
“His financial status lends itself to his being victimized while in custody and as such, he has been placed in special management,” Chamberlain wrote. “He is poorly versed in jail routine and society and his adjustment to incarceration will most likely be atypical. For the time being, I am authorizing that his cell door be left unlocked and he be given liberal access to the attorney room where a TV will be installed.”

Well that’s good news for anyone else convicted. This precedent says that if you are likely to be victimised, or poorly versed in jail routine and society you can have special privileges. Maybe all those convicted criminals who weren’t given equal treatment can sue Florida.
Sounds like they might think there was a foul play in there.

Like 98% of Terrans.

And I’m sure any video they produce will clearly show some bad men sneaking into his cell..

If you can murder someone in a federal prison, you can cover up a surveillance tape.

One nervous bodyguard...

Read this the other week. I remember him getting KO'd by Frank Shamrock inside a minute back in one of the old UFC's.

But yeah, anyone who reads that and doesn't still think there's any conspiracy here should probably remove their head from the sand.
Why was Jeffrey Epstein allowed to purchase small women’s panties from the Palm Beach jail?

A decade ago, during a brief stint in Palm Beach County Jail, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein made an odd purchase at the facility’s store: two pairs of small women’s panties, size 5.

It was just one of thousands of dollars of purchases made by the disgraced financier while in jail after pleading guilty in 2008 to soliciting a minor for sex, according to a purchase log. (His top purchase was single-serve cups of coffee, of which he bought more than 800 in 13 months.) But the panties raise questions about why a childless male inmate, accused of sexually abusing girls as young as 14, would be allowed to buy female undergarments so small that they wouldn’t fit an average-sized adult woman.

The panties were certainly too small for Epstein, who also purchased his briefs in men’s medium and sweatshirts ranging from XL to 3XL, and size-12 shoes. So what, or who, were they for, and why wouldn’t the purchase raise eyebrows under the circumstances? It’s one of many questions that arise from thousands of pages of records obtained by the Miami Herald from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

So anything happen since Maxwell was sighted the other day? Worrying how this story/scandal looks to be slowly disappearing. The powerful will never face the judgement. Has Prince Andrew just upped and ran away till dust settles? How does no one question how suspicious and strange that behaviour is?
So anything happen since Maxwell was sighted the other day? Worrying how this story/scandal looks to be slowly disappearing. The powerful will never face the judgement. Has Prince Andrew just upped and ran away till dust settles? How does no one question how suspicious and strange that behaviour is?

Buckingham Palace responded on the Epstein stuff stating Andrew vehemently denies blah blah.......which will keep the dogs at bay for a while.

Usual Palace protocol of denying, shut up shop and hopefully it all dies down.

This just seems to be too big and the people supposedly involved are probably too big to bring down. It will come to nothing but will be massive on conspiracy forums for years to come.
Our prince was dining in a home of a registered sex offender. Now he says he is appalled.
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Marina Hyde said:
Either way, Andrew left Scotland by private jet earlier in the week. He has since boarded his second private jet in just a few days, along with Fergie, who we learn has whisked him away to a Spanish hideaway in Sotogrande.
Buckingham Palace responded on the Epstein stuff stating Andrew vehemently denies blah blah.......which will keep the dogs at bay for a while.

Usual Palace protocol of denying, shut up shop and hopefully it all dies down.

This just seems to be too big and the people supposedly involved are probably too big to bring down. It will come to nothing but will be massive on conspiracy forums for years to come.

And they will be laughed at and ridiculed for years to come also, until it eventually comes round again and the next big name who is no longer required is bumped off.
And when they were up, they were up
And when they were down, they were down
And when they were only half-way up
They were neither up nor down…
And they will be laughed at and ridiculed for years to come also, until it eventually comes round again and the next big name who is no longer required is bumped off.

Already news of this seems to be dying off with small segments here and there but nothing in depth. Panorama should have been all over this years ago and even now but absolutely nothing to delve deeper into possible disgusting behaviour from prominent figures but then again the BBC knew what was going on with Jimmy Saville under their noses and let it continue and swept it under the carpet.

To be honest I am sure this goes on with the elite 100% as it does with churches etc. People are swayed by the mainstream news so unless it is reported and investigated by them the average person just carries on and the rest are conspiracy nuts.
Marina Hyde said:
Either way, Andrew left Scotland by private jet earlier in the week. He has since boarded his second private jet in just a few days, along with Fergie, who we learn has whisked him away to a Spanish hideaway in Sotogrande.

Why is Sir Alex getting involved with Prince Andrew? The last thing United need this week is another scandal. lol
Already news of this seems to be dying off with small segments here and there but nothing in depth. Panorama should have been all over this years ago and even now but absolutely nothing to delve deeper into possible disgusting behaviour from prominent figures but then again the BBC knew what was going on with Jimmy Saville under their noses and let it continue and swept it under the carpet.

To be honest I am sure this goes on with the elite 100% as it does with churches etc. People are swayed by the mainstream news so unless it is reported and investigated by them the average person just carries on and the rest are conspiracy nuts.

Oh definitely.

Paedophilia and sexual abuse is, imo, far bigger and more widespread than anyone thinks and it is scary to think how many powerful people could be involved and influencing this stuff.
Jeffrey Epstein's will set up trust fund to shield $577m fortune days before death

The will that disgraced financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein signed just two days before his jailhouse suicide puts more than $577m in assets into a trust fund that could make it more difficult for his dozens of accusers to collect damages.

Estate lawyers and other experts say prying open the trust and dividing up the financier’s riches is not going to be easy and could take years.

“This is the last act of Epstein’s manipulation of the system, even in death,” said attorney Jennifer Freeman, who represents child sex abuse victims.

What’s happened to that maxwell woman? Sighted then absolutely nothing.
The story now is the mystery around his death rather than the mystery behind the powerful people involved in his dirty crimes.
What’s happened to that maxwell woman? Sighted then absolutely nothing.
The story now is the mystery around his death rather than the mystery behind the powerful people involved in his dirty crimes.

That was the story last week, yeah, news cycle has moved on now.
Honestly, this appalling stuff reminds me of historical reports written just before monarchies were overthrown. Corruption, sleaze, and arrogant entitlement:


“The situation changed when Epstein was convicted. It was Andrew’s conscious decision to stay loyal, to not criticise his friend the convicted paedophile. And, while that may be fine for him, it’s a step too far. What it’s saying is the royal family tolerates this sort of behaviour,” said one veteran royal commentator, who has met Andrew on several occasions.
In 2011, following pressure over the Epstein connection, he stood down from his role as UK special representative for trade and investment. It did not help when his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, admitted having accepted £15,000 from Epstein to help pay off her debts.

His links have often raised eyebrows; meetings with the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif; entertaining the son-in-law of Tunisia’s ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali at Buckingham Palace; his relations with Timor Kulibayev, son-in-law of the president of Kazakhstan, who purchased the duke’s Sunninghill Park home for £3m more than its £12m asking price.
'Boorish and self-centred': little love for Prince Andrew over Epstein links ~
Before he got married he was always referred to in the redtops as 'Randy Andy'. He's always been a sleazy fecker and he's going to get very uncomfortable in the coming months.

Movie ad suggests an old pic that they wanted to make look new, as does all the photoshopping to make it seem like she's on her own (otherwise you'd just stage it better). This is the oddest thing to me though:
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So it looks that there was an old sign/poster there that may have given away the date and therefore show that it was photoshopped or that she sat there a long time ago.

Then we have the flawed footage from a camera outside the cell. We could have told them it was flawed before they checked.

Barr’s influence on all of this shines through. Bunch of amateurs the lot of them and run by the worst amateur of them all.