shocking to be honest, after watching Aguero and Jesus as strikers for so long. Other than that he's being used differently and he's stretching the play making room for KDB and Gundogan.
Seems a case of Pep having to sacrifice some aesthetic for proficiency.

Yeah, they'll have to play more transitions, that's the way to use him fully. Building up and eventually trying to find him in the box isn't really working so far.
Thats the kinda goal we don't score without him. We never or rarely score those kind of shitty goals cause no one wants the ball bad enough.
It was a goal from nothing because the ball was bouncing around and the defence were probably faves but he wanted it, the rest of our team would be waiting for someone else to win it and then score the pretty goal.

Yup, they might look like shit goals but it's a skill in itself for some strikers to have the awareness and be looking for those kind of balls all the game. He's contributions have been alright so far but it's still very early into the season so one would expect the chemistry with the team will improve as they have more matches under their belt.
Yeah, they'll have to play more transitions, that's the way to use him fully. Building up and eventually trying to find him in the box isn't really working so far.

He'd have 5 goals and an assist in 3 games if Foden didn't think he was Messi the last two weeks, I'd say its working ok. Just looks weird because its so different to watching how we played last couple of seasons even with Kun.
Teams are never gonna give us the space to play in transition, it just doesn't happen often at City. Whenever it does we even without Haaland play super direct. It used to happen alot in Peps first two titles before teams just decided to line their box.
Yeah, they'll have to play more transitions, that's the way to use him fully. Building up and eventually trying to find him in the box isn't really working so far.
He's the single most devastating vertical threat in the game. Even more so than Mbappé. Soon as Foden and Grealish start passing him the ball in the box they're gonna need a calculator to count his goals
It's very apparent they're playing a man down in the final third, as he barely touches the ball in the build up, but his knack of knowing where the ball is going to land is astounding.
How are people saying he's over rated and not all that? :lol:

Like it or not, the guy is a beast and will be the biggest threat in the premier league even if he isn't already. He will bully many more defenders to come. It's not even a question of whether he'll score goals. He'll get a shed load.
His first touch is kinda shocking to be honest, after watching Aguero and Jesus as strikers for so long. Other than that he's being used differently and he's stretching the play making room for KDB and Gundogan.
Seems a case of Pep having to sacrifice some aesthetic for proficiency.
It's not great but at least it's not lukaku level bad, in retrospect pep didn't utilize Jesus enough.
Unfair comparison, given his anomality phsyical attributes leading to more consistent injuries. Him reaching those actual outright numbers are next to impossible. But on a per 90 level, he's absolutely not far away from them at all really already. If he played 35 league games, I reckon he'd be pushing 40 goals.... but he's likely gonna be rested in the super soft games and pulled off at 60.... 2 things that never happened to peak Messi or Ronaldo, even now it rarely happens. Haaland's gotta manage that body better than they had to, and he's well aware of it.
I'll guess we'll find out but he definitely needs to hit those numbers if he wants to be seen on the same level as Messi and Ronaldo .
Especially concerned he doesn't offer much aside from scoring goals compared to those 2.
No but it’s not an instance where he’s blatantly lacking technical quality like Nunez or Lukaku did, he’s just not much of a creator on the ball. Which is fine with this City team. They don’t need another creator
I agree that it's not blatantly lacking which is why he should always be an excellent goalscorer. But I'm not sure he's a best player in the world type footballer which is how some build him up.
He'd have 5 goals and an assist in 3 games if Foden didn't think he was Messi the last two weeks, I'd say its working ok. Just looks weird because its so different to watching how we played last couple of seasons even with Kun.
Teams are never gonna give us the space to play in transition, it just doesn't happen often at City. Whenever it does we even without Haaland play super direct. It used to happen alot in Peps first two titles before teams just decided to line their box.

Yeah, in a wonderful world where every player makes the right decision and where strikers don't miss, he'd have these stats, which isn't really relevant since it didn't happen. The truth is, most of his chances didn't come after long build up sequences that are City's bread and butter for a couple of seasons now. It's not different, it's just not optimized yet. And playing direct with Foden/Jesus/Sterling is very different than doing it with Haaland. I have no doubt Pep will figure it out and obviously the start of the season is good but it clearly still is a work in progress. It's pretty obvious City was struggling today to build properly without the extra midfielder provided by the false 9.
He's looked broadly great to me, everything anyone should have expected to see, good and bad (much more good).

Looked absolutely rinsed for the last 20 though.
I agree that it's not blatantly lacking which is why he should always be an excellent goalscorer. But I'm not sure he's a best player in the world type footballer which is how some build him up.
Pretty much my take on him, elite goall scorer but lacks the technique to be potentially considered an all timer like Mbappe does.
Yeah, in a wonderful world where every player makes the right decision and where strikers don't miss, he'd have these stats, which isn't really relevant since it didn't happen. The truth is, most of his chances didn't come after long build up sequences that are City's bread and butter for a couple of seasons now. It's not different, it's just not optimized yet. And playing direct with Foden/Jesus/Sterling is very different than doing it with Haaland. I have no doubt Pep will figure it out and obviously the start of the season is good but it clearly still is a work in progress. It's pretty obvious City was struggling today to build properly without the extra midfielder provided by the false 9.

For sure, its not gelled yet but I can't ever see it changing too much, I think we'll continue to play like this and he'll be more involved but never look the part.
Foden better feed him in the next couple of games otherwise he’s getting dropped.
Mbappe lacks the attitude and humbleness to be potentially considered an all timer.

He's full of himself but many all time greats were.

His attitudes is definitely concerned but he certainly has potential.
Their stats are naff in the CL compared to Haaland.

Haaland 26 G + A in 19 games.
Kagawa 12 G + A in 33 games.
Mkhitaryan 6 G+ A in 42 games.
Sancho 12 G + A in 28 games.

You’ve named 3 players and Haaland is only 4 G+ A behind them in the CL in total despite playing less games than them all individually.


I never said his stats aren't great, if you are juding players only by their stats Ronaldo is still one of best players in the world, and we can be sure that Haaland will probably one of best of all times anyway. That's not even the point, I literally said in my initial point that he will score tons of goals.