It adheres exactly to the usual Coen brothers structure though. Going into the film knowing nothing of the book, I was always expecting something similar to their other films, even though I knew their input into the writing wasn't as great as in their other films. Because I know of their fondness for certain ways of ending stories and certain elements - people chasing money which may or may not exist, unhinged characters, kidnappings and ransoms etc - I knew that I'd probably see those themes explored again to some degree.
The trouble is that I enjoy their films for the dialog more than anything and there wasn't enough of it. I didn't feel any tension during any of the film and although it looked good - as usual with Roger Deakins cinematography, it just left me a bit disinterested. I couldn't care less about any of the characters and having an inkling as to what fate would befall them made me even more apathetic towards them unfortunately. There's nothing wrong with it but it just left me cold.