Austerity is killing people. Cameron said no front line cuts in my job and we've seen over a 50% frontline cut in my public sector workforce. I'm exhausted again after nights where we are so shortstaffed and the workload just gets greater and greater. After being told we are facing our third shift system in two years to pay for austerity, constantly being bullied by vicious managers promoted because they don't care, watching my wages lose over a quarter of their value and work becoming more physically and mentally draining, watching my contributions go up and my benefits go down as my pension is being destroyed, watching peoples age and their health deteriorate as they give up hope, being told because of the budget settlement they want more cuts 25%, watching a highly motivated workforce being ground down and hating their job. Watching our cleaner being given impossible amounts of work, until he cracks and has a breakdown, to make money for some private firm sucking up money from the public sector.
Getting home and seeing the pressure my wife is under constantly battling a broken system trying to make sure working class people get decent health care, when I complain she's over three hours late again and her tea is ruined, she makes me ashamed by replying 'Would you want me to leave on time if it was your mother I was dealing with, I needed to make sure she got the best treatment and was comfortable and not let down in her last days'. On my days off the let-up is no better, having to scrape up money to get our daughter accommodation at university worrying we can't afford to do the same for my son. I never thought I'd face the problem of not being able to afford to finish my kids education.
Going to funerals of friends and family destroyed by drugs or suicide in a society breaking down...for those interested running total this year: two suicide, two heroin, one alcohol and one shooting. Having to spend days of worry trying to sort out relatives who are on the breadline because their money is stopped, watching relatives with terminal cancer having their money stopped, watching my Mother in law who's dying having her housing benefit stopped cynically to meet targets, when we are on breaking point looking after our parents fighting to get them the best treatment to give them the dignity they installed in us. Watching my Dad with Alzhiemers, in a home shortstaffed, constantly fighting to make sure he's not falling through the gaps, realising the one thing he wanted to pass on to us - his pride a house that he's bought as a Liverpool docker - is being used to fund his care.
And the thing is I'm not alone. I hear the same from my workmates and friends, yet the Labour Party wants to remain relevant by not voting against austerity. It's not about clever manoeuvres amongst the political class, abstaining for effect; Burnham should be ashamed of himself. There are a massive section of working class people who have no voice who were buzzing listening to the maiden speech of the young girl from the SNP, Mharie Black. Everyone was sending it to each other on their phones in work, because it connects with their lives, makes sense. It's not about how left-wing you are, it's whether you are addressing some of the issues that are effecting what were core Labour voters, because if you aren't and you want to box clever at Westminister you'll lose that vote to indifference to politics, to the SNP in Scotland (who at least are opposing austerity) or worse the 'blame it on the immigrants' parties because they're a siren call to ordinary working class people who are not seeing any hope from Labour. Corbyn at least realises you need to oppose austerity, which laughingly is seen as left-wing in todays Labour party.