No Country for Old Men

I was like that watching There Will Be Blood, I just couldn't be fecked, maybe as it was a Thursday night and I was knackered, couldn't get into it...
You gimp Wibbs, it's great.

If you watch it expecting some cinematic masterpiece you'd probably be disappointed. If you take it for what it is, it's very good.
I was like that watching There Will Be Blood, I just couldn't be fecked, maybe as it was a Thursday night and I was knackered, couldn't get into it...

I was similar in There Will Be Blood although as I was on a plane, couldn't sleep and there was bugger all else to do I did see it through.

Here's my response to a similar NCFOM thread in the newbies a couple of days ago:

An excellent film and book, I thought the Coens captured the bleakness of the book exceptionally well. As Popper says, the whole thing is supposed to be viewed through the eyes of Sherriff Bell, an old style one horse town sherriff who looks on with despair and incredulity at the way the world is headed. Chigurh is more metaphor than man and the way Javier Bardam played him as a cold emotionless black hole was truly terrifying.

Not an easy film to watch by any means and not one you'd stick on for a couple of hours light entertainment but a literary and cinematic masterclass. Now if someone could explain to me what was so special about There Will Be Blood, I'd be eternally grateful. Very similar in premise and very well acted and filmed but the hollowness and lack of direction to the characters' lives really left me wondering how I could get that 2 hours of mine back. In No Country... you were rooting for Bell, Moss, Moss's girlfriend, the gas station attendant and even Woody Harrelson's hit man, in There Will Be Blood there wasn't a single character that elicited any emotion from me, not even his kid.
Have a Cormac McCarthy signed copy of the book, an original. What say that worth fellas? When I moved my really rich friend missed my going away party, knowing I liked the movie, and had read The Road he sent the copy to me for my birthday albeit 3 months late. What would this be worth on internet, not saying I want to sell
Good film or not?

Their first film, Blood Simple, has the exact same feel. A couple of twists and turns added. There's certainly a bit more of a cognitive message to No Country. But nothing earth shattering. Pretty pointless in the end. I actually enjoyed Blood Simple far more.
What film isnt pointless in the end, unless of course tyou are a Simpleton, I mean in the end unless there is a sequel which is so usually pointless in itself that u already knew what would happen.
Personally thought it was absolutely brilliant. The story is actually a pretty standard chase film with the money being a rather uninspiring Macguffin. However the themes and textures between the story are what really interested me. And some of the individual scenes are exceptional; Tommy Lee Jones visiting his old friend and the shop scene being my favourites.

Thought There Will Be Blood was even better though.
It was a great film but probably a tad overrated. And I am a huge Coens fan myself. NCFOM would be nothing without Bardem, he WAS the movie.
I really wanted to like it but i was underwhelmed to the point that when the missus fell asleep half way through i turned it off and I have never finished watching it.

I thought it was a great film, but thats not a good way to judge it. My ex-gf fecking fell asleep half way through The Departed cause she thought it was boring.:eek:
I thought it was a great film, but thats not a good way to judge it. My ex-gf fecking fell asleep half way through The Departed cause she thought it was boring.:eek:

I hope she was good in bed because she sounds like a Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime
I hope she was good in bed because she sounds like a Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

Did you know her? Thats the way i described her to most people.
She could suck a mean dick but didn't have two braincells to rub together. Thought Amsterdam was a country
Watch it again lads, its fecking brilliant... I might even watch it again tonight :D

I've seen it about 4 times, and read the book
I haven't read the book, really want to. Bought The Road last week, gonna start reading that this weekend probably.
Whats that? I've 4 books to get through before I buy anymore though
Whats that? I've 4 books to get through before I buy anymore though

Its another Cormac McCarthy book, about a father and a son trying to make their way across america after some huge apocalyptic event. Apparently its really dark. Sounds good though, anything involving the apocalypse im there with bells on.
You gimp Wibbs, it's great.

If you watch it expecting some cinematic masterpiece you'd probably be disappointed. If you take it for what it is, it's very good.

I like their films but it wasn't their best work by some way. Better than 90% of the rubbish made thses days mind. I keep meaning to watch it again, all the way through this time. Maybe I will this weekend.
Its another Cormac McCarthy book, about a father and a son trying to make their way across america after some huge apocalyptic event. Apparently its really dark. Sounds good though, anything involving the apocalypse im there with bells on.

The Road was a stunningly good book. The film, correctly made, would sweep the Oscars.
I enjoyed the cat and mouse game the villain and the other guy were playing, but to see him getting killed off screen, and by some drug barons (I think) was really unsatisfactory.

Didn't really understand the Tommy Lee Jones bits. Was it meant to be deep and moving?
Boring one of those films that win when the vast majority of people don't really like it.

Any film critics rave about seem to be average.
There will be blood.

I'm an oyal man.

(that about sums that film up)

Strangely I found it interesting but I can see why others don't.The Mrs went to bed.


Fantastic film.

I think it is about cowardice and the lack of free will.

Is Chigurh ex special forces and the guy they send to stop him is his ex CO or did I jump to the wrong conclusion there?
The Road was a stunningly good book. The film, correctly made, would sweep the Oscars.

It's happening.

Viggo Mortensen playing the lead, which bodes well.

Incredibly good book but bleak as hell. Movie will be a tough watch but could well be brilliant.

EDIT: Just checked out the screen-shots from IMDB. Looks like Michael K. Williams (Omar from The Wire) is in it. Sweeeeeet.
I watched it a few months ago and didn't really like it. It was by no means shite, but the way the reviewers went on about it (and it winning the Best Film Oscar) I thought I was in for a masterpiece.

I wasn't. It was just another film to add to the "decent, but will probably never watch again" list.

Funniest part about the whole thing was that my ultra-hard, rugby playing housemate had to stop watching it because the violence was too realistic and extreme for him.
Just finished watching this, was brilliant, loved it. Javier Bardam was exceptional in it, played the part superbly.

For those who have read the book aswell, is it worth a read, and is it better than the movie?