
nemanja nemagic

Full Member
Apr 20, 2007
What are their top three songs?

1.In Bloom
2.Smells like teen Spirit
3.Heart shaped box
Aneurysm - The archetypal grunge song
About a Girl - One of my favourites because of the simplicity of it, yet it's high effectiveness
Rape Me - Superb account of how Kurdt felt about some of his friends and those meant to help him as he hit the fame

SMTS is one of the most harrowing because looking back, it is was the culmination of Kurdt's dreams and nightmares in one.

As mentioned, the Live Unplugged Set is superb. People weren't sure how it would pan out, but it was amazing, Kurdt's voice was a powerful contrast to the softening of their songs, and the covers were sublime.
all a bit subjective but for me
penny royal tea
radio friendly unit shifter
all apologies...

and mollys lips though thats not exactly a proper nirvana song
1. Smells like teen spirit (Their anthem)
2. Comes as you are
3. Heart shaped box
Come As You Are
All Apologies
Been a Son
About A Girl
Lake Of Fire
Pennyroyal Tea
Territorial Pissings.

Yes, I can't count.
Doesn't matter. You can't name three. I struggled, changed my mind about 30 times and just pressed submit.
I love Nirvana. Just wish I could of seen them live. have you got the unplugged DVD? It's fantastic. Them and meat puppets do bit of a jam of sweet Home Alabama.

Choosing 3 songs is hard though. Too hard, as it changes every time i listen to them.
I love Nirvana. Just wish I could of seen them live. have you got the unplugged DVD? It's fantastic. Them and meat puppets do bit of a jam of sweet Home Alabama.

Choosing 3 songs is hard though. Too hard, as it changes every time i listen to them.

They were the reason I learnt guitar, and I loved music. It is no surprise my music choices have similar rhythmic patterns to those created by Nirvana, the Jam, Soundgarden and the rest of the grunge movement.

I'm far too young to have seen them, but scarily, I will always remember watching he had died on tele. I knew a lot about them because they were my childminders eldest son's favourite band. He leant me cds, even though I was only young, I was captivated. The words didn't speak to me until I got to my teens. I only fully understood them after reading Charles R Cross' biography of Kurdt.

While we are on Unplugged, here is About a Girl

I can get it down to 6 tracks.

The first 5 from Nevermind plus Heart Shaped Box.
Never been the biggest fan of Nirvana tbh, but ...

1. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge
2. Come As You Are
3. In Bloom
It's really a shame Cobain was such a miserable feck. Can't decide whose unplugged is better; theirs or Alice in Chains'.

In anycase, mine are Lithium, Heart shaped box and All apologies.
Tough question indeed...
simple musically + incomprehensible lyrics = perfection

Grunge is a style that I really like... Nirvana is the pioneer...
Aneurysm - The archetypal grunge song
About a Girl - One of my favourites because of the simplicity of it, yet it's high effectiveness
Rape Me - Superb account of how Kurdt felt about some of his friends and those meant to help him as he hit the fame

SMTS is one of the most harrowing because looking back, it is was the culmination of Kurdt's dreams and nightmares in one.

As mentioned, the Live Unplugged Set is superb. People weren't sure how it would pan out, but it was amazing, Kurdt's voice was a powerful contrast to the softening of their songs, and the covers were sublime.

it's annoying when people call him Kurdt. he called himself kurdt, you don't have to aswell. :smirk:

personally i like...

Scentless Apprentice
Drain You
Verse Chorus Verse
1. Smells like teen spirit (their defining song, bit mainstream though)
2. Breed (Love the riff on it)
3. In Bloom