In a well-ordered universe...
Dallas Clark is a Shannon Sharpe type ie very good
I know what you're getting at there but Clark and Sharpe are different types. Clark is more an H-back where as Sharpe was your classic modern era TE. Gonzalez and Witten are more like Sharpe (special mention to Coates as well).
I would have compared Sharpe to Gates but Gates is something so unique to the TE position that I can't compare him anyone. He gets much deeper than most TEs. He has more speed than just about any TE. He's a hybrid TE/WR.
There has been a rebirth of TE/H-backs/hybrids the last few years. There was some damn good TEs in the 90s: Sharpe, Coates, Novacek, Jones, Jackson, Gonzalez (last 3 years). Right now might be the golden era at the position.