
I‘m shocked and surprised. Who would’ve thought that would happen? How very unfortunate.
Maybe, in this instance 'Suicide Watch' literally meant they were just gonna watch him commit suicide :confused:
From what I can tell his finances in general were smoke and mirrors, and he performed few actual financial services. His money cropped up all of a sudden from somewhere. For some purpose.

My point is that the unfounded label ‘billionaire’ suggests an inability to get even the most basic facts right when it comes to Epstein. Which in turn can be quite problematic when discussing or reporting stories like this one.
The description of this guy as a ‘billionaire’ by people in the media and in this thread been bothering me for weeks, because from what I can tell there’s not actually any reason to believe he was in fact a bilionaire.

It’s as weird as calling someone who’s worth 300k a ‘millionaire’. But I guess it just has such a nice ring to it.

His finances are murky for sure but his Manhattan home alone is worth around 100 million plus his private jets, yachts, two private islands. He might not have had 1 billion cash on hand but he was at that level from what we know - 300 million doesn't seem like enough to be playing with those resources. Of course not all the money he was playing might have been his, that's the thing about this. We clearly only know the tip of a very murky, corrupt iceberg and we might never get to really know about it.

Where are you getting this 300MM number from anyway?

This estimates he is "worth more than 500MM"
So a high profile person on suicide watch manages to kill himself? Don't want to speculate but he had help surely.

EDIT: So not on suicide watch. Well one side will continue to blame the other.
Stories are more likely to die out over the weekend.

I found this article on the New York Times that says Friday nights and nights before bank holidays and big events is the conventional wisdom. I’d contest that conventional wisdom isn’t that relevant in the modern 24hr media anymore. In UK politics the wisdom was that you bury it under bigger stories but that more related to political revelations that you could leak at any time.
Leslie Wexner, the billionaire behind the Victoria’s Secret lingerie chain hired Epstein in 1991 to manage his money, giving him vast power over his investment and tax affairs. Epstein reportedly made more than $200m from the deal. But last week Leslie Wexner said the financier had “misappropriated” more than $46m of his personal fortune. “I am embarrassed that, like so many others, I was deceived by Mr Epstein,” he said in a letter to the Wexner Foundation trustees. “I know now that my trust in him was grossly misplaced and I deeply regret having ever crossed his path.”
"I am ashamed that I knew Joffrey Sexshop, even though I never met him 97 times," said billionaire bigwig senator Jeremiah Tax-Haven. "He deceived me, being cunnily disguised as an infants' school. Still, he did introduce me to my wife, the former Miss Teen Thailand."
His finances are murky for sure but his Manhattan home alone is worth around 100 million plus his private jets, yachts, two private islands. He might not have had 1 billion cash on hand but he was at that level from what we know - 300 million doesn't seem like enough to be playing with those resources. Of course not all the money he was playing might have been his, that's the thing about this. We clearly only know the tip of a very murky, corrupt iceberg and we might never get to really know about it.

Where are you getting this 300MM number from anyway?

This estimates he is "worth more than 500MM"

I haven’t mentioned a number like that anywhere I think, so I don’t understand your question.
"I am ashamed that I knew Joffrey Sexshop, even though I never met him 97 times," said billionaire bigwig senator Jeremiah Tax-Haven. "He deceived me, being cunnily disguised as an infants' school. Still, he did introduce me to my wife, the former Miss Teen Thailand."
:lol: me and my brother still have a good laugh at your "discerning Luftwaffe" line from a while back
I knew he wouldn't make it to trial. Not surprised he was 'suicided'.

I guess it means case over and nothing else released about his associates?
It's such a shame when most folks already expected there wouldn't be any justice and here we have it.
Our governments are just Mafia outfits with better PR.
Who the feck believes he actually killed himself.

Either way, may he rot in hell.
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If he believed he would be murdered then he would have made sure all the evidence and dirt he had would get out. Expect damaging stuff to be leaked in the coming weeks and months.

Nah. Stuff will be leaked but nothing that people can't walk away from. It's already started with Prince Andrew being a bit touchy feely. Scandalous.
Just staggering incompetence or corruption by the guards in the special housing unit. I'm also curious how he managed to hang himself in those cells. In such a high security unit, there should be no means of committing suicide by hanging.
Just staggering incompetence or corruption by the guards in the special housing unit. I'm also curious how he managed to hang himself in those cells. In such a high security unit, there should be no means of committing suicide by hanging.
How do people hang themselves in a prison cell anyway? What do they “hang” from exactly?