Gaming Nintendo Switch

So there appears to be some rumours circulating that docking the switch will enable it to "overclock" to give it a performance boost.

It's also being rumoured that the dock will be fitted with a fan to keep the device cool while it is over clocking.
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In a times when people like to go mobile and have everything in one device, and strive for minimalism, this will sell like crazy if they get third party support. A Nintendo hybrid console with Nintendo exclusives and major titles from other platforms is a sure success. However it's pretty much guaranteed it won't get games like GTA, Red Dead etc. which will again prevent this from being number one console for gamers and it will only work as a second device.
Pretty lucky in that I've been invited to a private event for a first-look at this machine. Comes the day after the presentation, so I'll be testing it out on January 14th.
Pretty lucky in that I've been invited to a private event for a first-look at this machine. Comes the day after the presentation, so I'll be testing it out on January 14th.

You're the worst!
How come you've been invited? Do you work for a gaming website or something?
Not technically a job as I don't get paid for it, but a few years ago when the 3DS started getting popular, I found a group on Facebook called 'StreetPass Manchester'. Aim being to get 3DS users together in a casual area, have drinks, play multiplayer and get StreetPass hits for the puzzle panels / plaza games.

It quickly grew to 30+ people after just two meet-ups, so we reached out to Nintendo UK and it turns out one of their job roles is "Community and Social Media Manager". At this point I was helping the guy who started the group, James Bowden, to run things (me mainly organising Pokémon tournaments and other things). Jonathan started shipping us prizes, eShop Credit codes etc to make things even better.

Jonathan since left the company, James got offered his role so took it and moved down South. Now I run the Manchester group with a friend (there are loads of groups for the main regions of the UK and Ireland). James basically supplies us with equipment, prizes, covers venue hire for our 100+ people meet ups and tournaments etc. And every now and then, a bit of unreleased info and invites to special events :P
In a times when people like to go mobile and have everything in one device, and strive for minimalism, this will sell like crazy if they get third party support. A Nintendo hybrid console with Nintendo exclusives and major titles from other platforms is a sure success. However it's pretty much guaranteed it won't get games like GTA, Red Dead etc. which will again prevent this from being number one console for gamers and it will only work as a second device.

This is exactly my problem with Nintendo consoles, i love mario/zelda, but past that there are usually very few decent games. On the Wii, the only two games i loved outside of those were Silent Hills and Resident Evil 4, the rest were just silly party games.

If Nintendo ever actually did start getting hold of the regular titles, it'd be hard to beat! Until then it'll be hard for me to be into the Switch, another what, £200-300 just to play another Zelda and Mario!

Having said all that, i'm still eternally tempted to pick up a 3DS to get my Mario/Zelda fix :)
Not technically a job as I don't get paid for it, but a few years ago when the 3DS started getting popular, I found a group on Facebook called 'StreetPass Manchester'. Aim being to get 3DS users together in a casual area, have drinks, play multiplayer and get StreetPass hits for the puzzle panels / plaza games.

It quickly grew to 30+ people after just two meet-ups, so we reached out to Nintendo UK and it turns out one of their job roles is "Community and Social Media Manager". At this point I was helping the guy who started the group, James Bowden, to run things (me mainly organising Pokémon tournaments and other things). Jonathan started shipping us prizes, eShop Credit codes etc to make things even better.

Jonathan since left the company, James got offered his role so took it and moved down South. Now I run the Manchester group with a friend (there are loads of groups for the main regions of the UK and Ireland). James basically supplies us with equipment, prizes, covers venue hire for our 100+ people meet ups and tournaments etc. And every now and then, a bit of unreleased info and invites to special events :P
Ah right, cool!
This is exactly my problem with Nintendo consoles, i love mario/zelda, but past that there are usually very few decent games. On the Wii, the only two games i loved outside of those were Silent Hills and Resident Evil 4, the rest were just silly party games.

If Nintendo ever actually did start getting hold of the regular titles, it'd be hard to beat! Until then it'll be hard for me to be into the Switch, another what, £200-300 just to play another Zelda and Mario!

Having said all that, i'm still eternally tempted to pick up a 3DS to get my Mario/Zelda fix :)

Would they even allow Rockstar to make GTA for their main home console? I know they allowed Chinatown Wars but I seem to remember it was much less brutal than your normal GTA and Rockstar will not bother to dedicate a separate full blown GTA for Nintendo.
Would they even allow Rockstar to make GTA for their main home console? I know they allowed Chinatown Wars but I seem to remember it was much less brutal than your normal GTA and Rockstar will not bother to dedicate a separate full blown GTA for Nintendo.

They'd be stupid not to considering it's guaranteed money spinner. Nintendo's core audience is actually much older than it ever has been imo, isn't the average age of a gamer in their late 20s now?

With that said, the hardware limitations would be the most difficult thing to overcome but if the Switch sells well enough R* would be willing to make a port.
Would they even allow Rockstar to make GTA for their main home console? I know they allowed Chinatown Wars but I seem to remember it was much less brutal than your normal GTA and Rockstar will not bother to dedicate a separate full blown GTA for Nintendo.
If they allowed Manhunt 2 for their most "family friendly" console, I reckon they'd allow a GTA game.
Launch event @11 PM Thursday NY time, @ 4 am Friday UK time, @ 1 pm Friday JP time.

Personally I think it is an overpriced TV Stick and an overpriced portable games console. Will need serious Nintendo magic to turn it into a success.
Launch event @11 PM Thursday NY time, @ 4 am Friday UK time, @ 1 pm Friday JP time.

Personally I think it is an overpriced TV Stick and an overpriced portable games console. Will need serious Nintendo magic to turn it into a success.
Very hard to predict. It needs to be €300 or less to have a chance

Ive pre booked it anyway. Not sure why. My kids have had a WiiU for years and Ive still yet to play the thing
Thing is, the PS4 sometimes pops up at £150. The Nvidia Shield in most of it's incarnations tends to be about £150 too.

A £150 (basic) or £195 (with games) Nintendo Switch would kill it. But I really think it's going to be £300.

It's not going to be particularly easy to port games over to it, as the architecture is very different from current gen.

Then need to hit it out the park with 5 + interesting first party launch titles, and 10 + old gen ones.
Thing is, the PS4 sometimes pops up at £150. The Nvidia Shield in most of it's incarnations tends to be about £150 too.

A £150 (basic) or £195 (with games) Nintendo Switch would kill it. But I really think it's going to be £300.

It's not going to be particularly easy to port games over to it, as the architecture is very different from current gen.

Then need to hit it out the park with 5 + interesting first party launch titles, and 10 + old gen ones.

They'll do that with some upgraded Wii-U games including mario kart and splatoon that are truly brilliant and an interesting looking new Mario game. They also have a stunning looking Zelda game as a launch title.
As always though, third party support will be key.
Dark Souls in your pocket, Pokemon, Zelda, and on the flip side, being able to play a full main series Pokemon on your tv, this really could be knocked out of the park.
.As always though, third party support will be key.
Thats why I think they are in trouble. The "pro" controller is going to be pretty much a xbox controller. If you have a switch + ps4/x1 and a game comes out for two devices, will you get it on the switch or on the ps4/x1?

For the Wii, there were millions and millions of people crying out for games on the wii, and those games wouldn't sell well on ps3/x360 because the control system was completely different, (or few people had a move).

But somehow theyve got to convince the average user to buy multiplatform games on their system ahead of another.
Thing is, the PS4 sometimes pops up at £150. The Nvidia Shield in most of it's incarnations tends to be about £150 too.

A £150 (basic) or £195 (with games) Nintendo Switch would kill it. But I really think it's going to be £300.

It's not going to be particularly easy to port games over to it, as the architecture is very different from current gen.

Then need to hit it out the park with 5 + interesting first party launch titles, and 10 + old gen ones.

There's no way it will be £300.
Thats why I think they are in trouble. The "pro" controller is going to be pretty much a xbox controller. If you have a switch + ps4/x1 and a game comes out for two devices, will you get it on the switch or on the ps4/x1?

For the Wii, there were millions and millions of people crying out for games on the wii, and those games wouldn't sell well on ps3/x360 because the control system was completely different, (or few people had a move).

But somehow theyve got to convince the average user to buy multiplatform games on their system ahead of another.

Well, if you have the chance to carry a multiplatform game in your pocket vs being tied to the home TV, it could persuade many to opt for the Switch version, provided the developers put enough effort in to make a decent port.
Maybe a few, but who is really going to take it out and about? You can't put a case on it, because it won't fit back into the dock!
I think Nintendo knows for the most part people are not thinking this will be their primary console.

It will be Ps4/Xb1 + a switch
Maybe a few, but who is really going to take it out and about? You can't put a case on it, because it won't fit back into the dock!

It's not necessarily out and about. You could take it from room to room in your house etc, freeing up the tv for others. Also, Nintendo have sold millions and millions of hand held consoles, I think there will be a lot of takers that appreciate the portability. Taking a case off to put it in the dock won't be too much of a hardship if they're designed well enough.

As Randall said, ps4/xbox + a switch would be the default choice for all but the most hardcore Nintendo fans anyway.
Thing is, this isn't just replacing the WiiU, it's likely replacing the 3DS.

Yes, all their eggs in one basket, but with all their development teams focusing on one console, it should mean a steady stream of top quality first party games.
It's not necessarily out and about. You could take it from room to room in your house etc, freeing up the tv for others. Also, Nintendo have sold millions and millions of hand held consoles, I think there will be a lot of takers that appreciate the portability. Taking a case off to put it in the dock won't be too much of a hardship if they're designed well enough.

As Randall said, ps4/xbox + a switch would be the default choice for all but the most hardcore Nintendo fans anyway.
It will be Ps4/Xb1 + a switch
But who's going to buy a cross platform game on the switch. I know @Bill.s.preston you're saying portability will sell, but I'm not sure.

Also, it's quite big. 6.2 inches plus the handles/controllers.

Playing pokemon on the TV sounds great. Mario kart, Zelda, Super Mario, Splatoon, great great great.
But who's going to buy a cross platform game on the switch. I know @Bill.s.preston you're saying portability will sell, but I'm not sure.

Also, it's quite big. 6.2 inches plus the handles/controllers.

Playing pokemon on the TV sounds great. Mario kart, Zelda, Super Mario, Splatoon, great great great.

It depends on how well the switch handles the games, and how much effort third parties put into it. If the quality between the switch games/ps4 games is negligible, why wouldn't you opt for the choice that gives you added portability?

I'd imagine that people who use their 3ds a lot would certainly buy big third party games on the Switch.

I'm not overly optimistic, but I think it's got a chance.
Anywhere between £200-£250 and I'm in day 1. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube (I have a 3DS but that's not the same) so I'm looking forward to this especially games I missed like Splatoon and the latest Mario Kart's. I mainly game on PC but this thing should be great for casual play around the house be it on the living room tv or even in bed at night using the handheld part of the device it seems ideal for me.

The one thing I never understood with Nintendo is the lack of third party support, if they released all their exclusive franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc) but also catered to a wider audience I see no reason why they wouldn't win every 'console war' going people would have the best of both worlds. Can you imagine if this launched with a new Mario, Zelda and then the likes of Battlefield 1, Doom, Fifa and Final Fantasy it would fly off the shelves.
These past couple of weeks I've been thinking how much bloody fun I had playing Mario Party, Super Smash Bros and the like on the Gamecube back in the day. I live with four others, all of us aged 24-27, and I reckon it would be great fun having something like that available again. I'll have to follow this whole Switch thing and see what it does, I think.
These past couple of weeks I've been thinking how much bloody fun I had playing Mario Party, Super Smash Bros and the like on the Gamecube back in the day. I live with four others, all of us aged 24-27, and I reckon it would be great fun having something like that available again. I'll have to follow this whole Switch thing and see what it does, I think.

Get on ebay. Gamecube + those games will be pretty cheap. Controllers might be expensive though?
Get on ebay. Gamecube + those games will be pretty cheap. Controllers might be expensive though?
Yeah I've been thinking about doing that. But I also like the idea of having an actual new console with the same sort of titles or multiplayer friendly gameplay.
But who's going to buy a cross platform game on the switch. I know @Bill.s.preston you're saying portability will sell, but I'm not sure.

Also, it's quite big. 6.2 inches plus the handles/controllers.

Playing pokemon on the TV sounds great. Mario kart, Zelda, Super Mario, Splatoon, great great great.

I dont think this console will fail or succeed because of cross platform games. But I suppose they have to be seen to be trying initially

Apparently visuals and framerate drop significantly when it is not docked. So big cross platform games might struggle a lot

I have no idea how it will take off, but its so hard to predict anymore what will succeed or not. It might have one little key element and the world will go nuts about it and buy them in bucketloads
Yeah I've been thinking about doing that. But I also like the idea of having an actual new console with the same sort of titles or multiplayer friendly gameplay.

The much maligned Wii-u had some cracking local multiplayer stuff. Hopefully the Switch will follow suit.
I dont think this console will fail or succeed because of cross platform games. But I suppose they have to be seen to be trying initially

Apparently visuals and framerate drop significantly when it is not docked. So big cross platform games might struggle a lot

I have no idea how it will take off, but its so hard to predict anymore what will succeed or not. It might have one little key element and the world will go nuts about it and buy them in bucketloads

I've heard conflicting things about that, such as simulated images in the adverts etc. I guess we'll find out for sure when reviewers get their hands on the final products.