His story is nonsense and the sweating thing has been debunked by doctors already. His insidious defence was created to make him look like a war hero when in fact its a proven lie that the condition he talks of doesn't exist and adrenalin has nothing to do with sweating. I can't believe he didn't check this.
He's a fool. The interview was joke and how this hasn't blown up bigger already is puzzling.
His very first words in the interview were to explain Epstein wasn't a close friend and he only knew him through a University friend. It's nonsense. The bloke flew all the way to NY to do the "Honourable thing" and finish the friendship face to face. Why would he do this if he only knew the bloke through a University friend. It obviously doesn't stack up. He's lying and has been seen to be lying. He needs to withdraw from all Royal duties immediately and go to the US and give his version of events and help with the enquiry. If he doesn't do this he will never be accepted by the public and will tarnish the Monarchy.
Fess up time.
Absolutely amazing